Why don't the President and his sycophants tell the truth about the GM Plant?


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Ryan was CORRECT.

The idiots leftists who flocked to attack him as a supposed "liar" are, of course, themselves the liars.

GM Janesville plant still on standby - JSOnline

Why the fuck do Obama and his core of liars never get properly called out on all the lies they tell -- especially when they lie about the other side lying?

It's no wonder that an idiot uber left-wingnut like TderpM, who is incapable of telling the truth, adores the fucking lying sack of shit incumbent President so much.
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Whatever works for the moment = problem.

You can't lead situationally.
The second post in this thread may make no sense, but at least it looked like a couple of sentences.

Where is Lyin' Ryan these days, anyway? Has he gone dark, Palin-style, to try and stop the bleeding of his battered image with a good old-fashioned media blackout?
Where is Lyin' Ryan these days, anyway? Has he gone dark, Palin-style, to try and stop the bleeding of his battered image with a good old-fashioned media blackout?

The leftwing dominated propaganda-based media chooses not to cover Ryan's appearances -- and lib morons imagine that Ryan is the one who ha gone into hiding.

Liability, why can't you ever just talk honestly about issues? Why do you always have to squeal like a sissy about how awful those liberals are? Your constant pissing and moaning makes it look like you know you can't support your crazy claims. After all, any time a liberal responds, you simply wet yourself, scream that the liberal is <some bad name>, ignore the content, and scuttle off into some dark slimy crevice.

Ryan ended up looking stupid for spouting a falsehood. The plant closed in Dec 2008. Claiming the closed plant was technically "on standby" is a particularly dumb attempt to evade on a technicality, because "standby" just means "The union hasn't agreed in official bargaining to the plant closing".

However, we do thank you for bringing it up again, because we can again point to what a liar Ryan is. And we can again point to how much you adore Ryan for being such a liar. Have you no pride at all? You love the lie, and scream hatred at anyone who won't lie to you.
Liability, why can't you ever just talk honestly about issues? Why do you always have to squeal like a sissy about how awful those liberals are? Your constant pissing and moaning makes it look like you know you can't support your crazy claims. After all, any time a liberal responds, you simply wet yourself, scream that the liberal is <some bad name>, ignore the content, and scuttle off into some dark slimy crevice.

Ryan ended up looking stupid for spouting a falsehood. The plant closed in Dec 2008. Claiming the closed plant was technically "on standby" is a particularly dumb attempt to evade on a technicality, because "standby" just means "The union hasn't agreed in official bargaining to the plant closing".

However, we do thank you for bringing it up again, because we can again point to what a liar Ryan is. And we can again point to how much you adore Ryan for being such a liar. Have you no pride at all? You love the lie, and scream hatred at anyone who won't lie to you.

the plant closed in 2009

Since they were shut down in 2009, both the Janesville and Tennessee plants have been on standby status, meaning they were not producing vehicles, but they were not completely shut down.
Liability, why can't you ever just talk honestly about issues? Why do you always have to squeal like a sissy about how awful those liberals are? Your constant pissing and moaning makes it look like you know you can't support your crazy claims. After all, any time a liberal responds, you simply wet yourself, scream that the liberal is <some bad name>, ignore the content, and scuttle off into some dark slimy crevice.

Ryan ended up looking stupid for spouting a falsehood. The plant closed in Dec 2008. Claiming the closed plant was technically "on standby" is a particularly dumb attempt to evade on a technicality, because "standby" just means "The union hasn't agreed in official bargaining to the plant closing".

However, we do thank you for bringing it up again, because we can again point to what a liar Ryan is. And we can again point to how much you adore Ryan for being such a liar. Have you no pride at all? You love the lie, and scream hatred at anyone who won't lie to you.

just because you dont understand how things work doesnt make someone a liar, but go ahead and keep spouting the company line. and just to keep up with your brethren Ryan is sooo not a big deal to them and useless to the ticket he wont make a difference, yet like palin, the left cant stop talking about him. interesting.
Liability, why can't you ever just talk honestly about issues? Why do you always have to squeal like a sissy about how awful those liberals are? Your constant pissing and moaning makes it look like you know you can't support your crazy claims. After all, any time a liberal responds, you simply wet yourself, scream that the liberal is <some bad name>, ignore the content, and scuttle off into some dark slimy crevice.

Ryan ended up looking stupid for spouting a falsehood. The plant closed in Dec 2008. Claiming the closed plant was technically "on standby" is a particularly dumb attempt to evade on a technicality, because "standby" just means "The union hasn't agreed in official bargaining to the plant closing".

However, we do thank you for bringing it up again, because we can again point to what a liar Ryan is. And we can again point to how much you adore Ryan for being such a liar. Have you no pride at all? You love the lie, and scream hatred at anyone who won't lie to you.

the plant closed in 2009

Yes. Yes it did.

Since they were shut down in 2009, both the Janesville and Tennessee plants have been on standby status, meaning they were not producing vehicles, but they were not completely shut down.

Which means that Pres. Obama failed to honor his claim that he'd keep it open and it also means that Ryan spoke a simple factually verifiable truth.
Duh, ask GM why it doesn't wish to retool a 100-year-plant. That's a GM management decision. It ain't rocket science...
GM announced the planned closure in June 2008. The plant effectively closed in December 2008.
Ask the President why he thought it a fine idea to promise to keep the plant open for a 100 years.
In Obama's February 2008 speech - he didn't "promise" to keep the plant open.
It ain't rocket science - except maybe to some teabilly retards.
In Obama's February 2008 speech - he didn't "promise" to keep the plant open.

You are free to misinterpret what he DID say in any way that makes you sleep more soundly at night, cupcake.

Bottom line: Ryan didn't lie.

And here IS what the then future dimwit in chief SAID, verbatim:

I believe that if our government is there to support you, and give the assistance you need to retool and make this transition, that this plant will be here for another 100 years. So, that&#8217;s our priority&#8230; I want it to thrive right here in the United States of America, I want it to thrive right here in Janesville, Wisconsin. And that&#8217;s the future I will fight for as president of the United States of America.

And if you're still dishonestly "confused" there, Chief Shitting Bull, here's the video:

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Where is Lyin' Ryan these days, anyway? Has he gone dark, Palin-style, to try and stop the bleeding of his battered image with a good old-fashioned media blackout?

That's the ticket:clap2:Smokescreen city.....:lol:

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