Why Emphasizing Manufacturing Jobs is a Mistake

Oh man. In my estimation, that is one of the dumbest, most ridiculous articles ever. It's difficult to know where to start.

Farming - increased production comes at a cost, fertilizer and pesticides and their overuse are ruining our drinking water, streams, rivers and oceans. Information is so easy to find on that, I will continue.

Not everyone can be an engineer. What about all those Republicans who live in poor states in trailers? With no manufacturing jobs, what are they going to do? Not everyone can work at a McDonald's. Those people already vote against their own self-interests in everything from health care and education to taxes and security.

Only 6% of scientists are Republican.


Consider your TV, car, refrigerator, stove, and calculator in the 1970s compared to what you have today. They are better, faster, safer, and more effective.


Yea, and NOT made here. If only a few people can afford those things, only a few will be sold. That doesn't take a rocket scientist. Plus, you need people to FIX the machines that make the machines. Without a "liberal elitists education in science or engineering", what will those Republicans do?


In the United States, the increase in white collar labor means that we are becoming a nation of thinkers -- web designers, engineers, marketers, IP lawyers, deal guys, inventors, dreamers, and mavericks.


Engineers, inventors, thinkers? Does that sound even remotely Republican? We're talking "Tea baggers" here.

Losing manufacturing is bad enough for the Democrats, but it's even more devastating for the country because now you have all those loony ARMED Republicans, angry and with nothing to do.

You are a complete lunkhead. If I doubted it earlier, you have it proved right here.
All our improvements in farming are due solely to fertilizer run off?:cuckoo: WTF? Do you have a clue what you are talking about?
Have you ever met a Republican? I mean really. I doubt it personally as your descriptions hardly mesh with anything I know for a fact. Besides, I thought the Republicans were the party of the rich? Remember that one? Only rich people were Republicans so they could exploit the poor factory workers, the ones making only $100k with full benefits.
Oops, maybe that stereotype outlived its usefulness as the truth became known.

In fact the Democrats are the ones destroying this country. There is not a major school system that has not been under control of the Democrats in this country for 40 years. And the results are dismal. There is not a major welfare program that has not been designed and administrered by a Democrat in 50 years. And look a tthe results of that. Family structres blown apart, rampant alcohol and drug abuse, physical violence etc. There is not a major city that has not been under Democratic dominance for 30+ years and in every one there is crime, poverty, and hopelessness. So tell me again how Republicans are destroying this country. Tell me how Republicans don't beleive in education. Tell me how Republicans are against the family and working people.
No, the enemy here is the Democrats, the Party of Fuck You.

Republicans have voted against Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, laws for Child Dependency protection.

Republicans gave the richest Americans a 1.3 trillion dollar tax break while running two wars.

If American schools are so bad, why are they the best in the world, after all, they are all run by those dumb elitist liberals who believe in science and evolution and research.

All our improvements in farming are due solely to fertilizer run off?:cuckoo:
I'm not even sure where this came from because your bobble head moves around so. Farming production may have shot up, but not without damage to our environment. You might want to do some of that dreaded "research" to find out if I'm right.

Besides, the most recent advance in farming, studying the genetics of plants, hybrids, all that stuff comes from those darn liberal elites. After all, to Republicans, science is a religion. Since only 6% of American scientists even admit to being Republican, I wonder what their main fields are. Probably something to do with the "social sciences". It's a good bet they aren't studying paleontology or plate tectonics. :lol::lol:

Continuing to vie with Chris as lunkhead in chief on this board?
Yes, Republicans voted against all those things. They should. Please show where anyone except union-represented government bureaucrats is better off. The people who are supposed to be helped have suffered the most under all those programs. The Democrats remain the party of Fuck You.
Again, have you ever met a Republican?
You are a complete lunkhead. If I doubted it earlier, you have it proved right here.
All our improvements in farming are due solely to fertilizer run off?:cuckoo: WTF? Do you have a clue what you are talking about?
Have you ever met a Republican? I mean really. I doubt it personally as your descriptions hardly mesh with anything I know for a fact. Besides, I thought the Republicans were the party of the rich? Remember that one? Only rich people were Republicans so they could exploit the poor factory workers, the ones making only $100k with full benefits.
Oops, maybe that stereotype outlived its usefulness as the truth became known.

In fact the Democrats are the ones destroying this country. There is not a major school system that has not been under control of the Democrats in this country for 40 years. And the results are dismal. There is not a major welfare program that has not been designed and administrered by a Democrat in 50 years. And look a tthe results of that. Family structres blown apart, rampant alcohol and drug abuse, physical violence etc. There is not a major city that has not been under Democratic dominance for 30+ years and in every one there is crime, poverty, and hopelessness. So tell me again how Republicans are destroying this country. Tell me how Republicans don't beleive in education. Tell me how Republicans are against the family and working people.
No, the enemy here is the Democrats, the Party of Fuck You.

Republicans have voted against Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, laws for Child Dependency protection.

Republicans gave the richest Americans a 1.3 trillion dollar tax break while running two wars.

If American schools are so bad, why are they the best in the world, after all, they are all run by those dumb elitist liberals who believe in science and evolution and research.

All our improvements in farming are due solely to fertilizer run off?:cuckoo:
I'm not even sure where this came from because your bobble head moves around so. Farming production may have shot up, but not without damage to our environment. You might want to do some of that dreaded "research" to find out if I'm right.

Besides, the most recent advance in farming, studying the genetics of plants, hybrids, all that stuff comes from those darn liberal elites. After all, to Republicans, science is a religion. Since only 6% of American scientists even admit to being Republican, I wonder what their main fields are. Probably something to do with the "social sciences". It's a good bet they aren't studying paleontology or plate tectonics. :lol::lol:

Continuing to vie with Chris as lunkhead in chief on this board?
Yes, Republicans voted against all those things. They should. Please show where anyone except union-represented government bureaucrats is better off. The people who are supposed to be helped have suffered the most under all those programs. The Democrats remain the party of Fuck You.
Again, have you ever met a Republican?

Have I ever met a Republican. It's such a dumb question, I was trying to ignore it.

Show how people who have Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Child dependency laws, are better off? Ummm, I don't what to say. You don't see how Social Security helps seniors? Or Medicare? Or how Child Dependency helps children or families? Seriously? You don't see how? Does someone have to explain the moon to you? Cuz that's what I'm giving you right now, yes, you are being mooned. For writing something so stupid, both of your faces should be slapped.

What the hell is wrong with you?
In other words, no I never met a Republican. Don't be so stupid as to think I would spend any valuable time associating with cretins like that.

B) I never thought about it before. Giving money to people is good. Giving more money is better. There is no downside to this. There couldn't be because i never thought of one.

Your reactions tell me you aren't a serious thinker on any of this. At least your knees are in good shape from all those jerkings.

First, that graph is total income. So total income has been rising for farmers.

you are being laughably dishonest here. You already admitted that the amount of farmers has drastically reduced so hiding behind some bullshit "income for farmers is increasing" graph is eronious at best and DEVIOUS AS HELL at worst. Go to Farm Aid this year and tell your little joke about how their income is increasing, dude. You might want to bring a side arm.

Second, migration from the farm has been going on for two centuries. Tell me why that should stop happening in 2010.

because America still needs to eat and, shocker I know, we are not all ready to hop on foreign dependence just because YOU think everyone should live in the suburbs and buy meat from Mexico. You clearly have no real connection with any rural population.

Then don't pull this holier-than-though shit.

Reality isn't a wad of toilet paper you can shit on and then flush, dude. You seem to have the same kind of empathy of a pope sending children on a crusade.

Yes, that's right, tomato farmers account for all of farming.

You asked for evidence and I gave you a specific, FACTUAL example. don't throw down the gauntlet if you can't handle the response you get.

OMG, someone got fired today Shogun! Capitalism sucks!

hey, someone will go hungry today too.. I guess they deserve it because they have a microwave and carpet to cover their dirt floor, eh buddy?

You can always find anecdotes to support your own belief set and ideology.

Captain irony just dropped a fucking mushroom cloud!

Of course you don't give a shit. You seem to be more interested in cherry-picking anecdotes to support your worldview. That's why you use anecdotes and deride empirical statistics and facts.

says the guy who JUST CRIED about the tomato evidence I provided. It's not cherry picking to rub your nose in the shit of your economic opinions, guy. And, given how you are trying to hide behind bullshit graphs that say less than you imply you probably don't really want to throw that stone.

If you think that NAFTA has had an adverse effect on farming, back it up. Walk the talk. I'm more than interested in learning but all you've done is rant and bluster.

Again, I showed you SPECIFICALLY how Nafta has shit on American tomato farmers and your response was.... WHAAAAAA! WHAAAAAA! So, spare me your self righteous bullshit this side of my posted evidence.

Yes, in the 18th century. Paradise!

it beats a fucking unemployment line, holmes... go get your tumbleweed on in some other nation. We are not your disposable paper cup.

Luddite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

back atcha, duder..

Parasitism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Toro: Use empiricism, not ideology.

Shogun: Growers are receiving $3 to $5 less on average than last year with comparable volume of produce, he said. Produce from the Mexican market has increased volume and reduced prices, but even the recent freezes that typically reduce volume and raise prices have not had much effect on the market.

"It's been an extremely brutal year," Brown said.

Toro: Yes, that's right, tomato farmers account for all of farming.




In other words, no I never met a Republican. Don't be so stupid as to think I would spend any valuable time associating with cretins like that.

B) I never thought about it before. Giving money to people is good. Giving more money is better. There is no downside to this. There couldn't be because i never thought of one.

Your reactions tell me you aren't a serious thinker on any of this. At least your knees are in good shape from all those jerkings.

I'm talking helping "seniors and children". You're talking about, wait a second, what ARE you talking about? OK, nevermind. You weren't making any sense that I want to know.
In other words, no I never met a Republican. Don't be so stupid as to think I would spend any valuable time associating with cretins like that.

B) I never thought about it before. Giving money to people is good. Giving more money is better. There is no downside to this. There couldn't be because i never thought of one.

Your reactions tell me you aren't a serious thinker on any of this. At least your knees are in good shape from all those jerkings.

I'm talking helping "seniors and children". You're talking about, wait a second, what ARE you talking about? OK, nevermind. You weren't making any sense that I want to know.

Yes, because we all know "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" has worked out so well in the past.
Do you honestly believe that shit? Do you really think politicians and bureaucrats sit around thinking how they can help seniors and children?
If so you're a bigger tool than anyone else around here.
you are being laughably dishonest here. You already admitted that the amount of farmers has drastically reduced so hiding behind some bullshit "income for farmers is increasing" graph is eronious at best and DEVIOUS AS HELL at worst. Go to Farm Aid this year and tell your little joke about how their income is increasing, dude. You might want to bring a side arm.

Where did I say that farm income was being reduced? It may have come down from last year but the trend is higher. 2006 and 2008 were the best years of all time on the American farm. Yet you keep pretending its 1986. Do you wear a mullet too?

because America still needs to eat and, shocker I know, we are not all ready to hop on foreign dependence just because YOU think everyone should live in the suburbs and buy meat from Mexico. You clearly have no real connection with any rural population.

You fail to understand the simplest of facts. We are eating. We produce many, many times more food than we have in the past with far fewer farmers. We are the world's largest exporter of food. That's the point. Yet it seems to evade you.

Reality isn't a wad of toilet paper you can shit on and then flush, dude. You seem to have the same kind of empathy of a pope sending children on a crusade.

Don't be stupid. I spend much of my time here telling conservatives that the market is not the be all and end all. I have no problem with taxing the better off and giving it to the poor. Nice try though.

Of course you don't give a shit. You seem to be more interested in cherry-picking anecdotes to support your worldview. That's why you use anecdotes and deride empirical statistics and facts.

says the guy who JUST CRIED about the tomato evidence I provided. It's not cherry picking to rub your nose in the shit of your economic opinions, guy. And, given how you are trying to hide behind bullshit graphs that say less than you imply you probably don't really want to throw that stone.

Using outliers and anecdotes is not "proof." That's like saying that house prices didn't rise during the housing bubble because a few neighborhoods in America had declining prices.

Like I said, you are cherry-picking anecdotes to confirm your ideology.

Confirmation bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

France is a lovely place. They think like you. You should move there.
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In fact the Democrats are the ones destroying this country. There is not a major school system that has not been under control of the Democrats in this country for 40 years. And the results are dismal. There is not a major welfare program that has not been designed and administrered by a Democrat in 50 years. And look a tthe results of that. Family structres blown apart, rampant alcohol and drug abuse, physical violence etc. There is not a major city that has not been under Democratic dominance for 30+ years and in every one there is crime, poverty, and hopelessness. So tell me again how Republicans are destroying this country. Tell me how Republicans don't beleive in education. Tell me how Republicans are against the family and working people.
No, the enemy here is the Democrats, the Party of Fuck You.

Rebbi, you and I disagree on this issue, not because the Democrats run most of the school systems (They do), but because our population base has a large population of low IQ people who can not be taught to read and write above a fourth grade level (if that!). Statistically it is clearly a racial issue, but since racism is not allowed to be discussed in public media in the USA today, we will just say that it is "in the population."

Fact remains if we were to remove these failing students from our high schools and put them in Trade Schools after sixth or seventh grade, we would remove well over 90 percent of the failure/dropout rate in our high schools across the land and our high school performance would equal the more modern nations of Europe.

We would still have a high failure rate in the trade schools because most of these people have a bad attitude towards any form of education in the first place. That is a cultural issue and not an IQ issue, though, and might be dealt with if we can remove a culture of failure that has gripped these two lower IQ ethnic/racial bases.
GDP is income. When per unit input of energy to GDP is falling, that means energy as a proportion of the economy is falling, which means that energy relative to income is falling.

Ahhhh, Toro, you are out of touch with reality here. GDP is a total joke as regards the income of the average American worker. GDP might have some validity with respect to the very rich, but it is not indicative of what is happening to the average Joe in Canada or the USA.
In other words, no I never met a Republican. Don't be so stupid as to think I would spend any valuable time associating with cretins like that.

B) I never thought about it before. Giving money to people is good. Giving more money is better. There is no downside to this. There couldn't be because i never thought of one.

Your reactions tell me you aren't a serious thinker on any of this. At least your knees are in good shape from all those jerkings.

I'm talking helping "seniors and children". You're talking about, wait a second, what ARE you talking about? OK, nevermind. You weren't making any sense that I want to know.

Yes, because we all know "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" has worked out so well in the past.
Do you honestly believe that shit? Do you really think politicians and bureaucrats sit around thinking how they can help seniors and children?
If so you're a bigger tool than anyone else around here.

I know that Social Security was designed, by "Democrats" to help seniors and families. I know the "Child Dependency" was designed by "Democrats" to help children and families. Republicans were against both of these.
So, what are Republican solutions? The Republicans can't even bring themselves to say the words "Middle Class".
Just because Republicans are awful, doesn't mean everyone is. Unless, you are saying that everyone in the US is a rotten creep? If that's they way you feel, why stay? Is there even anyone keeping you here?
In fact the Democrats are the ones destroying this country. There is not a major school system that has not been under control of the Democrats in this country for 40 years. And the results are dismal. There is not a major welfare program that has not been designed and administrered by a Democrat in 50 years. And look a tthe results of that. Family structres blown apart, rampant alcohol and drug abuse, physical violence etc. There is not a major city that has not been under Democratic dominance for 30+ years and in every one there is crime, poverty, and hopelessness. So tell me again how Republicans are destroying this country. Tell me how Republicans don't beleive in education. Tell me how Republicans are against the family and working people.
No, the enemy here is the Democrats, the Party of Fuck You.

Rebbi, you and I disagree on this issue, not because the Democrats run most of the school systems (They do), but because our population base has a large population of low IQ people who can not be taught to read and write above a fourth grade level (if that!). Statistically it is clearly a racial issue, but since racism is not allowed to be discussed in public media in the USA today, we will just say that it is "in the population."

Fact remains if we were to remove these failing students from our high schools and put them in Trade Schools after sixth or seventh grade, we would remove well over 90 percent of the failure/dropout rate in our high schools across the land and our high school performance would equal the more modern nations of Europe.

We would still have a high failure rate in the trade schools because most of these people have a bad attitude towards any form of education in the first place. That is a cultural issue and not an IQ issue, though, and might be dealt with if we can remove a culture of failure that has gripped these two lower IQ ethnic/racial bases.

Since blacks make up, what, 12% of the population, and the number of black children are, what, 6% of the population, it must be the blacks. That makes it "clearly a racial issue"?

Where do you people come from? I know, I know, it has to be "damp".
GDP is income. When per unit input of energy to GDP is falling, that means energy as a proportion of the economy is falling, which means that energy relative to income is falling.

Ahhhh, Toro, you are out of touch with reality here. GDP is a total joke as regards the income of the average American worker. GDP might have some validity with respect to the very rich, but it is not indicative of what is happening to the average Joe in Canada or the USA.

As one learns in Macroeconomics 101, GDP is a measurement for income for the entire economy. How that income is distributed within the economy is another issue.

But that does not change the fact that energy expenditures relative to income has declined over time, especially when compared to disposable income.
GDP is income. When per unit input of energy to GDP is falling, that means energy as a proportion of the economy is falling, which means that energy relative to income is falling.

Ahhhh, Toro, you are out of touch with reality here. GDP is a total joke as regards the income of the average American worker. GDP might have some validity with respect to the very rich, but it is not indicative of what is happening to the average Joe in Canada or the USA.

As one learns in Macroeconomics 101, GDP is a measurement for income for the entire economy. How that income is distributed within the economy is another issue.

But that does not change the fact that energy expenditures relative to income has declined over time, especially when compared to disposable income.

Then, you should agree with me, podner, that any summation of economic opinion as regards the middle class and below is meaningless if you are looking at GDP. Am I right or wrong.

GDP by itself is a usless index, because we have seen how the Obama administration manipulates it to "all get out" for political purposes. At present it in NO way indicates the condition of the American economy.
I'm talking helping "seniors and children". You're talking about, wait a second, what ARE you talking about? OK, nevermind. You weren't making any sense that I want to know.

Yes, because we all know "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" has worked out so well in the past.
Do you honestly believe that shit? Do you really think politicians and bureaucrats sit around thinking how they can help seniors and children?
If so you're a bigger tool than anyone else around here.

I know that Social Security was designed, by "Democrats" to help seniors and families. I know the "Child Dependency" was designed by "Democrats" to help children and families. Republicans were against both of these.
So, what are Republican solutions? The Republicans can't even bring themselves to say the words "Middle Class".
Just because Republicans are awful, doesn't mean everyone is. Unless, you are saying that everyone in the US is a rotten creep? If that's they way you feel, why stay? Is there even anyone keeping you here?

You "know" these things. Yet they are untrue. Both programs were designed to help Democrats win elections and stay in office. That is the sum total of their design. And it worked because obedient sheep like yourself fell for it hook line and stinker.

In fact, such social programs have been a disaster most for those whom it supposedly helped. Aid to single mothers fostered many more single mothers. Social Security is a scam. It is bankrupt. It drained away much productive savings that could have been used to build real wealth and instead has gone to propping up a bloated bureaucracy.
There is not a single transfer payment scheme that has actually helped anyone except bureaucrats, their powerful unions, and the politicians who foisted these frauds off on unsuspecting and credulous cretins like yourself.
SO, have you ever met a Republican?

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