Why I dont post here

The "Aryans" attempted racial purity via extermination of the Jews along with homosexuals, gypsies, mental defectives, and other undesirable.

The Jews have attempted to exterminate nobody and afford full rights to citizenship to anybody of ANY ethnicity who are willing to be responsible Israeli citizens.

There is a huge difference between these two things.

Actually, the Aryans attempted racial purity for GERMANY and their conquered lands. Israel HAS subjugated pals just like nazis did to it's unwanted. FULL RIGHT OF CITIZENSHIP, eh?

yea, tell that to a black man in America after you insist that whites control the US. You may want to find a difference but, I assure you, it's not there.
Soggy's passion trifecta:

- Hatred of Jews
- Hatred of women
- A carton of Marlboros

What a guy!

I don't hate jews any more than I hate women. Indeed, since you can't offer anything more profound feel free to jump on the standard Scarlet A bandwagon.

and I smoke Camels, bitch.
Restricting national control to only jews while marginalizing pals for the sake of an ALL JEWISH nation.

Tell me, Ravi, how would you feel about white people doing the exact same thing in the US?

I wouldn't like it. However, this seems like an extreme version of an immigration policy so I'm kind of surprised you are against it, knowing how you feel about Mexicans and all.

You do realize that Jews aren't even allowed to live in most of the countries in the middle east, don't you? That seems much more restrictive and discriminatory to me, yet you seem to have no problem with it.

Why is that?
shining jewel my ass. SHINING JEWELS don't have aparthied walls. You might as well have just said Birmingham alabama was the SHINING JEWEL of race relations in 1955.

Tell me how evil it is for white people to retain THEIR dominance here in the states as you totally miss the irony of your rationalized racism.

Is there something in some people's DNA that forces them to compare apples to oranges? No 'apartheid' wall existed until the Palestinians stepped up their efforts to kill, maim, and terrify Jews. After so many bombings of crowded markets, theaters, busses loaded with school children, and synagogues full of worshipers, the wall went up. And the bombings, killings, maimings virtually stopped. That was not an 'apartheid' wall. That was a self defense wall pure and simple. And it will come down at such time as the Palestinian leadership stops attempting to kill Jews and stands with Israel in Israel's right to exist.
I don't hate jews any more than I hate women. Indeed, since you can't offer anything more profound feel free to jump on the standard Scarlet A bandwagon.

and I smoke Camels, bitch.


You're an extremist.

None of us doubt that you hate Jews any more than you hate women.
Actually, the Aryans attempted racial purity for GERMANY and their conquered lands. Israel HAS subjugated pals just like nazis did to it's unwanted. FULL RIGHT OF CITIZENSHIP, eh?

yea, tell that to a black man in America after you insist that whites control the US. You may want to find a difference but, I assure you, it's not there.

You know, I honestly don't believe you are as stupid as your statement here is.
I wouldn't like it. However, this seems like an extreme version of an immigration policy so I'm kind of surprised you are against it, knowing how you feel about Mexicans and all.

You do realize that Jews aren't even allowed to live in most of the countries in the middle east, don't you? That seems much more restrictive and discriminatory to me, yet you seem to have no problem with it.

Why is that?


Can Israel say the same thing about a pal prime minister?

gimme a fucking break, ravi.

Ask Jill if SHE would ever accept a PAL PM of Israel like I would a LATINO PRESIDENT.

The US doesn't represent, support or pretend arab nations are western democracies, Rav.. Why don't you google Iranian Jews and see what you come up with real quick before you start handing out lectures.
Originally posted by Foxfyre
Is there something in some people's DNA that forces them to compare apples to oranges? No 'apartheid' wall existed until the Palestinians stepped up their efforts to kill, maim, and terrify Jews. After so many bombings of crowded markets, theaters, busses loaded with school children, and synagogues full of worshipers, the wall went up. And the bombings, killings, maimings virtually stopped. That was not an 'apartheid' wall. That was a self defense wall pure and simple. And it will come down at such time as the Palestinian leadership stops attempting to kill Jews and stands with Israel in Israel's right to exist.

Now you're just raping History, plain and simple.

Everybody knows that the first decision the Israeli government took in 1948 was that Palestinian civilians who had fled the warzone would not be allowed to return.

Since then, any palestinian trying to return to their towns and villages of origin is immediatelly arrested at best and shot at worst.
Originally posted by Foxfyre
Israel's government is a democratic republic with free and secret elections held every four years similar to our own. Israeli laws allows complete freedom of religion.

South Africa under Apartheid could be considered a democratic state under your definition too.

The South African state was also “a democratic republic with free and secret elections held every four years similar to our own”.

Foxfyre himself conceding the fact that Israel is a racial dictatorship:

“The only non-secular component of their government is a system by which Israeli Jews will retain control of the government so that there is no chance that the Jews themselves can be discriminated against--but this stipulation is not based on religion but ethnicity
Is there something in some people's DNA that forces them to compare apples to oranges? No 'apartheid' wall existed until the Palestinians stepped up their efforts to kill, maim, and terrify Jews. After so many bombings of crowded markets, theaters, busses loaded with school children, and synagogues full of worshipers, the wall went up. And the bombings, killings, maimings virtually stopped. That was not an 'apartheid' wall. That was a self defense wall pure and simple. And it will come down at such time as the Palestinian leadership stops attempting to kill Jews and stands with Israel in Israel's right to exist.

apples to oranges? THATS your rebuttal? A refusal to face the same goddamn social process of ethnic marginalization? NO APARTHIED WALL existed BEFORE THE STATE OF ISRAEL. Don't let that fact send you into the orchard again.

Hey, make your excuses.. Hitler had his reason to boycott jewish business too. give Pals a reason to love isreal by allowing them *GASP* the same relevance as a jew and the subjugated population will stop reacting violently.

Dare I make ANOTHER reference of a violent era of American civil rights that you'll ignore?

Like I said, make all the excuses you want, yo. Your ability to swallow racism as necessary for a favored ethnicity isn't new.

Can Israel say the same thing about a pal prime minister?

gimme a fucking break, ravi.

Ask Jill if SHE would ever accept a PAL PM of Israel like I would a LATINO PRESIDENT.

The US doesn't represent, support or pretend arab nations are western democracies, Rav.. Why don't you google Iranian Jews and see what you come up with real quick before you start handing out lectures.

The Pals aren't full citizens, though, are they? So why should they enjoy the benefits of full citizens? We do the same thing with temporary visas. I'll agree, it causes a lot of trouble to not grant people full citizenship, just take a look at France.

This thing you keep harping on, about them not being democracies. That doesn't matter in the least. The people in those particular theocratic dictatorships choose that form of government because they believe the Koran mandates it.

You're an extremist.

None of us doubt that you hate Jews any more than you hate women.

If equality is extreme to you then sure.. i must be a fucking rampaging nightmare.

Funny that you balk at equality across the board, ravi.. From parental rights to ethnic national policies you sure don't represent the left very well.
Originally posted by manifold
I guess it must be a Zionist controlled media conspiracy going on here since the only time I've ever heard Israel referred to as a racial dictatorship is when it's posted by anonymous dillholes on a messageboard...and few and far between at that.


If you spent less time creating anencephalic threads entitled “Shogun this”, “Shogun that”, and bothered to read a few textbooks on political science, you might actually stand a good chance of understanding the difference between a democratic state and an ethnocracy.
You cannot put a programmer like myself to perform a heart surgery because I’m gonna kill the patient.

You cannot put a lawyer to build a house because it’s gonna collapse.

Similarly, you cannot put people who don’t understand anything about political science to give a “democratic certificate” to any country because they will end up calling racist states democracies and vice versa.
José;720418 said:

If you spent less time creating anencephalic threads entitled “Shogun this”, “Shogun that”, and bothered to read a few textbooks on political science, you might actually stand a good chance of understanding the difference between a democratic state and an ethnocracy.

Or I could just take your word for it. :rofl:
The Pals aren't full citizens, though, are they? So why should they enjoy the benefits of full citizens? We do the same thing with temporary visas. I'll agree, it causes a lot of trouble to not grant people full citizenship, just take a look at France.

This thing you keep harping on, about them not being democracies. That doesn't matter in the least. The people in those particular theocratic dictatorships choose that form of government because they believe the Koran mandates it.

You tell me.. ARE they ethnically qualified to count or not? You people sure do bounce from position to position awfully quick. One day, pals enjoy the same rights and the next day, they simply are not citizens. the creation of israel is not a fucking Visa, ravi.

So you tell me. Are YOU in favor of israel granting pals FULL CITIZENSHIP with all the political potential involved like I AM with latinos in America or not? Careful of your answer, yo.

And yes, when you limit the RACIAL INFLUENCE of a democracy then it really isn't one, is it? Are you proud to defend white landowning men who could rationalize THEIR premium status, ravi?

And, it's a fucking joke that you bring up the Koran given the Burning Bush excuse permeating the creation of isreal.
I would pos rep ya, mani but it seems I have to spread it around.

who is fucking with whome here? The very thought of a non-jewish dominated israel causes the zionists to foam at the mouth...

you know, kinda like the idea of white women dating black men having the same reaction back in the american day.

equality sucks for those who insist upon racist standards. White men didn't give up their crown any easier than jillian is trying to give up hers.

now ask Ravi about rationalized ethnic national standards since i've put her in a logical paradox of either supporting israel and white american presidents or supporting a single state solution that falls in line with her stance on immigration reform.

i'll be over here pissing in your box of cheerios.
You tell me.. ARE they ethnically qualified to count or not? You people sure do bounce from position to position awfully quick. One day, pals enjoy the same rights and the next day, they simply are not citizens. the creation of israel is not a fucking Visa, ravi.

So you tell me. Are YOU in favor of israel granting pals FULL CITIZENSHIP with all the political potential involved like I AM with latinos in America or not? Careful of your answer, yo.

And yes, when you limit the RACIAL INFLUENCE of a democracy then it really isn't one, is it? Are you proud to defend white landowning men who could rationalize THEIR premium status, ravi?

And, it's a fucking joke that you bring up the Koran given the Burning Bush excuse permeating the creation of isreal.

I've never seen you being in favor of granting latino immigrants full citizenship. I must be dreaming.

I see Israel as the creation of the spoils of war. Maybe that's a bit simplistic, but it is the Jews country now and where do we get off telling another country what their immigration policy must be? Should they tell us we must give Texas back to Mexico and grant full citizenship to anyone that asks for it?

I don't think so.

And way to chicken out of discussing the theocracies of Muslim countries and the fact that most of them don't even allow Jews to exist in their country.

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