Why have hurricanes become little whimpy fizzle-out rainstorms?

It's all Pres Bush's fault!

Just another of the scores of threads in this forum that decimate the AGW k00k positions with fAcTs

You don't have any. Sad person.

Just because you choose to ignore the facts doesn't make them go away// They are still facts despite your science denial..

This shit was always "global" until they decided it wasn't. Its hysterical........their shit didn't develop in a uniform way so they changed the rules. Fucking phonies........now some area's of the planet don't count so they are conveniently ignored.
I use to be a skeptic. You deniers have pushed me into the warmist camp! ;) I'd even go as far as once being a denier, but that was only because of the pause. Hey, brainwashing works and I was proud to be a republican as Bush was convincing.

There's long term natural patterns that control hurricane activity...The Nao +/- cycles have a huge impact, the enso has huge impacts and the general meteorological set-up can be said to do the same. Because Katrina, Sandy, Ike, Isabel, Floyd, Hugo, Andrew, Gilbert, etc can occur slightly more often doesn't mean that we can't have a period of extremely low hurricane activity. The 1910's had extemely slow seasons like 1914 and the 80's had the same with 82, 83, 84, 86 being just as slow as this year.

This season isn't over, Danny was a major hurricane! Erika is possibly following! Most of the big hurricanes of 2010, 2011 and 2012 want into Mexico, central America or out to sea. Meteorological pattern is very important. 2004, 2005 and 2008 had patterns that favored American landfalls.

I'm sorry you left camp Matthew.. But we are stronger without you.. You'll do much more damage to their CChange cause then we ever did.. :eusa_clap:
The global part is something you don't seem to get. Moron! haha. When I say global I mean the overall activity of the world is the focus. You don't seem to understand that there's yearly and decadal patterns for many of the tropical cyclone basins of slow or heighten tropical cyclone development. Do you know from 2000 to 2012 the world avg ACE(a measure of all energy put off by tropical cyclones) was lower then the 80s and the 90's??? But yet, the Atlantic was kicking ass! The Atlantic was going through a +Nao with warmer sea surface temperatures! The Western Pacific was slower!

Climate is far more complex then you wish to give it credit. Makes you look stupid.

Naw.. The STUPID part is when the PROJECTION of more hurricane activity and strength was made SOLELY on an effect that is known to UNIFORMLY warm both the surface and the lower Troposphere where "weather" occurs. And folks who CLAIM to be meteorologist whizzes SHOULD know better than to blindly support a uniform warming as a multiplier for hurricane intensities. Your meteorology knowledge should have set off major alarms on that theory..

So Matthew.. If the surface warms and a similar warming occurs at the upper levels,, How much more vicious does that make a thunderstorm?? Let's say a full 1degF?? Think the thunderstorm cares more about that than the baro pressure??
El nino years typically have huge eastern, central and western Pacific seasons...Shitty Atlantic seasons..

It is wise not to focus just on the Atlantic to gauge global activity.
Three Cat 3 or 4 hurricanes are moving across the central Pacific now. That's never been seen before. It may have happened before, but we've never imaged such a thing before.

Three Category 4 Hurricanes in the Pacific Ocean: How Rare Is That?

The point? Skook looks dopey for focusing solely on the Atlantic. El Nino makes more hurricanes in the Pacific, fewer in the Atlantic.

How typical of progressives?

When you are getting pwned, change the subject.

To a person, every global warming nutter promised the world a stoopid high frequency of Atlantic Cat 5 hurricanes back in 2005. When the prediction fell like a stone in water, they talk about the Pacific!!!:2up: The Atlantic doesn't count anymore!!

fucking ghey!!!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::boobies:
Wind shear at the equator is ripping these Atlantic storms apart before they really get started. With three storms in the Pacific the warmth of the current El Nino will be dissipated rapidly. Not unprecedented or unusual behavior for the earth. its all been seen before many times.
So........whats up with this?

Hurricane Danny fizzles: Why are there fewer big hurricanes?

Every k00k AGW alarmist promised us 10 years ago that we were fucked!!! As usual, these nuts are wrong on most every single prediction. Anybody with half a brain realizes that they ALWAYS take ANY weather anomoly and turn it into the whole doom and gloom climate change narrative........but since most people have the IQ of a small soap dish, they can continue to perpetuate the snow jobs!!!

Yet interestingly..........almost daily in here you have one of these hysterical people posting up the warning, "wider swings and more extreme weather..............".


So, hurricanes behave exactly as the climate scientists predict. They say El Ninos create wind shear that dampens hurricane formation, and they were absolutely right.

As usual, the climate scientists were right about everything. And that has skook weeping in impotent rage.

Skook, failing is ghey. So stop failing.

Oh, also stop lying. More hurricanes weren't predicted. You ought to apologize to everyone for lying like that. Lying is even gheyer than failing.

Number of Cat 5 hurricanes making landfall in south USA post Katrina is still zero.

The AGWCult said it didn't make sense even to rebuild NO because we were going to get more and bigger hurricanes because -- global Warming!

And after those fine weepy deflections, the climate scientists have still been proven 100% correct. Again. Business as usual.

That's why climate science has such credibility, because it's been getting everything right for decades.

You finally got one correct there kitty.. Chris Lansea was 100% correct about the grandstanding and propaganda and media feeding at the IPCC --- and he resigned from that circus because it disgusted him as a scientist. How correct WAS HE?>>>
  • 2007 NOAA Administrator's Award for "establishing and administrating the Joint Hurricane Testbed, NOAA's first U.S. Weather Research Program testbed, accelerating research into operations, greatly improving forecasts."[8]
  • United States Department of Commerce Bronze Medal Award for Superior Federal Service (Oct 2000)(co-recipient) for "issuing the accurate and first official physically based Atlantic Seasonal Hurricane Outlooks for the 1998/1999 seasons, based upon new research"[9]
  • American Meteorological Society's Banner I. Miller Award (May 1993)(co-recipient) for the "best contribution to the science of hurricane and tropical weather forecasting published during the years 1990 - 1992."[10]
YEP -- He's correct about 100% of the time....

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
I gather Flac believes "Chris Landsea" to be of vital importance for some reason. He'll have to explain why. I hope it will involve some oversized fonts, bold typefaces and emoticons, the hallmarks of logical thinking.

Flac, you understand it's hard to tell you from skook now, right? I hope you don't think that's a good thing.

(And yes, I know Landsea's background. I just want to see Flac get crazy about it.)
I gather Flac believes "Chris Landsea" to be of vital importance for some reason. He'll have to explain why. I hope it will involve some oversized fonts, bold typefaces and emoticons, the hallmarks of logical thinking.

Flac, you understand it's hard to tell you from skook now, right? I hope you don't think that's a good thing.

(And yes, I know Landsea's background. I just want to see Flac get crazy about it.)

FOREMOST expert hurricane forecaster and researcher is asked to write for the IPCC. Gets wind of fat ass Trenberth (activist first -- scientist second) putting his mug in front of the press feeding them shit --- and decides to DEFEND THE INTEGRITY of science. And you don't get that. You'd rather make it about me and you. Go ahead -- report me.. I saw your threat...
FOREMOST! Flac wrote it in ALL-CAPS, so it must be true.

Landsea was one scientist who disagreed with other scientists on the topic of hurricane intensity. Not a big deal.

Interesting, how flac refers to Trenberth as "fat-ass". That makes one think highly of flac's impartial judgement. Especially since photos I've seen of him show a slender man.

I, of course, have no idea why flac thinks I have threatened him.
FOREMOST! Flac wrote it in ALL-CAPS, so it must be true.

Landsea was one scientist who disagreed with other scientists on the topic of hurricane intensity. Not a big deal.

Interesting, how flac refers to Trenberth as "fat-ass". That makes one think highly of flac's impartial judgement. Especially since photos I've seen of him show a slender man.

I, of course, have no idea why flac thinks I have threatened him.
well, does he have a fat ass? Is he incorrect?
Another thread that illustrates perfectly that when you start rolling out facts, the progressives heads explode......and the pushback of drivel becomes publically humiliating.

Look at post #56...............can you stand it???!!:2up::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Skook, you lied both about the number of hurricanes, and the predictions of hurricanes.

Lying is ghey, skook. Are you trying to force your ghey lifestyle on to everyone?

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