Why I dont post here

No shit, you forgot Israel is no different than Nazi Germany. Yep it is true last time I was there I almost got sick from the smell of the GAS CHAMBERS.


whats unbelievable is that you haven't learned a thing about the holocaust unless it's used as some blank check excuse for israel. Gas chambers sure are the standard by which all social marginalization takes place!

Just ask a fucking black south African!

poor guy.. see, THIS is where you call me a jew hating antisemite since tired martyr routines have amounted to chicken little's star gazing.

Israel SHOULD exist for BOTH peoples. not just your common fucking denominator. That, sir, is the kind of shit Aryans thought made sense.

But hey.. who needs to face the fact of racist national standards in israel when assuming i want to throw a jew down a well works just as, uh, well?
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Main Entry:
de·moc·ra·cy Listen to the pronunciation of democracy
Inflected Form(s):
plural de·moc·ra·cies
Middle French democratie, from Late Latin democratia, from Greek dēmokratia, from dēmos + -kratia -cracy

1 a: government by the people; especially : rule of the majority b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections2: a political unit that has a democratic government3capitalized : the principles and policies of the Democratic party in the United States <from emancipation Republicanism to New Deal Democracy&#8212; C. M. Roberts>4: the common people especially when constituting the source of political authority5: the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges

democracy - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

funny, i dont see a single thing about respecting burning bush mythology for the sake of a single ethnic population. It seems the Ku Klux Klan could have taken some lessons from the likes of zionists.
whats unbelievable is that you haven't learned a thing about the holocaust unless it's used as some blank check excuse for israel. Gas chambers sure are the standard by which all social marginalization takes place!

Just ask a fucking black south African!

poor guy.. see, THIS is where you call me a jew hating antisemite since tired martyr routines have amounted to chicken little's star gazing.

Israel SHOULD exist for BOTH peoples. not just your common fucking denominator. That, sir, is the kind of shit Aryans thought made sense.

But hey.. who needs to face the fact of racist national standards in israel when assuming i want to throw a jew down a well works just as, uh, well?

I was not excusing Israel for anything. You should read some of my other posts on the subject. I am critical of a lot of what Israel does. However I wont stand for people comparing Israel to Nazi Germany. Thats a load of BS.
No shit, you forgot Israel is no different than Nazi Germany. Yep it is true last time I was there I almost got sick from the smell of the GAS CHAMBERS.


You and Jillian are failing to understand that some people have little sense of humor and no understanding of satire at all.

However, I have been doing some thinking when reading through this thread, and I am pretty certain that over several years of participating on message boards, I have been called more names and had the most uncomplimentary adjectives attached to my comments for the following general subject, not necessarily in the following order:

1) Any attempt to argue in favor of anything President George W. Bush has ever proposed, said, or done.

2) Any argument in favor of the traditional defintion of marriage.

3) Any reference defending God or Christianity.

4) Any argument in favor of making most illegals uncomfortable and unwelcome in the USA.

5) Any defense of Israel related to Palestine or any other group committed to the extermination of Israel.

And sometimes it can get very ugly indeed. And I bet I, a non-Jew, get accused of and blessed out for every bit as much bias, prejudice, radicalism, and racism as you Jews do. I don't think the flak is directed at you because you are Jews, though. I think you take heat because you can sometimes speak with authority that a shiska cannot. But it is for that reason that I think you need to participate on the Israeli/Palestinian et al threads.
You and Jillian are failing to understand that some people have little sense of humor and no understanding of satire at all.

However, I have been doing some thinking when reading through this thread, and I am pretty certain that over several years of participating on message boards, I have been called more names and had the most uncomplimentary adjectives attached to my comments for the following general subject, not necessarily in the following order:

1) Any attempt to argue in favor of anything President George W. Bush has ever proposed, said, or done.

2) Any argument in favor of the traditional defintion of marriage.

3) Any reference defending God or Christianity.

4) Any argument in favor of making most illegals uncomfortable and unwelcome in the USA.

5) Any defense of Israel related to Palestine or any other group committed to the extermination of Israel.

And sometimes it can get very ugly indeed. And I bet I, a non-Jew, get accused of and blessed out for every bit as much bias, prejudice, radicalism, and racism as you Jews do. I don't think the flak is directed at you because you are Jews, though. I think you take heat because you can sometimes speak with authority that a shiska cannot. But it is for that reason that I think you need to participate on the Israeli/Palestinian et al threads.

Yep, Jillian and a few others have already convinced me I have to post on these topics, As much as I didn't want to. However some of the responses to this thread and others I have now posted on kinda prove my point. Because I am part Jewish I am often dismissed as not being allowed to have an opinion on the matter, or called a Zionist. Which I am anything but. You ever hear a Zionist call for a return to the 67 borders of For Israel to move it's capitol back to Tel Aviv? I haven't lol, Yet I am called it.

Maybe they are not Anti-Semites but surely many of them are Anti Israelis. Trying to say Israel is the Bad guy and the Palestinians good is well, I can't even put it into words. Suffice to say it is just plain wrong.
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You do. by evidence of your own one sided concern over israel DESPITE pals.

but hey, i hear if you call me a joooo hating antisemite the burden of defending your preposterous racism will become moot.

Belt up, you ponce!
Yep, Jillian and a few others have already convinced me I have to post on these topics, As much as I didn't want to. However some of the responses to this thread and others I have now posted on kinda prove my point. Because I am part Jewish I am often dismissed as not being allowed to have an opinion on the matter, or called a Zionist. Which I am anything but. You ever hear a Zionist call for a return to the 67 borders of For Israel to move it's capitol back to Tel Aviv? I haven't lol, Yet I am called it.

Maybe they are not Anti-Semites but surely many of them are Anti Israelis. Trying to say Israel is the Bad guy and the Palestinians good is well, I can't even put it into words. Suffice to say it is just plain wrong.

People convinced you that you HAVE TO post on "these" topics ???? Did they have to twist you arm and everything ?
Ah, bloody tricksters! Tell 'em to get stuffed Charles. :D

Or as Roomy might put it, "belt up you ponces!" (Why do I hear Vyvyan's voice from 'The Young Ones' when I read that?)
Screw em!!

lol that reminds me of that movie legends of the fall. When the old man is like.

"screw em, screw the government"

wow I guess I am drunk wtf does that have to do with anything :)

You don't have a clue what you're talking about....but keep repeating the same anti-semetic crap.

Nice that "some of your best friends are...."

Like your master, Goebbels, you believe that the bigger the lie the better, clearly. Alas, zionists, like their models, are beyond shame.
It seems to me that when Israel was given back to the Jews it was an exercise in salving conscience.Israels willingness to defend itself is testament to the courage of a people who are saying...No more fucking shit from you lot.For fucks sake who in their right mind would argue that Israel has no right to exist, if I was a Jew the antisemites amongst you would worry.

Correction... the land that is now Israel was taken, not given.
"they"??? riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.... 1.5% of the population of the country runs things.... suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure it does.... no bias in spreading racist stereotypes...nah...

You are aware, aren't you, that trying to discredit groups that defend jews and defend Israel is in large part a continuation of the pro-palestinian propaganda that seems to have perverted a great deal of today's educational and political systems....

Tell me, are you whining about CAIR? Just wondering what the difference is between CAIR and AIPAC other than AIPAC doesn't support terrorist groups like Hamas.

Council on American-Islamic Relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just wondering....

So, it seems we all have bias...and worst, I really can't stand Joe Lieberman any more, but when I read stuff like you just wrote, it makes me want to defend his indefensible support of Baby Bush's sick policies.... because ultimately, what he sees on our side of the aisle are people who perpetuate the types of racist stereotyping that you just did.

Not that I'm defending the thoughts, if you could call them that, of the poster you replied to, but could you name a bigger and more successful lobby than AIPAC? The difference between AIPAC and CAIR is that AIPAC is successful.

There are plenty of "Greater Israel" types in AIPAC.
The worst part of the whole right of return argument is that they want the right for not only those who left to return, but their families and decendents. If they were allowed the Jews in Israel would end up a very small minority in that land, and then you would see Genocide on a scale not seen since WWII. In the area anyways.

Israel has a right of return law.

Law of Return - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I also noticed how at one point Israel actually offered to return the west bank to Jordan and Gaza to Egypt, and Both refused. It seemed they didn't want to deal with the Palestinians either.

I know I will catch flak for this, but in reality the Palestinians are Nothing but Jordanians and Egyptians. It was not until the Birth of Israel that people began calling them Palestinians.

The area around Jerusalem was called Palestine as early as Herodotus. Ancient Egyptians called it Palestine. Romans called it Palestine. Ottomans appointed a governor of Palestine. Palestine was part of Syria before the Brits decided that Arabs weren't human beings and divided the region.

But do rant on about propaganda.

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