Why I dont post here

Are those newspaper articles supposed to validate you? I don't see any value in them.
All I'm saying is that I support Israel's right to exist. Period.

You don't need my permission to twist that into some retarded stretch about me being a Nazi just like you don't need my permission to cry to the mods after being bitch slapped. It's just what you do.

of course you do. And Jo Goebbles felt the exact same way about the third fucking reich.

Now, when you climb off of your lame fucking high horse and consider how similar your arguements are to his in rationalizing an ethnic standard for israel feel free to avoid your own racism with more knee jerk ad hominems.

IVE posted my position on a single state solution that validates ALL of my posts. If you can't address that then, please, feel free to share a laugh with the mods about the idea that i've EVER ran crying to them about anything.

In case you haven't noticed, I don't have even the slightest iota of a problem handling the likes of you myself.
There won't ever be a one state solution. So you can keep trying to get one that makes Israel disappear, but it isn't going to happen, regardless of who supports it.

we'll see about that. Aryans thought the same thing about jews in Germany too so.. Your bullshit zionism doesn't shock me any more than your lack of forsight beyond calling someone a jew hating antisemite.

We were being benevolent, there is a difference.The place was a shithole that nobody wanted except the Jews, we handed it over the day before our tenure was up.The Arabs then decided they would attack the newly reformed state of Israel and summarily had their asses handed to them on a plate.Had the Arabs won I am in no doubt that genocide would have taken place.Since then Israel has performed wonders while transforming a scrubland into a green and pleasant land.The palestinians are a lazy, ignorant, mob of itinerant arabs who could just as easily lay claim to Jordan or Syria or any other number of new Arab countries.Of all the displaced people in the world I think the case of the Palistinians ownership of Israel is the most tenous.

You will disagree, but you won't post an argument except to tell me to brush my teeth, this is because you are a halfwit with minimal knowledge of the subject.I advise you to spend some time on research then get back to the thread so that I can laugh at the ridiculous conclusions you have reached.:cool:

You could start by googling Israels historical right, you may get a clue.:DWhen you done that I will set another lesson for you.:D

EVERYONE has an excuse, don't they, pussy? Hell, a BRIT rationalizing the domination of a indegenous population SURE IS NOVEL!

Now, feel free to call ME the fucking racist after that awesome example of "well, they were all shifty eyed and lazy" excuses for your vivid racist policy.

BRAVO, dude.

fuckinig BRAVO.


It's a fucking SHOCK that you come from the same nation that eventually gave us an aparthied in AFRICA too, bitch.
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Im sure her post made your jackboots stand erect but someday the wold will ask why isral is allowed to do what germany could not and, cry antisemite all you want to, you know you don't have a worthwhile answer.
Are those newspaper articles supposed to validate you? I don't see any value in them.

of course you don't. But, then again, you don't see value in toothpaste either so...

big fucking deal. Face it. You ARE to israel what a nazi was to Germany.
EVERYONE has an excuse, don't they, pussy? Hell, a BRIT rationalizing the domination of a indegenous population SURE IS NOVEL!

Now, feel free to call ME the fucking racist after that awesome example of "well, they were all shifty eyed and lazy" excuses for your vivid racist policy.

BRAVO, dude.

fuckinig BRAVO.


It's a fucking SHOCK that you come from the same nation that eventually gave us an aparthied in AFRICA too, bitch.

What a proper idiot you are, neither wonder you are made to look ridiculous on a regular basis here when you dismiss out of hand links to researchable and verified facts.Laughing stock springs to mind.You may or may not realise it but nearly everyone here sniggers at your outrageous ignorance and childish beligerence.Carry on, Blowhard.:cool:
of course you don't. But, then again, you don't see value in toothpaste either so...

big fucking deal. Face it. You ARE to israel what a nazi was to Germany.

What a revelation, you've convinced me with your well thought out and reasoned reply.Yes we should kill the Jews and call Israel Palestine, it's a crying shame that the nazis missed a few, EH.

You fucking sociopathic anti-semite.I cannot help but think this.You are a waste of time to argue with except for entertainment and comedy value.
What a proper idiot you are, neither wonder you are made to look ridiculous on a regular basis here when you dismiss out of hand links to researchable and verified facts.Laughing stock springs to mind.You may or may not realise it but nearly everyone here sniggers at your outrageous ignorance and childish beligerence.Carry on, Blowhard.:cool:

Oh, no, Roomy...we are all terrified from the mighty beat downs he gives us with his superior intelligence.

Who the fuck is saying that Israel should be allowed to do what Germany wasn't? :cuckoo:

Soggy's fantasyland gets screwier and screwier everyday.
Jews have been present in the region for 3000 years, longer than anyone else by far, historically it is their land.

God promise them this land, so biblically it is their land.

We won the war, we governed the area and honoured our promise to the Jews.

Something for you to be getting on with Shogun:tongue:

But you didn't honor the promise you had T.E. Laurence make to the Arabs.
Who the fuck is saying that Israel should be allowed to do what Germany wasn't? :cuckoo:

Soggy's fantasyland gets screwier and screwier everyday.

You do. by evidence of your own one sided concern over israel DESPITE pals.

but hey, i hear if you call me a joooo hating antisemite the burden of defending your preposterous racism will become moot.
What a proper idiot you are, neither wonder you are made to look ridiculous on a regular basis here when you dismiss out of hand links to researchable and verified facts.Laughing stock springs to mind.You may or may not realise it but nearly everyone here sniggers at your outrageous ignorance and childish beligerence.Carry on, Blowhard.:cool:


made to look like an idiot, eh? thats about as accurate and calling you the posterboy for dental hygiene.

indeed, who knew that YOU, dear brit, are the collective mouthpiece for everyone on this forum.

verifiable facts indeed, puss. I see you have yet to post anything besides shit talking that validates your lame assed racism.

maybe you should put this much energy into brushing your fucking teeth.
What a revelation, you've convinced me with your well thought out and reasoned reply.Yes we should kill the Jews and call Israel Palestine, it's a crying shame that the nazis missed a few, EH.

You fucking sociopathic anti-semite.I cannot help but think this.You are a waste of time to argue with except for entertainment and comedy value.

Have I called for killing any jews?


but hey, it's all good. I've kicked you in the gut enough today. It would be redundant to point out ONE MORE TIME how baseless your antisemite accusations are. You know you are just as much of a racist bastard as the nazis were. Foaming at the mouth won't make the turd of your opinion any easier to spitshine.

ANY nation that holds an ethnic standard is no better than nazi germany. Put that in your burning bush and smoke it.

Israel shouldn't exist; Jews should be subjugated and extinguished by Muslims in yet another Arab State, but he's not an anti-semite, right?

lol... Too funny.

No shit, you forgot Israel is no different than Nazi Germany. Yep it is true last time I was there I almost got sick from the smell of the GAS CHAMBERS.

Olmert: 'If talks fail, Israel will be finished'

Mr Olmert told the liberal daily Haaretz: "If the day comes when the two-state solution collapses, and we face a South African-style struggle for equal voting rights (also for the Palestinians in the territories), then, as soon as that happens, the state of Israel is finished."

Olmert: 'If talks fail, Israel will be finished' - Middle East, World - The Independent

Two-state solution Israel's only lifeline-Olmert

Olmert said that if Israel failed to agree to a two-state solution and tried to absorb Palestinians into a Jewish state without giving them equal voting rights, influential U.S. Jewish organisations "will be the first to come out against us".

"They will say they cannot support a state that does not support democracy and equal voting rights for all its residents," he said.

Two-state solution Israel's only lifeline-Olmert | Reuters

Skepticism Grows Over Two-State Mideast Solution

"We're talking about democracy — one person, one vote, equal economic and political rights. We're talking about equal rights, we're talking about no difference between Jew, Muslim or Christian in one democratic state," he says.

Skepticism Grows Over Two-State Mideast Solution : NPR

Holy SHIT! A brit doesn't care about subjugating an ethnic majority for the sake of a dominant MINORITY?!?!?!

Say it isn't SO, Nelson Mandela!


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