Why I dont post here

It won it's wars with every nation on the Euro continent during both world wars. Praytel, what does this map validate to you?


Do you see that big GIANT fucking hole of nazi germany smack dab where poland and other nations had been located?

Stop please I may die laughing:clap2:

men are RAPISTS now, eh?

thats a cute strawman, dude. I see that my massive Intelligence still intimidates you. I wonder if you will run strait to the flame forum to post a goofy poll now.

Wow, that was hysterically funny.

Soggy is like that shithead we all work with that can give you sixteen reasons why your solution to a problem won't work, but never has any alternatives to offer. Probably works in Human Resources or something.
It won it's wars with every nation on the Euro continent during both world wars. Praytel, what does this map validate to you?


Do you see that big GIANT fucking hole of nazi germany smack dab where poland and other nations had been located?

Did you see what happened after 1942? Little thing where Germany got its ass handed to them, and ended up divided for a good many years?

YOU call that a victory eh. Interesting logic. Going by that logic I guess we won the war In Iraq in 03 eh.
So shogun says, Israel shouldn't exist because Germany won the war:badgrin::badgrin::clap2::clap2: I am still laughing
The thing is, Shog, YOU are always dogging on Jews and I've never seen you post anything but hero worship about Arabs. You are certainly entitled to do that, but it sure makes your motives suspect.

bullshit. Ask roomy about that Theo Van Gogh reference he missed the other day...
So shogun says, Israel shouldn't exist because Germany won the war:badgrin::badgrin::clap2::clap2: I am still laughing

thats an awfully rookie attempt to mischaracterize what iv'e said. But, whats new...

You defend the idea that winning a war authorizes you to do whatever you want with the indigenous population. Well, as long as you are not reminded of Germany, that is.

Face it. You are nothing more than a shill allowing the new boss to act exactly like the old boss.
Not bad for sure. But still pales in comparison to his half-pregnancy compromise. :rofl:

dont blame me if ravi keeps her arm up your ass up to her elbow, dude. Again, avoiding the issue via demonization sure isn't laughably typical from knee jerk zionist enablers, is it?
thats an awfully rookie attempt to mischaracterize what iv'e said. But, whats new...

You defend the idea that winning a war authorizes you to do whatever you want with the indigenous population. Well, as long as you are not reminded of Germany, that is.

Face it. You are nothing more than a shill allowing the new boss to act exactly like the old boss.

So you still believe Germany won the war eh. Interesting.

Since you like maps here is one you might want to look at

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Shogun gets mad when somebody dares to misrepresent what he posted. That's some deep fucking irony for you right there!

Is it? I guess you'd better run to the flame zone and post a poll!

thats an awfully rookie attempt to mischaracterize what iv'e said. But, whats new...

You defend the idea that winning a war authorizes you to do whatever you want with the indigenous population. Well, as long as you are not reminded of Germany, that is.

Face it. You are nothing more than a shill allowing the new boss to act exactly like the old boss.

By your logic, Germany has won the war and murdered every jew in the world therefore Israel doesn't exist...in your dreams pal:badgrin:

Grow up Shog, you have no real argument against Israel other than personal feelings but continue to flail your arms around in a desperate attempt to hit something.
Stop please I may die laughing:clap2:

certainly, you wont die of making a worthwhile rebuttal, eh?

Again, if YOU can insist that it's your conquerers right to disregard an indegenous population that I guess you feel the same way about Germany's domination of Europe..


consistency isn't as fun as calling someone an antisemite, you say?

again, you are transparent from a mile away just as I suggested following your standard response to Rhys.

By your logic, Germany has won the war and murdered every jew in the world therefore Israel doesn't exist...in your dreams pal:badgrin:

Grow up Shog, you have no real argument against Israel other than personal feelings but continue to flail your arms around in a desperate attempt to hit something.

No, by MY logical consistent application of your goofy excuses for israel, Germany had the same right to do with its conquered populations that you allow israel to do to theirs.

If you can't follow your own statements then just say so, dude. Insinuating that i hate jews is a tired ass trick pony that may sell at the temple but really isn't all that impressive out here in the real world.
certainly, you wont die of making a worthwhile rebuttal, eh?

Again, if YOU can insist that it's your conquerers right to disregard an indegenous population that I guess you feel the same way about Germany's domination of Europe..


consistency isn't as fun as calling someone an antisemite, you say?

again, you are transparent from a mile away just as I suggested following your standard response to Rhys.


So you agree with me then, Israel does have the right to exist?
You'd like that wouldn't you.

it would probably impress me just as much as it did the last time i had you running ther with your tail between your legs just a waiting for ravi to come pos rep you into high spirits..
So you agree with me then, Israel does have the right to exist?

Both populations have a right to exist. You typical banter hopes to ignore the fact that I've ALWAYS made it a point to insist that both jews and pals share the land in a single state solution that isn't based on an ethnic standard either way.

As it is, you really are nothing more than a nazi with a slightly different application of master race.
No, by MY logical consistent application of your goofy excuses for israel, Germany had the same right to do with its conquered populations that you allow israel to do to theirs.

If you can't follow your own statements then just say so, dude. Insinuating that i hate jews is a tired ass trick pony that may sell at the temple but really isn't all that impressive out here in the real world.

Heres another little lesson for you shogun, history this time.Germany were doing exactly as they wanted before we fucked them up.I am sure you can research WWII if you hit the keys and press enter.Anything else you are confused about?:eusa_drool:
Both populations have a right to exist. You typical banter hopes to ignore the fact that I've ALWAYS made it a point to insist that both jews and pals share the land in a single state solution that isn't based on an ethnic standard either way.

As it is, you really are nothing more than a nazi with a slightly different application of master race.

The Arabs turned that offer down dummy.

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