Why hasn't Congress Subpoenaed Susan Rice, and Loretta Lynch?

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Does Congress seem to think we forgot about these two dishonest hag's role in the FISAgate case?
Or in the Clinton Server Gate Cover Up conducted by THE FBI and DOJ?
Or regarding the Illegal meeting on The Tarmac?
Or the number of Lies Rice was caught telling?
Or the Classified Intel she shared with unauthorized personnel
Or about the Illegal Unmasking her and Susan Powers engaged in as part of the Insurance Policy Plot to "Stop Democracy from Happening?"

We Know for a FACT Loretta Lynch tried to Obstruct Justice during the Clinton Email Scandal, and we Know for a FACT Susan Rice committed Felonies as did Susan Powers when they illegally unmasked the so called "unintentional targets" of a Fraudulent FISA Surveillance Warrant Ordered by Obama to help Drag Cankles across the finish line in 2016.

Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, and a George Soros Representative Caught Up in Senate Probe
Why hasn't Congress Subpoenaed Susan Rice, and Loretta Lynch?

Yeah well, it seems the Congress can only handle so many investigations at a time, that is all they seem to get done anymore these days is "investigate" each other's improprieties, they do little else than "hold hearings," they try to keep Trump at the fore of all of them, Democrats forgive and excuse most anything so long as it doesn't get in their way, except republicans, which they hold to the letter of the law, and Sessions and the GOP are balless as always, and none of these investigations ever amount to anything anyway! What ever becomes of any of them?

We need public oversight of the criminals in Washington ---- these people are incapable of policing themselves.
The President needs to fire Sessions after The Mid Terms.

Exactly what has sessions done to actually do anything about Fusion GPS, Podesta, The DNC, and Clinton laundering money illegally through COIE Lawfirm, through FUSION GPS and then overseas to British and Russian Foreign Agents to pay for Propaganda?

And exactly what has Jeff Sessions done about Hillary Clinton and Schultz hiring Pakistani Hackers and directing them to hack in to Congressional Files?

Why hasn't Jeff Sessions looked in to Loretta Lynch and Susan Rice's Criminal Actions?
The President needs to fire Sessions after The Mid Terms.

Exactly what has sessions done to actually do anything about Fusion GPS, Podesta, The DNC, and Clinton laundering money illegally through COIE Lawfirm, through FUSION GPS and then overseas to British and Russian Foreign Agents to pay for Propaganda?
And exactly what has Jeff Sessions done about Hillary Clinton and Schultz hiring Pakistani Hackers and directing them to hack in to Congressional Files?
Why hasn't Jeff Sessions looked in to Loretta Lynch and Susan Rice's Criminal Actions?

You know Tree, we get a lot of predictable partisanship here, loads and loads of people who ALWAYS support one view to the exclusion of all else. But while I'm a great Trump supporter and believer, I'm very disappointed in Trump in some ways. I blame him for a lot of the chaos, in picking Sessions in the first place and not knowing what he'd do. Trump goes out of his way to pick fights, say things and offend others that are simply not necessary and only add to his problems by fueling his opponents.

It's as if Trump has never had anyone on the inside (The "Swamp") to advise him of Washington, tell him where the legal and political pitfalls, landmines and snakes were.

BUT WAIT! He had SESSIONS all through his campaign. And Pence. Are these people culpable or does Trump simply not listen to them? I suspect it is a lot of both. I can forgive his not knowing Manafort and others had a few skeletons in their closet, everyone in Washington does. It is only a matter of who the State decides to go after, and in the final analysis, it looks as though Trump has almost no one he can truly count on to have his back---- other than his own family.


Replace Sessions. Would be nice to replace Rosenstein as well. But with who? The position of AG is a FLAWED position---- in most other countries, that duty is shared by TWO people, one loyal to the president and the other strictly loyal to the letter of the law, but the Constitution made that ONE mistake in putting BOTH roles under the AG, and that leaves him torn between the impossible position of watching the president's back while at the same time adhering to the letter of the law.

With Lynch and Holder, they were totally behind Obama, be damned the law, and the DNC, GOP and media allowed it.

But with Sessions, he has thrown the President under the bus in order to protect the law and cover his ass. The one thing McCain showed us is how much many in Congress support and protect EACH OTHER before they do what's right for the people. I suspect many in the GOP simply refuse to SERIOUSLY go after many on the Left---- they are simply too friendly and cozy with them and each has too much dirt on the other that like snakes in a box, these leave each other alone if possible.

In absolute terms, I could see special investigations of many: Obama, Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Rice and maybe 6 or 8 others---- but it would take 20 years and fracture Washington beyond repair! DC is a broken system which simply does not work anymore because it has been left to go too far out of kilter with the Constitution.

80% of our federal laws are no longer even constitutional.

But how much could it take to justify the investigations you suggest? I mean, we all know Trump WANTS them, he PROMISED them, WE want them, so who is Sessions really serving? Each month that goes by makes the herein prescribed investigations harder to do and less likely. So the biggest question I have left is:

Considering all the bull, in 2019, will Trump want to even put himself thrugh another four years of total shit when he could be out enjoying the Life of Reilly?

I put the odds right now at 50/50.
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The President needs to fire Sessions after The Mid Terms.

Exactly what has sessions done to actually do anything about Fusion GPS, Podesta, The DNC, and Clinton laundering money illegally through COIE Lawfirm, through FUSION GPS and then overseas to British and Russian Foreign Agents to pay for Propaganda?
And exactly what has Jeff Sessions done about Hillary Clinton and Schultz hiring Pakistani Hackers and directing them to hack in to Congressional Files?
Why hasn't Jeff Sessions looked in to Loretta Lynch and Susan Rice's Criminal Actions?

You know Tree, we get a lot of predictable partisanship here, loads and loads of people who ALWAYS support one view to the exclusion of all else. But while I'm a great Trump supporter and believer, I'm very disappointed in Trump in some ways. I blame him for a lot of the chaos, in picking Sessions in the first place and not knowing what he'd do. Trump goes out of his way to pick fights, say things and offend others that are simply not necessary and only add to his problems by fueling his opponents.

It's as if Trump has never had anyone on the inside (The "Swamp") to advise him of Washington, tell him where the legal and political pitfalls, landmines and snakes were.

BUT WAIT! He had SESSIONS all through his campaign. And Pence. Are these people culpable or does Trump simply not listen to them? I suspect it is a lot of both. I can forgive his not knowing Manafort and others had a few skeletons in their closet, everyone in Washington does. It is only a matter of who the State decides to go after, and in the final analysis, it looks as though Trump has almost no one he can truly count on to have his back---- other than his own family.


Replace Sessions. Would be nice to replace Rosenstein as well. But with who? The position of AG is a FLAWED position---- in most other countries, that duty is shared by TWO people, one loyal to the president and the other strictly loyal to the letter of the law, but the Constitution made that ONE mistake in putting BOTH roles under the AG, and that leaves him torn between the impossible position of watching the president's back while at the same time adhering to the letter of the law.

With Lynch and Holder, they were totally behind Obama, be damned the law, and the DNC, GOP and media allowed it.

But with Sessions, he has thrown the President under the bus in order to protect the law and cover his ass. The one thing McCain showed us is how much many in Congress support and protect EACH OTHER before they do what's right for the people. I suspect many in the GOP simply refuse to SERIOUSLY go after many on the Left---- they are simply too friendly and cozy with them and each has too much dirt on the other that like snakes in a box, these leave each other alone if possible.

In absolute terms, I could see special investigations of many: Obama, Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Rice and maybe 6 or 8 others---- but it would take 20 years and fracture Washington beyond repair! DC is a broken system which simply does not work anymore because it has been left to go too far out of kilter with the Constitution.

80% of our federal laws are no longer even constitutional.

But how much could it take to justify the investigations you suggest? I mean, we all know Trump WANTS them, he PROMISED them, WE want them, so who is Sessions really serving? Each month that goes by makes the herein prescribed investigations harder to do and less likely. So the biggest question I have left is:

Considering all the bull, in 2019, will Trump want to even put himself thrugh another four years of total shit when he could be out enjoying the Life of Reilly?

I put the odds right now at 50/50.
That was actually a good read. Thoughtful post. I actually do not have time to address it right now, but will later.

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