Why Hasn't Joe Biden Been Impeached Yet? Here Are My Theories.

Except everything I say I can back up with facts...

Can you say that?


So fuck what you whining about
I'm happy, I am not the one whining because you, a troll, complained about another person a trolling. It seems you are the one whining because you are being called out as a troll, which you are.
I'm happy, I am not the one whining because you, a troll, complained about another person a trolling. It seems you are the one whining because you are being called out as a troll, which you are.
Apparently you don't know what trolling means......

If someone comes on here and says something that isn't true -- me telling that isn't whining....

Whining would be what you are doing......thinking what I do is trolling....Unless you think repeating what I see you conservative morons say on here daily is trolling....
If something is not based on facts; it is not "still true"

For example.....I think your husband beats you......I don't have any facts to base that on....but its still true....

No that's not the same thing. This was a case of lucky guess for me.
guesses and facts are not the same.......

Unless....me guessing your husband beats the brakes off you everyday is factual....

I'm not even married yet, but whatever. It's pointless trying to explain anything to you anyways. :rolleyes:
First of all treason, fraud, and going against the US Constitution should all be reasonable offenses and second of all a trial is held before a president can be impeached and obviously that's up to the court and the jury to decide.
You appear to be brain-damaged. :cuckoo:

There is no trial before impeaching a president. Nor is there a court or a jury involved in impeaching a president.

And treason for what?
Fraud for what?
Going against the Constitution, how?
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Apparently you don't know what trolling means......

If someone comes on here and says something that isn't true -- me telling that isn't whining....

Whining would be what you are doing......thinking what I do is trolling....Unless you think repeating what I see you conservative morons say on here daily is trolling....
Yes, you troll as you are trying to do now, pretty easy to see what you are doing. Except you are blind to your trolling. .
1. The courts are stupid.
2. The courts are smart enough to know that they don't want to expose themselves of what an idiot Joe Biden is, but are stupid enough not to realize that we already know that he is.
3. Kamala Harris' ratings have hit rock bottom and even the democrats don't want her as the sitting president.

The thing is that neither Joe Biden or Kamala Harris were ever able to lead our country in anything or do anything that they promised to do when they were sworn in. So I think they should both be impeached and Nancy Pelosi should be kicked out too because she's pretty much the same as Kamala Harris and she would never be a real leader for this country either.
actually there is only one correct answer,there is one different law for politicians than there is for us,politicians ESPECIALLY presidents,get away with crimes everyday we all go to jail for INCLUDING murder.you know how many people the clintons had ARKANSAWED off cause they knew about him sumuggling drugs into the arkansas for the CIA with the Bushs as governor of that state? the evidence is overwhelming he had them all murdered off.presidents are protected by the elite,they are untouchable. There is far more evidence of clinton having many people murdered off for knowing too much than there is for the majority of the people on death row and that was what a former judge said.

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