Why has humanity turned back on the future?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
We don't have the Concorde anymore. We lost the ability to land on the Moon until we get Artemis running.

Why did we give up on the future in the 2000s? Why did we give up on having ambition for technological advancement?


Going to the Moon was undertaken because we were coming in second in the space race, so the government wanted to spectacularly outdo the Soviets. It was simply a Cold War thing. NASA, like any large government agency, is always over budget and inefficiently run. The mistake we have been continually doing for decades, has been to largely, just keep Astronauts "falling around the Earth," rather than focus on beneficial projects like mining asteroids or Moons for resources and diligently working towards setting up habitats on Mars.
Thankfully, corporations are now getting into the mix and are doing a better job than NASA.
We don't have the Concorde anymore. We lost the ability to land on the Moon until we get Artemis running.

Why did we give up on the future in the 2000s? Why did we give up on having ambition for technological advancement?



One word "cost". I don't think there's a more expensive human endeavour than going to space. Sure one can go to space, the moon and even Mars. If and only if one is prepared to pay the massive cost associated with such a project.

NASA has been trying since the seventies to find a way to lower the cost and to find ways to commercialize space. Both have only met with limited success. There's only so much money to be made from putting satellites into orbit. And the shuttle program fell way short of it's intended goal.

The problem is now as it was in the past in trying to convince the public that spending a massive amount of money on projects that may or may not have a benifit beyond scientific curiosity.
We don't have the Concorde anymore. We lost the ability to land on the Moon until we get Artemis running.

Why did we give up on the future in the 2000s? Why did we give up on having ambition for technological advancement?



Human beings are small minded and petty and too busy fighting each other.

As was noted by a comedian, IF the Jews were to all go to the moon then there would be a jihad of Muslims to trail after them demanding it was theirs.

Or to put it another way, if going to the moon involved a scheme to triple government income at the taxpayers expense and decreasing human population levels at the same time, Progressives would have been there yesterday.

But no, people will not pursue going to the moon unless there is a small minded petty vindictive reason, like beating the Russians.
We have traded jet packs, flying cars, and weekend trips to the moon for a different future. One of information sharing between everyone on the planet.
We have traded jet packs, flying cars, and weekend trips to the moon for a different future. One of information sharing between everyone on the planet.
I look at it more as humans trying to spy and control.

As a populace, we buy into it as we choose safety and control over freedom and innovation.

Our dark inclinations smother our potential.
...people will not pursue going to the moon unless there is a small minded petty vindictive reason, like beating the Russians.

There was nothing "small" or "petty" about that reason.
...people will not pursue going to the moon unless there is a small minded petty vindictive reason, like beating the Russians.

There was nothing "small" or "petty" about that reason.
How so? So you think going to the moon so that they could use propaganda to tell the world how much better your country should be the main reason for funding it?

Now they use NASA for other government propaganda while the equipment they use is horribly outdated.

I know a guy who worked on the space shuttle and he said that when the first shuttle launched the technology was already horrible outdated. Government run anything is a nightmare and will never result in advancements into populating the solar system unless there is another petty reason to do so.
As a populace, we buy into it as we choose safety and control over freedom and innovation.

You don't believe that The Internet and personal data devices have created more freedom and innovation that have been previously known in human history?

Anyone today can create literature, art, music, scientific data, political or theological thought and instantly have it transmitted to anyone in the world interested in seeing it.

Our thoughts, our ideas, even pictures of our cats and what we had for lunch are immediately available to the entire planet.

I can't think of anything more innovative than that.
As a populace, we buy into it as we choose safety and control over freedom and innovation.

You don't believe that The Internet and personal data devices have created more freedom and innovation that have been previously known in human history?

Anyone today can create literature, art, music, scientific data, political or theological thought and instantly have it transmitted to anyone in the world interested in seeing it.

Our thoughts, our ideas, even pictures of our cats and what we had for lunch are immediately available to the entire planet.

I can't think of anything more innovative than that.
Sure, you have the freedom to post anything you want, and then watch Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, etc., censor it if it's politically offensive to them.

Then the NSA gather is it all up and keeps secret records on you.

The information is then is fed into artificial intelligence devices to do God only knows what.

What seems like freedom is more like control.

To be continued.......................................
and then watch Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, etc.,

Anyone who creates a platform has the freedom to control the content on that platform.

You have the freedom to speak ... but bring your own soap box.

...people will not pursue going to the moon unless there is a small minded petty vindictive reason, like beating the Russians.

There was nothing "small" or "petty" about that reason.
How so? So you think going to the moon so that they could use propaganda to tell the world how much better your country should be the main reason for funding it?

Now they use NASA for other government propaganda while the equipment they use is horribly outdated.

I know a guy who worked on the space shuttle and he said that when the first shuttle launched the technology was already horrible outdated. Government run anything is a nightmare and will never result in advancements into populating the solar system unless there is another petty reason to do so.
The Space X manned Dragon 2 spacecraft is a step in the right direction. There seems to be many private companies that just seem to be at the precipice of getting into suborbital to orbital flight. Its maddening that it is so close to happening but still not there yet. NASA has done the leg work in the past to give the private companies today their opportunities. NASA just has to know when to move out of the way. The astronaut corps must be itching to go into deep space. But each year goes by and we say, maybe next year.
...people will not pursue going to the moon unless there is a small minded petty vindictive reason, like beating the Russians.

There was nothing "small" or "petty" about that reason.
How so? So you think going to the moon so that they could use propaganda to tell the world how much better your country should be the main reason for funding it?

Now they use NASA for other government propaganda while the equipment they use is horribly outdated.

I know a guy who worked on the space shuttle and he said that when the first shuttle launched the technology was already horrible outdated. Government run anything is a nightmare and will never result in advancements into populating the solar system unless there is another petty reason to do so.
The Space X manned Dragon 2 spacecraft is a step in the right direction. There seems to be many private companies that just seem to be at the precipice of getting into suborbital to orbital flight. Its maddening that it is so close to happening but still not there yet. NASA has done the leg work in the past to give the private companies today their opportunities. NASA just has to know when to move out of the way. The astronaut corps must be itching to go into deep space. But each year goes by and we say, maybe next year.

I doubt anyone alive today will ever travel beyond LEO. It's just not something humans do any more.
...people will not pursue going to the moon unless there is a small minded petty vindictive reason, like beating the Russians.

There was nothing "small" or "petty" about that reason.
How so? So you think going to the moon ....

A great many technological innovations came out of the space program, and the ultimate defeat of the Soviet Union was an immeasurable boon to the entire human race. All of which is not to mention the intrinsic value of expanding human knowledge and accomplishment.

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