Why Has Barak Obama Not Been Investigated / Charged With Obstruction Of Justice In Hillary Case?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

'By the time the July 5 statement was issued letting Clinton off the hook, any mention of emails made by Obama to Clinton’s un-secure email account had been removed from Comey’s statement, which is extremely fortunate for Obama, because if he did knowingly discuss classified information with Clinton through unsecured emails, he could also be investigated for violating federal laws forbidding such reckless activity. And there’s evidence Obama may have attempted to cover his tracks by having his e-mails sealed under the guise of executive privilege.

Obama had his email communications with Clinton sealed. He did this by invoking a dubious presidential-records privilege. The White House insisted that the matter had nothing to do with the contents of the emails, of course; rather, it was intended to vindicate the principle of confidentiality in presidential communications with close advisers.

With the media content to play along, this had a twofold benefit: Obama was able (1) to sidestep disclosure without acknowledging that the emails contained classified information and (2) to avoid using the term ‘executive privilege’ — with all its dark Watergate connotations — even though that was precisely what he was invoking.”

Obama’s emails were sealed not long after he told CBS News in 2015 he found out about Clinton’s private email server at the
“same time everybody else learned it through news reports.” This is important because emails produced by WikiLeaks show top Democrats and members of Obama’s team reacted in a panic to the former president’s false statement. (Remember, we know Obama had personally emailed Clinton’s private email address.)

Cheryl Mills, one of Clinton’s top lawyers told John Podesta, “we need to clean this up – he [Obama] has emails from her [Clinton] - they do not say state.gov.” (State.gov indicates an email is an official government email address.)'


Obama had his own Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinski-type moment in front of the media when he proclaimed during a 'Q&A' session with reporters, 'I did not have TEXT with that woman!'

He claimed to have only learned about Hillary's illegal server when the news broke the story. Wikileaks, however, exposed his LIE, showing they had been communicating via un-official e-mails channels for a long while, that Barry did not only know about Clinton's server but was using a 'personal' un-official e-mail account to e-mail back and forth with her.

Democrats and Obama team members freaked out when the truth came out. As Mills warned, they had to 'get ahead of this' and 'clean it up. The cover-up included getting the Liberal media to be compliant in silencing this from going any further - 'Media minimize / blackout'. 2ndly Obama immediately sealed his e-mails to and from Hillary, 'Watergate-ishly' citing 'Executive Privilege'.

Obama himself acknowledged that there was information on Hillary's server and in her e-mails SO CLASSIFIED that if released it would cause grave damage to our national security...then claimed he knew nothing about Hillary's e-mails until the news broke the story...then his lie was exposed ..then he sealed his own e-mails back and forth to Hillary.
- That arguably constitutes Obstruction of Justice. More examples of Obama and his administration covering up for Clinton.
That's like Nixon trying to claim Executive Privilege for the audio tapes.

I would bet, however, that if Obama and Hillary's e-mails to one another, to their horror, it would reveal very little about any 'classified' information and would instead reveal collusion, collaboration, and Conspiracy. It would reveal their discussions about protecting her from indictment and remaining in the Presidential election, it would reveal their discussions on how to take down Trump - such as by their joint violation of the law by buying and illegally using in an election a Russia propaganda-filled false report on Trump from a foreign agent / spy through a company working for the Russians, and finally about the coordinated effort between the WH, DOJ (Lynch), FBI, and Hillary to keep her from being indicted and to treasonously 'take out' Trump!

Obama and Hillary's e-mails should be handed over to the DOJ / a Special Counsel as part of a much-needed Special Counsel Investigation of the exposed evidence of treason perpetrated by the former administration.

Justin Haskins - Did Barack Obama ‘Obstruct Justice’ in Clinton Email Case?
Why Has Barak Obama Not Been Investigated / Charged With Obstruction Of Justice In Hillary Case?

Because despite all of Trump's efforts to make it so, the Justice Department isn't profoundly retarded.
Why has Barack Obama not been arrested for faking his birth certificate and tapping Donald Trumps wires?

'By the time the July 5 statement was issued letting Clinton off the hook, any mention of emails made by Obama to Clinton’s un-secure email account had been removed from Comey’s statement, which is extremely fortunate for Obama, because if he did knowingly discuss classified information with Clinton through unsecured emails, he could also be investigated for violating federal laws forbidding such reckless activity. And there’s evidence Obama may have attempted to cover his tracks by having his e-mails sealed under the guise of executive privilege.

Obama had his email communications with Clinton sealed. He did this by invoking a dubious presidential-records privilege. The White House insisted that the matter had nothing to do with the contents of the emails, of course; rather, it was intended to vindicate the principle of confidentiality in presidential communications with close advisers.

With the media content to play along, this had a twofold benefit: Obama was able (1) to sidestep disclosure without acknowledging that the emails contained classified information and (2) to avoid using the term ‘executive privilege’ — with all its dark Watergate connotations — even though that was precisely what he was invoking.”

Obama’s emails were sealed not long after he told CBS News in 2015 he found out about Clinton’s private email server at the
“same time everybody else learned it through news reports.” This is important because emails produced by WikiLeaks show top Democrats and members of Obama’s team reacted in a panic to the former president’s false statement. (Remember, we know Obama had personally emailed Clinton’s private email address.)

Cheryl Mills, one of Clinton’s top lawyers told John Podesta, “we need to clean this up – he [Obama] has emails from her [Clinton] - they do not say state.gov.” (State.gov indicates an email is an official government email address.)'


Obama had his own Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinski-type moment in front of the media when he proclaimed during a 'Q&A' session with reporters, 'I did not have TEXT with that woman!'

He claimed to have only learned about Hillary's illegal server when the news broke the story. Wikileaks, however, exposed his LIE, showing they had been communicating via un-official e-mails channels for a long while, that Barry did not only know about Clinton's server but was using a 'personal' un-official e-mail account to e-mail back and forth with her.

Democrats and Obama team members freaked out when the truth came out. As Mills warned, they had to 'get ahead of this' and 'clean it up. The cover-up included getting the Liberal media to be compliant in silencing this from going any further - 'Media minimize / blackout'. 2ndly Obama immediately sealed his e-mails to and from Hillary, 'Watergate-ishly' citing 'Executive Privilege'.

Obama himself acknowledged that there was information on Hillary's server and in her e-mails SO CLASSIFIED that if released it would cause grave damage to our national security...then claimed he knew nothing about Hillary's e-mails until the news broke the story...then his lie was exposed ..then he sealed his own e-mails back and forth to Hillary.
- That arguably constitutes Obstruction of Justice. More examples of Obama and his administration covering up for Clinton.
That's like Nixon trying to claim Executive Privilege for the audio tapes.

I would bet, however, that if Obama and Hillary's e-mails to one another, to their horror, it would reveal very little about any 'classified' information and would instead reveal collusion, collaboration, and Conspiracy. It would reveal their discussions about protecting her from indictment and remaining in the Presidential election, it would reveal their discussions on how to take down Trump - such as by their joint violation of the law by buying and illegally using in an election a Russia propaganda-filled false report on Trump from a foreign agent / spy through a company working for the Russians, and finally about the coordinated effort between the WH, DOJ (Lynch), FBI, and Hillary to keep her from being indicted and to treasonously 'take out' Trump!

Obama and Hillary's e-mails should be handed over to the DOJ / a Special Counsel as part of a much-needed Special Counsel Investigation of the exposed evidence of treason perpetrated by the former administration.

Justin Haskins - Did Barack Obama ‘Obstruct Justice’ in Clinton Email Case?

It's the Illuminati...wait, no it's the guys in the black helicopters. Hold on, has to be the fluoride in the water. Sorry, it's the deep state...yeah, that's the ticket.
You guys are doing a fabulous job of LOOK OVER THERE!! for Mango Mussolini.

Hell even the Grand Wizard of LOOK OVER THERE!! Devin Nunes is in awe!

How much ya gettin' paid?


'By the time the July 5 statement was issued letting Clinton off the hook, any mention of emails made by Obama to Clinton’s un-secure email account had been removed from Comey’s statement, which is extremely fortunate for Obama, because if he did knowingly discuss classified information with Clinton through unsecured emails, he could also be investigated for violating federal laws forbidding such reckless activity. And there’s evidence Obama may have attempted to cover his tracks by having his e-mails sealed under the guise of executive privilege.

Obama had his email communications with Clinton sealed. He did this by invoking a dubious presidential-records privilege. The White House insisted that the matter had nothing to do with the contents of the emails, of course; rather, it was intended to vindicate the principle of confidentiality in presidential communications with close advisers.

With the media content to play along, this had a twofold benefit: Obama was able (1) to sidestep disclosure without acknowledging that the emails contained classified information and (2) to avoid using the term ‘executive privilege’ — with all its dark Watergate connotations — even though that was precisely what he was invoking.”

Obama’s emails were sealed not long after he told CBS News in 2015 he found out about Clinton’s private email server at the
“same time everybody else learned it through news reports.” This is important because emails produced by WikiLeaks show top Democrats and members of Obama’s team reacted in a panic to the former president’s false statement. (Remember, we know Obama had personally emailed Clinton’s private email address.)

Cheryl Mills, one of Clinton’s top lawyers told John Podesta, “we need to clean this up – he [Obama] has emails from her [Clinton] - they do not say state.gov.” (State.gov indicates an email is an official government email address.)'


Obama had his own Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinski-type moment in front of the media when he proclaimed during a 'Q&A' session with reporters, 'I did not have TEXT with that woman!'

He claimed to have only learned about Hillary's illegal server when the news broke the story. Wikileaks, however, exposed his LIE, showing they had been communicating via un-official e-mails channels for a long while, that Barry did not only know about Clinton's server but was using a 'personal' un-official e-mail account to e-mail back and forth with her.

Democrats and Obama team members freaked out when the truth came out. As Mills warned, they had to 'get ahead of this' and 'clean it up. The cover-up included getting the Liberal media to be compliant in silencing this from going any further - 'Media minimize / blackout'. 2ndly Obama immediately sealed his e-mails to and from Hillary, 'Watergate-ishly' citing 'Executive Privilege'.

Obama himself acknowledged that there was information on Hillary's server and in her e-mails SO CLASSIFIED that if released it would cause grave damage to our national security...then claimed he knew nothing about Hillary's e-mails until the news broke the story...then his lie was exposed ..then he sealed his own e-mails back and forth to Hillary.
- That arguably constitutes Obstruction of Justice. More examples of Obama and his administration covering up for Clinton.
That's like Nixon trying to claim Executive Privilege for the audio tapes.

I would bet, however, that if Obama and Hillary's e-mails to one another, to their horror, it would reveal very little about any 'classified' information and would instead reveal collusion, collaboration, and Conspiracy. It would reveal their discussions about protecting her from indictment and remaining in the Presidential election, it would reveal their discussions on how to take down Trump - such as by their joint violation of the law by buying and illegally using in an election a Russia propaganda-filled false report on Trump from a foreign agent / spy through a company working for the Russians, and finally about the coordinated effort between the WH, DOJ (Lynch), FBI, and Hillary to keep her from being indicted and to treasonously 'take out' Trump!

Obama and Hillary's e-mails should be handed over to the DOJ / a Special Counsel as part of a much-needed Special Counsel Investigation of the exposed evidence of treason perpetrated by the former administration.

Justin Haskins - Did Barack Obama ‘Obstruct Justice’ in Clinton Email Case?

Easy answer. It would be not to the benefit to the United States of America. Same thing goes for Clinton. But Clinton was sort of given a Pardon from Bush Jr. Part of that Pardon was he received exactly the same punishment that he would have receive had he been convicted by the Senate. Impeaching him was also not to the best interest of the United States of America. It doesn't matter if he was guilt or not. It is what is in the best interest of the United States of America. You people that keep dogging Hillary are never going to get your wishes since that also would not be in the best Interest of the United States of America. You honestly think Nixon got off scot free? He was pardoned by Ford but he lost half his Presidential Retirement Pay and was barred from Practicing Law. Clinton was barred for 5 years, Nixon was barred for life. Nixon also was authorize Secret Service Protection but turned it down. He ended up being a Contractor for the State Department since there was and isn't now his equivalent as an expert in Foreign Affairs.

Again, we do what is best for the United States of America. To do otherwise would harm our nation. But I guess you traitors never think of that.

'By the time the July 5 statement was issued letting Clinton off the hook, any mention of emails made by Obama to Clinton’s un-secure email account had been removed from Comey’s statement, which is extremely fortunate for Obama, because if he did knowingly discuss classified information with Clinton through unsecured emails, he could also be investigated for violating federal laws forbidding such reckless activity. And there’s evidence Obama may have attempted to cover his tracks by having his e-mails sealed under the guise of executive privilege.

Obama had his email communications with Clinton sealed. He did this by invoking a dubious presidential-records privilege. The White House insisted that the matter had nothing to do with the contents of the emails, of course; rather, it was intended to vindicate the principle of confidentiality in presidential communications with close advisers.

With the media content to play along, this had a twofold benefit: Obama was able (1) to sidestep disclosure without acknowledging that the emails contained classified information and (2) to avoid using the term ‘executive privilege’ — with all its dark Watergate connotations — even though that was precisely what he was invoking.”

Obama’s emails were sealed not long after he told CBS News in 2015 he found out about Clinton’s private email server at the
“same time everybody else learned it through news reports.” This is important because emails produced by WikiLeaks show top Democrats and members of Obama’s team reacted in a panic to the former president’s false statement. (Remember, we know Obama had personally emailed Clinton’s private email address.)

Cheryl Mills, one of Clinton’s top lawyers told John Podesta, “we need to clean this up – he [Obama] has emails from her [Clinton] - they do not say state.gov.” (State.gov indicates an email is an official government email address.)'


Obama had his own Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinski-type moment in front of the media when he proclaimed during a 'Q&A' session with reporters, 'I did not have TEXT with that woman!'

He claimed to have only learned about Hillary's illegal server when the news broke the story. Wikileaks, however, exposed his LIE, showing they had been communicating via un-official e-mails channels for a long while, that Barry did not only know about Clinton's server but was using a 'personal' un-official e-mail account to e-mail back and forth with her.

Democrats and Obama team members freaked out when the truth came out. As Mills warned, they had to 'get ahead of this' and 'clean it up. The cover-up included getting the Liberal media to be compliant in silencing this from going any further - 'Media minimize / blackout'. 2ndly Obama immediately sealed his e-mails to and from Hillary, 'Watergate-ishly' citing 'Executive Privilege'.

Obama himself acknowledged that there was information on Hillary's server and in her e-mails SO CLASSIFIED that if released it would cause grave damage to our national security...then claimed he knew nothing about Hillary's e-mails until the news broke the story...then his lie was exposed ..then he sealed his own e-mails back and forth to Hillary.
- That arguably constitutes Obstruction of Justice. More examples of Obama and his administration covering up for Clinton.
That's like Nixon trying to claim Executive Privilege for the audio tapes.

I would bet, however, that if Obama and Hillary's e-mails to one another, to their horror, it would reveal very little about any 'classified' information and would instead reveal collusion, collaboration, and Conspiracy. It would reveal their discussions about protecting her from indictment and remaining in the Presidential election, it would reveal their discussions on how to take down Trump - such as by their joint violation of the law by buying and illegally using in an election a Russia propaganda-filled false report on Trump from a foreign agent / spy through a company working for the Russians, and finally about the coordinated effort between the WH, DOJ (Lynch), FBI, and Hillary to keep her from being indicted and to treasonously 'take out' Trump!

Obama and Hillary's e-mails should be handed over to the DOJ / a Special Counsel as part of a much-needed Special Counsel Investigation of the exposed evidence of treason perpetrated by the former administration.

Justin Haskins - Did Barack Obama ‘Obstruct Justice’ in Clinton Email Case?
I often wonder..do you really believe all this nonsense? Or is it all just for a laugh?

The next SC will be Trey Gowdy.
He WILL expose and charge a few dozen Obama/Clinton/DOJ/FBI corrupt officials and some of them WILL end up in federal prisons.
And the WAPO-Adam Schiff direct line WILL be exposed.
You reality-denying snowflakes need to pull you head out of Obama's ass. You look like...well, what you are - idiots.

This scandal is REAL, PROVEN...

Obama used a pseudonym in emails with Clinton, FBI documents reveal

"President Barack Obama used a pseudonym in email communications with Hillary Clinton and others, according to FBI records made public Friday.

The disclosure came as the FBI released its second batch of documents from its investigation into Clinton’s private email server during her tenure as secretary of state."

Not only THAT, but like Comey, Obama admitted Hillary broke the law:

“I continue to believe she has not jeopardized America’s national security,” Obama said. “There’s a carelessness in terms of managing emails that she has owned and she recognizes. But I also think it is important to keep this in perspective.”

** This statement he made is AFTER he declared there was data on Hillary's server that was so classified that it could not be released in an y form because if released it would cause grave danger to our national security.

It is pathetic how snowflakes have to resort to stupid photos in an attempt to deny reality and ignore the evidence exposing their treasonous / criminal leaders.

'By the time the July 5 statement was issued letting Clinton off the hook, any mention of emails made by Obama to Clinton’s un-secure email account had been removed from Comey’s statement, which is extremely fortunate for Obama, because if he did knowingly discuss classified information with Clinton through unsecured emails, he could also be investigated for violating federal laws forbidding such reckless activity. And there’s evidence Obama may have attempted to cover his tracks by having his e-mails sealed under the guise of executive privilege.

Obama had his email communications with Clinton sealed. He did this by invoking a dubious presidential-records privilege. The White House insisted that the matter had nothing to do with the contents of the emails, of course; rather, it was intended to vindicate the principle of confidentiality in presidential communications with close advisers.

With the media content to play along, this had a twofold benefit: Obama was able (1) to sidestep disclosure without acknowledging that the emails contained classified information and (2) to avoid using the term ‘executive privilege’ — with all its dark Watergate connotations — even though that was precisely what he was invoking.”

Obama’s emails were sealed not long after he told CBS News in 2015 he found out about Clinton’s private email server at the
“same time everybody else learned it through news reports.” This is important because emails produced by WikiLeaks show top Democrats and members of Obama’s team reacted in a panic to the former president’s false statement. (Remember, we know Obama had personally emailed Clinton’s private email address.)

Cheryl Mills, one of Clinton’s top lawyers told John Podesta, “we need to clean this up – he [Obama] has emails from her [Clinton] - they do not say state.gov.” (State.gov indicates an email is an official government email address.)'


Obama had his own Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinski-type moment in front of the media when he proclaimed during a 'Q&A' session with reporters, 'I did not have TEXT with that woman!'

He claimed to have only learned about Hillary's illegal server when the news broke the story. Wikileaks, however, exposed his LIE, showing they had been communicating via un-official e-mails channels for a long while, that Barry did not only know about Clinton's server but was using a 'personal' un-official e-mail account to e-mail back and forth with her.

Democrats and Obama team members freaked out when the truth came out. As Mills warned, they had to 'get ahead of this' and 'clean it up. The cover-up included getting the Liberal media to be compliant in silencing this from going any further - 'Media minimize / blackout'. 2ndly Obama immediately sealed his e-mails to and from Hillary, 'Watergate-ishly' citing 'Executive Privilege'.

Obama himself acknowledged that there was information on Hillary's server and in her e-mails SO CLASSIFIED that if released it would cause grave damage to our national security...then claimed he knew nothing about Hillary's e-mails until the news broke the story...then his lie was exposed ..then he sealed his own e-mails back and forth to Hillary.
- That arguably constitutes Obstruction of Justice. More examples of Obama and his administration covering up for Clinton.
That's like Nixon trying to claim Executive Privilege for the audio tapes.

I would bet, however, that if Obama and Hillary's e-mails to one another, to their horror, it would reveal very little about any 'classified' information and would instead reveal collusion, collaboration, and Conspiracy. It would reveal their discussions about protecting her from indictment and remaining in the Presidential election, it would reveal their discussions on how to take down Trump - such as by their joint violation of the law by buying and illegally using in an election a Russia propaganda-filled false report on Trump from a foreign agent / spy through a company working for the Russians, and finally about the coordinated effort between the WH, DOJ (Lynch), FBI, and Hillary to keep her from being indicted and to treasonously 'take out' Trump!

Obama and Hillary's e-mails should be handed over to the DOJ / a Special Counsel as part of a much-needed Special Counsel Investigation of the exposed evidence of treason perpetrated by the former administration.

Justin Haskins - Did Barack Obama ‘Obstruct Justice’ in Clinton Email Case?
Wow, this is the first time I've heard that Obama was somehow connected to Monica Lewinski.

Talk about a "stretch". The GOP is desperate.
"Some people, I think, are worried whether or not the decision whether or not how to handle the was will be made on political grounds and not legal grounds. Can you guarantee to the American people? Can you direct the Justice Department to say, Hillary Clinton will be treated as the evidence goes, she'll not be in any way protected?"

"I guarantee it. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case but in any case. Period," Obama made clear.

"Nobody gets treated differently when it comes to the Justice Department because nobody is above the law," the president added."


There is a LOT of evidence now showing that Barak Obama, once again, lied his ass off to the American people!

Obama: Clinton Didn't "Intentionally" Put America In Jeopardy; I Guarantee No Political Influence In Server Probe

'By the time the July 5 statement was issued letting Clinton off the hook, any mention of emails made by Obama to Clinton’s un-secure email account had been removed from Comey’s statement, which is extremely fortunate for Obama, because if he did knowingly discuss classified information with Clinton through unsecured emails, he could also be investigated for violating federal laws forbidding such reckless activity. And there’s evidence Obama may have attempted to cover his tracks by having his e-mails sealed under the guise of executive privilege.

Obama had his email communications with Clinton sealed. He did this by invoking a dubious presidential-records privilege. The White House insisted that the matter had nothing to do with the contents of the emails, of course; rather, it was intended to vindicate the principle of confidentiality in presidential communications with close advisers.

With the media content to play along, this had a twofold benefit: Obama was able (1) to sidestep disclosure without acknowledging that the emails contained classified information and (2) to avoid using the term ‘executive privilege’ — with all its dark Watergate connotations — even though that was precisely what he was invoking.”

Obama’s emails were sealed not long after he told CBS News in 2015 he found out about Clinton’s private email server at the
“same time everybody else learned it through news reports.” This is important because emails produced by WikiLeaks show top Democrats and members of Obama’s team reacted in a panic to the former president’s false statement. (Remember, we know Obama had personally emailed Clinton’s private email address.)

Cheryl Mills, one of Clinton’s top lawyers told John Podesta, “we need to clean this up – he [Obama] has emails from her [Clinton] - they do not say state.gov.” (State.gov indicates an email is an official government email address.)'


Obama had his own Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinski-type moment in front of the media when he proclaimed during a 'Q&A' session with reporters, 'I did not have TEXT with that woman!'

He claimed to have only learned about Hillary's illegal server when the news broke the story. Wikileaks, however, exposed his LIE, showing they had been communicating via un-official e-mails channels for a long while, that Barry did not only know about Clinton's server but was using a 'personal' un-official e-mail account to e-mail back and forth with her.

Democrats and Obama team members freaked out when the truth came out. As Mills warned, they had to 'get ahead of this' and 'clean it up. The cover-up included getting the Liberal media to be compliant in silencing this from going any further - 'Media minimize / blackout'. 2ndly Obama immediately sealed his e-mails to and from Hillary, 'Watergate-ishly' citing 'Executive Privilege'.

Obama himself acknowledged that there was information on Hillary's server and in her e-mails SO CLASSIFIED that if released it would cause grave damage to our national security...then claimed he knew nothing about Hillary's e-mails until the news broke the story...then his lie was exposed ..then he sealed his own e-mails back and forth to Hillary.
- That arguably constitutes Obstruction of Justice. More examples of Obama and his administration covering up for Clinton.
That's like Nixon trying to claim Executive Privilege for the audio tapes.

I would bet, however, that if Obama and Hillary's e-mails to one another, to their horror, it would reveal very little about any 'classified' information and would instead reveal collusion, collaboration, and Conspiracy. It would reveal their discussions about protecting her from indictment and remaining in the Presidential election, it would reveal their discussions on how to take down Trump - such as by their joint violation of the law by buying and illegally using in an election a Russia propaganda-filled false report on Trump from a foreign agent / spy through a company working for the Russians, and finally about the coordinated effort between the WH, DOJ (Lynch), FBI, and Hillary to keep her from being indicted and to treasonously 'take out' Trump!

Obama and Hillary's e-mails should be handed over to the DOJ / a Special Counsel as part of a much-needed Special Counsel Investigation of the exposed evidence of treason perpetrated by the former administration.

Justin Haskins - Did Barack Obama ‘Obstruct Justice’ in Clinton Email Case?
Wow, this is the first time I've heard that Obama was somehow connected to Monica Lewinski.

Talk about a "stretch". The GOP is desperate.
Thank you for proving you can't read and are as stupid as I suspected you are.
Barry guaranteed there was no shady business going on, that Hillary was not being protected, and no one was above the law....

Not only did he lie about when he learned of Hillary's personal e-mails - and used a pseudonym to hide the fact they were e-mailing back and forth:

Obama Attorney General Used Fake Identity To Hide Clinton Investigation

'Former President Obama’s attorney general, Loretta Lynch, used a fake name to cover up an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server, indicates an admission from Lynch’s attorney.

Lynch was caught conducting a
secret meeting with Bill Clinton aboard a private plane on a tarmac in Phoenix last year as Clinton’s wife pursued the presidency and amid an ongoing investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private, unsecured email server, which she illegally used during her tenure as secretary of State. Soon afterward, the former attorney general reportedly used a pseudonym to coordinate a narrative about the meeting with Department of Justice officials'

Obama: 'I learned about Hillary's e-mails when the media reported it.'
PROVEN LIE! He used a pseudonym and a personal e-mail account, e-mailing back and forth with Hillary. Once exposed, he sealed his e-mails.

Obama / Loretta Lynch: 'Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch met on a tarmac by chance to talk about grandkids.'

PROVEN LIE! Records / Her schedule found later showed Lynch and Clinton had pre-coordinated the meeting.

The Conspiracy, Collusion, Coordination, Crimes, and Treason have been exposed more and more...Although hardly reported at the time and nearly forgotten, Barak Obama LIED about not knowing about Hillary's e-mails until the press reported it. When his LIE was exposed he quickly sealed them, claiming 'Executive Privilege'....to ensure his administration's obstruction of justice and treason remained covered up...


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