Why I dont post here

Since time immemorial might is right.We Brits wrote a lot of history and we say the Jews can have Israel.If it was left up to me they could have a whole lot fucking more of the desert, push all those muslim fuckers into Asia:lol:

Seriously though folks, who in their right mind begrudges them sovereign land?

Any palestinian terrorists here? Thought not.

And that white trash Brit entitlement ideology is how a 100 lb man in a loin cloth chased your evil and twisted "empire" out of India.
Israel also asked their Arab Israeli citizens, who professed loyalty to the palestinians if they would like the lines redrawn to put them in palestinian territory and they said... "hell no".

I'm moving into half of your home. We are going to draw a red line through the middle. We can adjust the line so you have access to your... well now my bathroom if you'd like? Oh, you reject this? Ok well get the fuck out then.
What a shock. Sealybobo's a complete artard on yet another topic. Are you educated on ANY subject at all?

Our dependence on oil dictates our policy in the Middle East. The fact that against all odds, the underdog -- a fledgling Israel -- knocked the living shit out of the combined Arab nations brought the US to Israel's cause. The US originally opposed the partition of Palestine.

A fact later generations seem to have forgotten just as they forgot what a murdering scumbag Yassir Arafat was and awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize, taking away any meaning or value from the award.

The United States acknowledged Israel between 11 and 13 seconds after its official declaration of statehood. The United States expressed almost unanimous support for the Jewish state since 1948.

You failed to mention that another self avowed terrorist, Menachem Begin, is also a Nobel awardee.
*yawn*.... like you're the only one who puts this country before Israel. If I were more concerned with Israel than I am with this country, I'd vote for McCain in November....

I'm sorry if you don't *get* that calling zionism racism is anti-semitic.

The British Mandate was officially divided by the United Nations in 1948. That makes the Jewish State legal. There is nothing RACIST about that.

If you are using UN resolutions as legally binding, Israel is quite behind the legal ball.

List of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Did you know that Saudi Arabia was not created until 1913, Lebanon until 1920? Iraq did not exist as a nation until 1932, Syria until 1941. The borders of Jordan were established in 1946 and Kuwait in 1961. Any of these nations that would say Israel is only a recent arrival would have to deny their own rights as recent arrivals as well. They did not exist as countries. They were all under the control of the Turks.

Your complete lack of understanding of the historical narrative of the region is not really that surprising.

Read this, stupid.

MidEast Web - Husayn-McMahon Correspondence

Brits promise independence to Arabs for revolt against the Ottomans, Ottomans fall, Brits do what they do and colonize.
Your complete lack of understanding of the historical narrative of the region is not really that surprising.

Read this, stupid.

MidEast Web - Husayn-McMahon Correspondence

Brits promise independence to Arabs for revolt against the Ottomans, Ottomans fall, Brits do what they do and colonize.

No, honey/ He's far from stupid. Did the british screw up lots of the world with imperialism? Yes. But the Arabs backed the wrong horse. They backed the Germans. Losers lose land.

If you can put your Israel-hating rhetoric aside, and get your head on straight, and maybe stop sounding like a high school aged brat, perhaps you'll learn that you're not going to undo history. What happened then really doesn't matter any more than my family being run out of Belarus by pogroms and, later, Stalin, does.

The only thing that's relevant is solving the problem.

I'm sorry Israel's existence troubles you. But it will never be an Arab State. So once you get that through your Palestinian terrorist loving head, and realize that a two-state solution is the only one that's ever going to happen, perhaps that part of the world settles down.

But why would we be realistic about it? It might upset Hamas.

Buy a clue.
We were being benevolent, there is a difference.The place was a shithole that nobody wanted except the Jews, we handed it over the day before our tenure was up.The Arabs then decided they would attack the newly reformed state of Israel and summarily had their asses handed to them on a plate.Had the Arabs won I am in no doubt that genocide would have taken place.Since then Israel has performed wonders while transforming a scrubland into a green and pleasant land.The palestinians are a lazy, ignorant, mob of itinerant arabs who could just as easily lay claim to Jordan or Syria or any other number of new Arab countries.Of all the displaced people in the world I think the case of the Palistinians ownership of Israel is the most tenous.

No stupid, your sick and evil "empire" was chased out by Zionist terrorism.

Nice projection of overt fascism against Arabs. Tool .
There won't ever be a one state solution. So you can keep trying to get one that makes Israel disappear, but it isn't going to happen, regardless of who supports it.

Of course not. The right wing will never give Arabs equal rights and will never give up the dream of a Jewish theocracy across all the mandate. If either side could get their right in order maybe the deaths will stop someday.
I was not excusing Israel for anything. You should read some of my other posts on the subject. I am critical of a lot of what Israel does. However I wont stand for people comparing Israel to Nazi Germany. Thats a load of BS.

In all fairness, his point seems to be that the ideas on the religious demographic in Israel seem eerily similar to the racial demographic ideas of the Nazis. I don't think there was any implied comparison to the Holocaust.
Yep, Jillian and a few others have already convinced me I have to post on these topics, As much as I didn't want to. However some of the responses to this thread and others I have now posted on kinda prove my point. Because I am part Jewish I am often dismissed as not being allowed to have an opinion on the matter, or called a Zionist. Which I am anything but. You ever hear a Zionist call for a return to the 67 borders of For Israel to move it's capitol back to Tel Aviv? I haven't lol, Yet I am called it.

Maybe they are not Anti-Semites but surely many of them are Anti Israelis. Trying to say Israel is the Bad guy and the Palestinians good is well, I can't even put it into words. Suffice to say it is just plain wrong.

It's capital is in Tel Aviv.
In all fairness, his point seems to be that the ideas on the religious demographic in Israel seem eerily similar to the racial demographic ideas of the Nazis. I don't think there was any implied comparison to the Holocaust.

Puleeze.... every Muslim country excludes Jews. Do you think Jews can set foot in Saudi Arabia.

Do you not understand that the whole Nazi "comparison" is blatantly anti-semitic? Why aren't you whinging about Muslim Countries? The UAE didn't exist til it was created after WWII ... come on. Let's hear it.

The difference is Arab Israeli's have more rights in Isarel than they do in Arab countries. So I'm not sure how your fake assertion holds up.
No, honey/ He's far from stupid. Did the british screw up lots of the world with imperialism? Yes. But the Arabs backed the wrong horse. They backed the Germans. Losers lose land.

No sunshine, the Ottoman government, TURKS, sided with Germany. On the written agreement given by the British government for Arab independence, the ARAB governor of the Hijaz (Mecca & Medina) called for ARABS to rise against the TURKISH Ottoman government. It can be argued that the ARAB uprising against the TURKS was the greatest variable that led to victory in the Middle East for the Allies.

Why don't you lecture me on history and religious/ racial prejudice after you can keep your brown people straight. Arabs were subjugated by Turks, then Brits and French and now Zionists and corrupt governments of the Middle East funded and supported by the west.

If you can put your Israel-hating rhetoric aside, and get your head on straight, and maybe stop sounding like a high school aged brat, perhaps you'll learn that you're not going to undo history. What happened then really doesn't matter any more than my family being run out of Belarus by pogroms and, later, Stalin, does.

Funny, what happened doesn't matter until you want to rant about Nazi Mufti's.

The only thing that's relevant is solving the problem.

There was this experiment in North America you may have heard of? Democratic republic with equal rights for minorities? Ever heard of it?

I'm sorry Israel's existence troubles you. But it will never be an Arab State.

Doesn't trouble me. I'm sorry the existence of Arabs on earth troubles you.

So once you get that through your Palestinian terrorist loving head,

Ahhh the enlightened anti-anti-semitic warrior shows her true colors, again. Again, Menchem Begin.

and realize that a two-state solution is the only one that's ever going to happen, perhaps that part of the world settles down.

Remove the occupation and allow the Palestinians to erect a state then.

But why would we be realistic about it? It might upset Hamas.

Or NRP, a Israeli coalition that is part of the coalition govt that sponsors settler militias that carry out attacks on Arabs. But the Jerusalem post doesn't report on that, so it must not exist. NRP and Hamas' goals are similar: The destruction of the other side.

Buy a clue.

We have all your clues. Jews = good. everyone else = bad.
Of course not. The right wing will never give Arabs equal rights and will never give up the dream of a Jewish theocracy across all the mandate. If either side could get their right in order maybe the deaths will stop someday.

The deaths will stop when terrorists stop blowing themselves up to kill innocent people.

Israel isn't a theocracy. Again, get your facts straight. I really have little patience for people who support policies which would result only in dead jews not knowing their facts.

Arab Israelis have full rights of citizenship. What Israel won't do is make Israel another Arab State in the mid-east. You think deaths stop if it becomes an Arab country? Or you just don't mind dead Jews?
Puleeze.... every Muslim country excludes Jews. Do you think Jews can set foot in Saudi Arabia.

Do you not understand that the whole Nazi "comparison" is blatantly anti-semitic? Why aren't you whinging about Muslim Countries? The UAE didn't exist til it was created after WWII ... come on. Let's hear it.

The difference is Arab Israeli's have more rights in Isarel than they do in Arab countries. So I'm not sure how your fake assertion holds up.

The difference is that Israel is a democracy. Make Bibi dictator and see how long it takes for all of Gaza to be on fire. It is not Islam that keeps the Middle East mired in the past, it is the lack of self determination.

We usually do use the Nazi's to make comparisons to any effort of ethnic cleansing or prejudicial govt policies. I guess calling South Africa nazi-like would have been anti-semitic as well.

Seven nations that were Islamic in identity formed a federation called the UAE. Hardly a comparison to anything discussed here.
The difference is that Israel is a democracy. Make Bibi dictator and see how long it takes for all of Gaza to be on fire.

Brilliant argument, not. The dictatorships and the democracies in question have chosen their style of government and the Arab citizens seem perfectly happy excluding Jews from their lands.
The deaths will stop when terrorists stop blowing themselves up to kill innocent people.

Right. Palestinians are never attacked by settlers because the Jerusalem Post doesn't report it.

Israel isn't a theocracy. Again, get your facts straight.

No shit it's not a theocracy. If the right wing had its way, it would be. Since Israel is a democracy, unlike any other state in the region, its retard wing is kept in check. In Egypt and Saudi Arabia, for example, the retard wing has absolutely power.

I really have little patience for people who support policies which would result only in dead jews not knowing their facts.

I have little patience for people who think Arabs are Nazis. I have little patience for hypocrites who support their prejudices as sound policy while ranting like they are a liberal about equality.

Arab Israelis have full rights of citizenship.

Israel's colonial subjects do not have any rights.

What Israel won't do is make Israel another Arab State in the mid-east.

No one expects them too. I personally expect them to allow all people under its thumb to have ALL equal rights. Or they could withdraw the occupation and divest from Palestinian politics and FINALLY allow the Palestinian people self determination.

You think deaths stop if it becomes an Arab country? Or you just don't mind dead Jews?

Unlike you, I have a general distaste for the death of anyone. I think the deaths stop with a real sovereign Palestinian state and Israel as a negotiator, not dictator of negotiations on other disputes. Shebba, Golan, etc.
Israel shouldn't exist; Jews should be subjugated and extinguished by Muslims in yet another Arab State, but he's not an anti-semite, right?

lol... Too funny.

Okay, now who actually said that, Jillian?

I've sort of come in on the last page and must missed it if that was stated recently.

Are you serious or are you paraphrasing what you think people are saying, but haven't exactly said?

Remember, now, you also decided that you can restate my positions without my having EVER said anything remotely like what you credited me as having said, too.

So on THIS SUBJECT, I don't think I am being unreasonable to ask you this question.

I'm not asking us to just all get along, now, I'm merely asking us to stop putting word into other people's mouths.
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Originally posted by Reality
Since Israel is a democracy, unlike any other state in the region, its retard wing is kept in check.


You're doing a fantastic job at debunking the arguments of the defenders of ethnic supremacism in Palestine but this part was a real disappointment.

The only place where Israel is a democratic state is inside the obscure, twisted mind of the super patriotic american clowns of this message board.

SERIOUS political thinkers unanimously declare Israel a jewish racial dictatorship.

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