We went from a president who couldn't lie, to politicians who can't tell the truth.

Michael Bloomberg gave a speech at the Rice University Commencement and it the nail squarely on the head.
“How did we go from a president who could not tell a lie to politicians who cannot tell the truth?”

“There is now more tolerance for dishonesty in politics than I have seen in my lifetime,”

“The only thing more dangerous than dishonest politicians who have no respect for the law is a chorus of enablers who defend their every lie.”
(For example, he noted that Democrats spent much of the 1990s defending President Bill Clinton against charges of lying and personal immorality just as Republicans attacked the lack of ethics and honesty in the White House. Just the reverse is happening today, he said.)

Regarding Climate Change; “If 99 percent of scientists whose research has been peer-reviewed reach the same general conclusion about a theory, then we ought to accept it as the best available information — even if it’s not a 100 percent certainty,” Bloomberg said. He added: “That, graduates, is not a Chinese hoax.”

“When elected officials speak as though they are above the truth, they will act as though they are above the law. And when we tolerate dishonesty, we get criminality. Sometimes, it’s in the form of corruption. Sometimes, it’s abuse of power. And sometimes, it’s both.”

“The greatest threat to American democracy isn’t communism, jihadism, or any other external force or foreign power. It’s our own willingness to tolerate dishonesty in service of party, and in pursuit of power.”
Bloomberg warns of 'epidemic of dishonesty'

This was truly a non-partisan speech When he attacks "chorus of enablers, who defend their every lie.” he slaps the Democrats during Clinton's time and today's little Trumpsters. Are you people paying attention? Defending blatant lies of your political gods, isn't just a disservice to your country. it's an attack on your country.
3,000 plus confirmed lies by the pussygrabber and his cult still believes everything he says.
Jim Jones would be proud.

America’s best elected Donald Trump not Billy Graham...he wasn’t ‘hired’ for his purity...quite the contrary actually. He was hired to unify America’s best, to shut-off the flow of filth at our southern border, to expose the filth in D.C., to stop the funding of the world, to take care of our military personnel, to restore law and order, to expose lawlessness, to end unconstitutional bullshit such as Obeaner Care and DACA, to stop aggressive regulatory actions, to create jobs, to reward our most productive, to make the piece of shits among us feel like the piece of shits they are, to verbally bitch-slap Liberal filth daily.
So far, he’s absolutely kicking ass and fulfilling all expectations.
“ support law and order.”
Ha ha ha ha ha
His presidency is the most corrupt and lawless in history.
He’s personally enriching himself and letting Scott Pruitt make a mockery of the law and ethical behavior.

America’s best elected Donald Trump not Billy Graham.
Michael Bloomberg gave a speech at the Rice University Commencement and it the nail squarely on the head.
“How did we go from a president who could not tell a lie to politicians who cannot tell the truth?”

“There is now more tolerance for dishonesty in politics than I have seen in my lifetime,”

“The only thing more dangerous than dishonest politicians who have no respect for the law is a chorus of enablers who defend their every lie.”
(For example, he noted that Democrats spent much of the 1990s defending President Bill Clinton against charges of lying and personal immorality just as Republicans attacked the lack of ethics and honesty in the White House. Just the reverse is happening today, he said.)

Regarding Climate Change; “If 99 percent of scientists whose research has been peer-reviewed reach the same general conclusion about a theory, then we ought to accept it as the best available information — even if it’s not a 100 percent certainty,” Bloomberg said. He added: “That, graduates, is not a Chinese hoax.”

“When elected officials speak as though they are above the truth, they will act as though they are above the law. And when we tolerate dishonesty, we get criminality. Sometimes, it’s in the form of corruption. Sometimes, it’s abuse of power. And sometimes, it’s both.”

“The greatest threat to American democracy isn’t communism, jihadism, or any other external force or foreign power. It’s our own willingness to tolerate dishonesty in service of party, and in pursuit of power.”
Bloomberg warns of 'epidemic of dishonesty'

This was truly a non-partisan speech When he attacks "chorus of enablers, who defend their every lie.” he slaps the Democrats during Clinton's time and today's little Trumpsters. Are you people paying attention? Defending blatant lies of your political gods, isn't just a disservice to your country. it's an attack on your country.

“How did we go from a president who could not tell a lie


obama lies list - Bing
Trump whore masquerading as “ nonpartisan.”
Michael Bloomberg gave a speech at the Rice University Commencement and it the nail squarely on the head.
“How did we go from a president who could not tell a lie to politicians who cannot tell the truth?”

“There is now more tolerance for dishonesty in politics than I have seen in my lifetime,”

“The only thing more dangerous than dishonest politicians who have no respect for the law is a chorus of enablers who defend their every lie.”
(For example, he noted that Democrats spent much of the 1990s defending President Bill Clinton against charges of lying and personal immorality just as Republicans attacked the lack of ethics and honesty in the White House. Just the reverse is happening today, he said.)

Regarding Climate Change; “If 99 percent of scientists whose research has been peer-reviewed reach the same general conclusion about a theory, then we ought to accept it as the best available information — even if it’s not a 100 percent certainty,” Bloomberg said. He added: “That, graduates, is not a Chinese hoax.”

“When elected officials speak as though they are above the truth, they will act as though they are above the law. And when we tolerate dishonesty, we get criminality. Sometimes, it’s in the form of corruption. Sometimes, it’s abuse of power. And sometimes, it’s both.”

“The greatest threat to American democracy isn’t communism, jihadism, or any other external force or foreign power. It’s our own willingness to tolerate dishonesty in service of party, and in pursuit of power.”
Bloomberg warns of 'epidemic of dishonesty'

This was truly a non-partisan speech When he attacks "chorus of enablers, who defend their every lie.” he slaps the Democrats during Clinton's time and today's little Trumpsters. Are you people paying attention? Defending blatant lies of your political gods, isn't just a disservice to your country. it's an attack on your country.

Well first of all, Washington never actually made the statement that he couldn’t lie, and second, he didn’t live in an age where everything you said could be recorded exactly as you said it word for word.

Not that politicians don’t lie, I know they do. I just suspect that they all do. You know, just like normal people.
Michael Bloomberg gave a speech at the Rice University Commencement and it the nail squarely on the head.
“How did we go from a president who could not tell a lie to politicians who cannot tell the truth?”

“There is now more tolerance for dishonesty in politics than I have seen in my lifetime,”

“The only thing more dangerous than dishonest politicians who have no respect for the law is a chorus of enablers who defend their every lie.”
(For example, he noted that Democrats spent much of the 1990s defending President Bill Clinton against charges of lying and personal immorality just as Republicans attacked the lack of ethics and honesty in the White House. Just the reverse is happening today, he said.)

Regarding Climate Change; “If 99 percent of scientists whose research has been peer-reviewed reach the same general conclusion about a theory, then we ought to accept it as the best available information — even if it’s not a 100 percent certainty,” Bloomberg said. He added: “That, graduates, is not a Chinese hoax.”

“When elected officials speak as though they are above the truth, they will act as though they are above the law. And when we tolerate dishonesty, we get criminality. Sometimes, it’s in the form of corruption. Sometimes, it’s abuse of power. And sometimes, it’s both.”

“The greatest threat to American democracy isn’t communism, jihadism, or any other external force or foreign power. It’s our own willingness to tolerate dishonesty in service of party, and in pursuit of power.”
Bloomberg warns of 'epidemic of dishonesty'

This was truly a non-partisan speech When he attacks "chorus of enablers, who defend their every lie.” he slaps the Democrats during Clinton's time and today's little Trumpsters. Are you people paying attention? Defending blatant lies of your political gods, isn't just a disservice to your country. it's an attack on your country.
3,000 plus confirmed lies by the pussygrabber and his cult still believes everything he says.
Jim Jones would be proud.

America’s best elected Donald Trump not Billy Graham...he wasn’t ‘hired’ for his purity...quite the contrary actually. He was hired to unify America’s best, to shut-off the flow of filth at our southern border, to expose the filth in D.C., to stop the funding of the world, to take care of our military personnel, to restore law and order, to expose lawlessness, to end unconstitutional bullshit such as Obeaner Care and DACA, to stop aggressive regulatory actions, to create jobs, to reward our most productive, to make the piece of shits among us feel like the piece of shits they are, to verbally bitch-slap Liberal filth daily.
So far, he’s absolutely kicking ass and fulfilling all expectations.
“ support law and order.”
Ha ha ha ha ha
His presidency is the most corrupt and lawless in history.
He’s personally enriching himself and letting Scott Pruitt make a mockery of the law and ethical behavior.

America’s best elected Donald Trump not Billy Graham.
The whiny little bitch was elected because u White supremacists heard his message loudly and clearly.

I see you’re petrified to even discuss he’s literally incapable of telling the truth. 3100 lies and still counting.
Michael Bloomberg gave a speech at the Rice University Commencement and it the nail squarely on the head.
“How did we go from a president who could not tell a lie to politicians who cannot tell the truth?”

“There is now more tolerance for dishonesty in politics than I have seen in my lifetime,”

“The only thing more dangerous than dishonest politicians who have no respect for the law is a chorus of enablers who defend their every lie.”
(For example, he noted that Democrats spent much of the 1990s defending President Bill Clinton against charges of lying and personal immorality just as Republicans attacked the lack of ethics and honesty in the White House. Just the reverse is happening today, he said.)

Regarding Climate Change; “If 99 percent of scientists whose research has been peer-reviewed reach the same general conclusion about a theory, then we ought to accept it as the best available information — even if it’s not a 100 percent certainty,” Bloomberg said. He added: “That, graduates, is not a Chinese hoax.”

“When elected officials speak as though they are above the truth, they will act as though they are above the law. And when we tolerate dishonesty, we get criminality. Sometimes, it’s in the form of corruption. Sometimes, it’s abuse of power. And sometimes, it’s both.”

“The greatest threat to American democracy isn’t communism, jihadism, or any other external force or foreign power. It’s our own willingness to tolerate dishonesty in service of party, and in pursuit of power.”
Bloomberg warns of 'epidemic of dishonesty'

This was truly a non-partisan speech When he attacks "chorus of enablers, who defend their every lie.” he slaps the Democrats during Clinton's time and today's little Trumpsters. Are you people paying attention? Defending blatant lies of your political gods, isn't just a disservice to your country. it's an attack on your country.

Well first of all, Washington never actually made the statement that he couldn’t lie, and second, he didn’t live in an age where everything you said could be recorded exactly as you said it word for word.

Not that politicians don’t lie, I know they do. I just suspect that they all do. You know, just like normal people.
3100 lies in 16 months is not normal.
Lying 5.5 times a day every day isn’t normal.
If we can’t trust this POS president with telling the truth about small things how can anyone trust this pathological liar in a world crisis?
It's a shame that the hate filled left would use the venue of a College Commencement as a forum for crazy left wing propaganda. Guys like Bloomberg insult the intelligence of college graduates when they speak in freaking cliches and ignore history. The last democrat presidential candidate stood in front of the cameras and blamed something she called "a vast right wing conspiracy" to excuse her husband of molesting an intern barely older than her daughter when she must have known about the DNA on Monica's dress. Barry Hussein promised to "wean America off fossil fuel" while he paid golden parachutes to executives of failing solar energy companies.

View attachment 193368
Michael Bloomberg gave a speech at the Rice University Commencement and it the nail squarely on the head.
“How did we go from a president who could not tell a lie to politicians who cannot tell the truth?”

“There is now more tolerance for dishonesty in politics than I have seen in my lifetime,”

“The only thing more dangerous than dishonest politicians who have no respect for the law is a chorus of enablers who defend their every lie.”
(For example, he noted that Democrats spent much of the 1990s defending President Bill Clinton against charges of lying and personal immorality just as Republicans attacked the lack of ethics and honesty in the White House. Just the reverse is happening today, he said.)

Regarding Climate Change; “If 99 percent of scientists whose research has been peer-reviewed reach the same general conclusion about a theory, then we ought to accept it as the best available information — even if it’s not a 100 percent certainty,” Bloomberg said. He added: “That, graduates, is not a Chinese hoax.”

“When elected officials speak as though they are above the truth, they will act as though they are above the law. And when we tolerate dishonesty, we get criminality. Sometimes, it’s in the form of corruption. Sometimes, it’s abuse of power. And sometimes, it’s both.”

“The greatest threat to American democracy isn’t communism, jihadism, or any other external force or foreign power. It’s our own willingness to tolerate dishonesty in service of party, and in pursuit of power.”
Bloomberg warns of 'epidemic of dishonesty'

This was truly a non-partisan speech When he attacks "chorus of enablers, who defend their every lie.” he slaps the Democrats during Clinton's time and today's little Trumpsters. Are you people paying attention? Defending blatant lies of your political gods, isn't just a disservice to your country. it's an attack on your country.
3,000 plus confirmed lies by the pussygrabber and his cult still believes everything he says.
Jim Jones would be proud.

America’s best elected Donald Trump not Billy Graham...he wasn’t ‘hired’ for his purity...quite the contrary actually. He was hired to unify America’s best, to shut-off the flow of filth at our southern border, to expose the filth in D.C., to stop the funding of the world, to take care of our military personnel, to restore law and order, to expose lawlessness, to end unconstitutional bullshit such as Obeaner Care and DACA, to stop aggressive regulatory actions, to create jobs, to reward our most productive, to make the piece of shits among us feel like the piece of shits they are, to verbally bitch-slap Liberal filth daily.
So far, he’s absolutely kicking ass and fulfilling all expectations.

Haha..,that’s so cute...that’s what my teenagers do when they can’t use words...they use other people’s images...I’ll play.
If we can’t trust this POS president with telling the truth about small things how can anyone trust this pathological liar in a world crisis?

You’ve been moved to the back of the bus again and you hate it...I get it.
But it’s time real leaders lead again...just enjoy the ride and the free shit and STFU would you please...thanks in advance.
Michael Bloomberg gave a speech at the Rice University Commencement and it the nail squarely on the head.
“How did we go from a president who could not tell a lie to politicians who cannot tell the truth?”

“There is now more tolerance for dishonesty in politics than I have seen in my lifetime,”

“The only thing more dangerous than dishonest politicians who have no respect for the law is a chorus of enablers who defend their every lie.”
(For example, he noted that Democrats spent much of the 1990s defending President Bill Clinton against charges of lying and personal immorality just as Republicans attacked the lack of ethics and honesty in the White House. Just the reverse is happening today, he said.)

Regarding Climate Change; “If 99 percent of scientists whose research has been peer-reviewed reach the same general conclusion about a theory, then we ought to accept it as the best available information — even if it’s not a 100 percent certainty,” Bloomberg said. He added: “That, graduates, is not a Chinese hoax.”

“When elected officials speak as though they are above the truth, they will act as though they are above the law. And when we tolerate dishonesty, we get criminality. Sometimes, it’s in the form of corruption. Sometimes, it’s abuse of power. And sometimes, it’s both.”

“The greatest threat to American democracy isn’t communism, jihadism, or any other external force or foreign power. It’s our own willingness to tolerate dishonesty in service of party, and in pursuit of power.”
Bloomberg warns of 'epidemic of dishonesty'

This was truly a non-partisan speech When he attacks "chorus of enablers, who defend their every lie.” he slaps the Democrats during Clinton's time and today's little Trumpsters. Are you people paying attention? Defending blatant lies of your political gods, isn't just a disservice to your country. it's an attack on your country.

“How did we go from a president who could not tell a lie


obama lies list - Bing
Trump whore masquerading as “ nonpartisan.”

Personal attack?
Michael Bloomberg gave a speech at the Rice University Commencement and it the nail squarely on the head.
“How did we go from a president who could not tell a lie to politicians who cannot tell the truth?”

“There is now more tolerance for dishonesty in politics than I have seen in my lifetime,”

“The only thing more dangerous than dishonest politicians who have no respect for the law is a chorus of enablers who defend their every lie.”
(For example, he noted that Democrats spent much of the 1990s defending President Bill Clinton against charges of lying and personal immorality just as Republicans attacked the lack of ethics and honesty in the White House. Just the reverse is happening today, he said.)

Regarding Climate Change; “If 99 percent of scientists whose research has been peer-reviewed reach the same general conclusion about a theory, then we ought to accept it as the best available information — even if it’s not a 100 percent certainty,” Bloomberg said. He added: “That, graduates, is not a Chinese hoax.”

“When elected officials speak as though they are above the truth, they will act as though they are above the law. And when we tolerate dishonesty, we get criminality. Sometimes, it’s in the form of corruption. Sometimes, it’s abuse of power. And sometimes, it’s both.”

“The greatest threat to American democracy isn’t communism, jihadism, or any other external force or foreign power. It’s our own willingness to tolerate dishonesty in service of party, and in pursuit of power.”
Bloomberg warns of 'epidemic of dishonesty'

This was truly a non-partisan speech When he attacks "chorus of enablers, who defend their every lie.” he slaps the Democrats during Clinton's time and today's little Trumpsters. Are you people paying attention? Defending blatant lies of your political gods, isn't just a disservice to your country. it's an attack on your country.
3,000 plus confirmed lies by the pussygrabber and his cult still believes everything he says.
Jim Jones would be proud.

America’s best elected Donald Trump not Billy Graham...he wasn’t ‘hired’ for his purity...quite the contrary actually. He was hired to unify America’s best, to shut-off the flow of filth at our southern border, to expose the filth in D.C., to stop the funding of the world, to take care of our military personnel, to restore law and order, to expose lawlessness, to end unconstitutional bullshit such as Obeaner Care and DACA, to stop aggressive regulatory actions, to create jobs, to reward our most productive, to make the piece of shits among us feel like the piece of shits they are, to verbally bitch-slap Liberal filth daily.
So far, he’s absolutely kicking ass and fulfilling all expectations.
“ support law and order.”
Ha ha ha ha ha
His presidency is the most corrupt and lawless in history.
He’s personally enriching himself and letting Scott Pruitt make a mockery of the law and ethical behavior.

America’s best elected Donald Trump not Billy Graham.
The whiny little bitch was elected because u White supremacists heard his message loudly and clearly.

I see you’re petrified to even discuss he’s literally incapable of telling the truth. 3100 lies and still counting.

Hold on a minute...I thought it was Hussein Onegro who got elected for the color of his skin...no? Surely you have the voter demos from 2012...right?
Why not discuss the OP? It seems the enablers just want to deflect, instead of living in reality.
LMAO and Bloomberg dares point a finger at others? Bloomberg Front-Group Uses Lies and Fear Mongering to Advance Agenda
Why not discuss the OP? It seems the enablers just want to deflect, instead of living in reality.

Your OP starts out with lies...no surprise though.
“How did we go from a president who could not tell a lie to politicians who cannot tell the truth?”
Stay focused...pay attention foreigner.
Why not discuss the OP? It seems the enablers just want to deflect, instead of living in reality.

Your OP starts out with lies...no surprise though.
“How did we go from a president who could not tell a lie to politicians who cannot tell the truth?”
Stay focused...pay attention foreigner.

Yeah enabler, like I'd ever take a low educated tool's input seriously.
Michael Bloomberg gave a speech at the Rice University Commencement and it the nail squarely on the head.
“How did we go from a president who could not tell a lie to politicians who cannot tell the truth?”

“There is now more tolerance for dishonesty in politics than I have seen in my lifetime,”

“The only thing more dangerous than dishonest politicians who have no respect for the law is a chorus of enablers who defend their every lie.”
(For example, he noted that Democrats spent much of the 1990s defending President Bill Clinton against charges of lying and personal immorality just as Republicans attacked the lack of ethics and honesty in the White House. Just the reverse is happening today, he said.)

Regarding Climate Change; “If 99 percent of scientists whose research has been peer-reviewed reach the same general conclusion about a theory, then we ought to accept it as the best available information — even if it’s not a 100 percent certainty,” Bloomberg said. He added: “That, graduates, is not a Chinese hoax.”

“When elected officials speak as though they are above the truth, they will act as though they are above the law. And when we tolerate dishonesty, we get criminality. Sometimes, it’s in the form of corruption. Sometimes, it’s abuse of power. And sometimes, it’s both.”

“The greatest threat to American democracy isn’t communism, jihadism, or any other external force or foreign power. It’s our own willingness to tolerate dishonesty in service of party, and in pursuit of power.”
Bloomberg warns of 'epidemic of dishonesty'

This was truly a non-partisan speech When he attacks "chorus of enablers, who defend their every lie.” he slaps the Democrats during Clinton's time and today's little Trumpsters. Are you people paying attention? Defending blatant lies of your political gods, isn't just a disservice to your country. it's an attack on your country.

So Americans got to keep the doctors and have the cheap health care?


Also, global warming absolutely is a hoax, and this is REGARDLESS what the theory says. Earth warming has nothing to do with the fact that some people are scamming the fuck out of your wallet with that information. Just because general relativity works well doesn't mean I should have to pay 30% tax for it.

Anyway, politicians will always lie because it works. The ones who don't lie don't get elected. It's stupid to think that it's only Trump who at least generally gets on the ballpark of the truth, only exaggerating. Frankly, the guy is lying and only demonstrating his bias.
Last edited:
Michael Bloomberg gave a speech at the Rice University Commencement and it the nail squarely on the head.
“How did we go from a president who could not tell a lie to politicians who cannot tell the truth?”

“There is now more tolerance for dishonesty in politics than I have seen in my lifetime,”

“The only thing more dangerous than dishonest politicians who have no respect for the law is a chorus of enablers who defend their every lie.”
(For example, he noted that Democrats spent much of the 1990s defending President Bill Clinton against charges of lying and personal immorality just as Republicans attacked the lack of ethics and honesty in the White House. Just the reverse is happening today, he said.)

Regarding Climate Change; “If 99 percent of scientists whose research has been peer-reviewed reach the same general conclusion about a theory, then we ought to accept it as the best available information — even if it’s not a 100 percent certainty,” Bloomberg said. He added: “That, graduates, is not a Chinese hoax.”

“When elected officials speak as though they are above the truth, they will act as though they are above the law. And when we tolerate dishonesty, we get criminality. Sometimes, it’s in the form of corruption. Sometimes, it’s abuse of power. And sometimes, it’s both.”

“The greatest threat to American democracy isn’t communism, jihadism, or any other external force or foreign power. It’s our own willingness to tolerate dishonesty in service of party, and in pursuit of power.”
Bloomberg warns of 'epidemic of dishonesty'

This was truly a non-partisan speech When he attacks "chorus of enablers, who defend their every lie.” he slaps the Democrats during Clinton's time and today's little Trumpsters. Are you people paying attention? Defending blatant lies of your political gods, isn't just a disservice to your country. it's an attack on your country.

Well first of all, Washington never actually made the statement that he couldn’t lie, and second, he didn’t live in an age where everything you said could be recorded exactly as you said it word for word.

Not that politicians don’t lie, I know they do. I just suspect that they all do. You know, just like normal people.
3100 lies in 16 months is not normal.
Lying 5.5 times a day every day isn’t normal.

You should seek help then.
Michael Bloomberg gave a speech at the Rice University Commencement and it the nail squarely on the head.
“How did we go from a president who could not tell a lie to politicians who cannot tell the truth?”

“There is now more tolerance for dishonesty in politics than I have seen in my lifetime,”

“The only thing more dangerous than dishonest politicians who have no respect for the law is a chorus of enablers who defend their every lie.”
(For example, he noted that Democrats spent much of the 1990s defending President Bill Clinton against charges of lying and personal immorality just as Republicans attacked the lack of ethics and honesty in the White House. Just the reverse is happening today, he said.)

Regarding Climate Change; “If 99 percent of scientists whose research has been peer-reviewed reach the same general conclusion about a theory, then we ought to accept it as the best available information — even if it’s not a 100 percent certainty,” Bloomberg said. He added: “That, graduates, is not a Chinese hoax.”

“When elected officials speak as though they are above the truth, they will act as though they are above the law. And when we tolerate dishonesty, we get criminality. Sometimes, it’s in the form of corruption. Sometimes, it’s abuse of power. And sometimes, it’s both.”

“The greatest threat to American democracy isn’t communism, jihadism, or any other external force or foreign power. It’s our own willingness to tolerate dishonesty in service of party, and in pursuit of power.”
Bloomberg warns of 'epidemic of dishonesty'

This was truly a non-partisan speech When he attacks "chorus of enablers, who defend their every lie.” he slaps the Democrats during Clinton's time and today's little Trumpsters. Are you people paying attention? Defending blatant lies of your political gods, isn't just a disservice to your country. it's an attack on your country.

So Americans got to keep the doctors and have the cheap health care?


Also, global warming absolutely is a hoax, and this is REGARDLESS what the theory says. Earth warming has nothing to do with the fact that some people are scamming the fuck out of your wallet with that information. Just because general relativity works well doesn't mean I should have to pay 30% tax for it.

Anyway, politicians will always lie because it works. The ones who don't lie don't get elected. It's stupid to think that it's only Trump who at least generally gets on the ballpark of the truth, only exaggerating. Frankly, the guy is lying and only demonstrating his bias.

Actually, Obama had more lies/misleading statements than that. But geniuses like you, only remember the ones you got from your hyper-partisan talking points resources.
Where as, the man who’s ass your face is buried in, has over 3,000 verified lies.
Global Warming has much more scientific evidence, than your fossil fuel’s paid denial scientist can counter.
Man, am I glad that I’m not you! Whew!!!
Michael Bloomberg gave a speech at the Rice University Commencement and it the nail squarely on the head.
“How did we go from a president who could not tell a lie to politicians who cannot tell the truth?”

“There is now more tolerance for dishonesty in politics than I have seen in my lifetime,”

“The only thing more dangerous than dishonest politicians who have no respect for the law is a chorus of enablers who defend their every lie.”
(For example, he noted that Democrats spent much of the 1990s defending President Bill Clinton against charges of lying and personal immorality just as Republicans attacked the lack of ethics and honesty in the White House. Just the reverse is happening today, he said.)

Regarding Climate Change; “If 99 percent of scientists whose research has been peer-reviewed reach the same general conclusion about a theory, then we ought to accept it as the best available information — even if it’s not a 100 percent certainty,” Bloomberg said. He added: “That, graduates, is not a Chinese hoax.”

“When elected officials speak as though they are above the truth, they will act as though they are above the law. And when we tolerate dishonesty, we get criminality. Sometimes, it’s in the form of corruption. Sometimes, it’s abuse of power. And sometimes, it’s both.”

“The greatest threat to American democracy isn’t communism, jihadism, or any other external force or foreign power. It’s our own willingness to tolerate dishonesty in service of party, and in pursuit of power.”
Bloomberg warns of 'epidemic of dishonesty'

This was truly a non-partisan speech When he attacks "chorus of enablers, who defend their every lie.” he slaps the Democrats during Clinton's time and today's little Trumpsters. Are you people paying attention? Defending blatant lies of your political gods, isn't just a disservice to your country. it's an attack on your country.

So Americans got to keep the doctors and have the cheap health care?


Also, global warming absolutely is a hoax, and this is REGARDLESS what the theory says. Earth warming has nothing to do with the fact that some people are scamming the fuck out of your wallet with that information. Just because general relativity works well doesn't mean I should have to pay 30% tax for it.

Anyway, politicians will always lie because it works. The ones who don't lie don't get elected. It's stupid to think that it's only Trump who at least generally gets on the ballpark of the truth, only exaggerating. Frankly, the guy is lying and only demonstrating his bias.

Actually, Obama had more lies/misleading statements than that. But geniuses like you, only remember the ones you got from your hyper-partisan talking points resources.
Where as, the man who’s ass your face is buried in, has over 3,000 verified lies.
Global Warming has much more scientific evidence, than your fossil fuel’s paid denial scientist can counter.
Man, am I glad that I’m not you! Whew!!!


I barely followed what Obama did, the guy is mostly just noise to me. I am talking about that because it was one of his statements that one literally could not avoid seeing anywhere. The statement is clearly a ridiculous outright lie so I don't see the partisan angle, every decent journalist would have reported it.

Seems like my point about global warming went right over your head.

Trump's hyperbole I quite like, it's funny and makes your pants wet. Good. 3000 is not enough...
Michael Bloomberg gave a speech at the Rice University Commencement and it the nail squarely on the head.
“How did we go from a president who could not tell a lie to politicians who cannot tell the truth?”

“There is now more tolerance for dishonesty in politics than I have seen in my lifetime,”

“The only thing more dangerous than dishonest politicians who have no respect for the law is a chorus of enablers who defend their every lie.”
(For example, he noted that Democrats spent much of the 1990s defending President Bill Clinton against charges of lying and personal immorality just as Republicans attacked the lack of ethics and honesty in the White House. Just the reverse is happening today, he said.)

Regarding Climate Change; “If 99 percent of scientists whose research has been peer-reviewed reach the same general conclusion about a theory, then we ought to accept it as the best available information — even if it’s not a 100 percent certainty,” Bloomberg said. He added: “That, graduates, is not a Chinese hoax.”

“When elected officials speak as though they are above the truth, they will act as though they are above the law. And when we tolerate dishonesty, we get criminality. Sometimes, it’s in the form of corruption. Sometimes, it’s abuse of power. And sometimes, it’s both.”

“The greatest threat to American democracy isn’t communism, jihadism, or any other external force or foreign power. It’s our own willingness to tolerate dishonesty in service of party, and in pursuit of power.”
Bloomberg warns of 'epidemic of dishonesty'

This was truly a non-partisan speech When he attacks "chorus of enablers, who defend their every lie.” he slaps the Democrats during Clinton's time and today's little Trumpsters. Are you people paying attention? Defending blatant lies of your political gods, isn't just a disservice to your country. it's an attack on your country.

“How did we go from a president who could not tell a lie


obama lies list - Bing
He was referring to George Washington, you idiot.

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