Why I dont post here

It simply can't happen--If Arabs gained inclusion and full citizenship, the would be no more Israel. It's as simple as that. For Israel to exist it MUST be totally controlled by the jews.

So you don't believe one day the Muslims will become a reasonable and peaceful people?

NEITHER was germany OUR fucking country, ravi.. But hey, way to enable.

yea, Ravi.. you sure are a fucking lefty with opinons like that. You sound like a motherfucking pat buchanan three days after 9/11/01. Lemme guess... NOW you are all for racial profiling and assuming that OUR muslims are terrorists in training, eh?

see how far you've got to stretch in order to sacrifice your usual humanitarian consideration for the sake of israeli racism?

My view on racial profiling has always been do it if there is a clear and present threat. Otherwise, it's just racism.

Pat Buchanan, huh? lol
uh, yea.. ATZLAN sure is a figment of MY imagination!




Jose? See what I'm sayin?
Funny how those with losing arguement ALWAYS insist that apples and oranges voids that mudhole being stomped in their ass.

There you go fantasizing about my ass again. I can't tell you enough times that I just don't swing that way. And btw: Women hating queers are particularly loathsome.

just sayin...:eusa_whistle:
My point was any opinion I post on the Arab Israeli conflict will just be dismissed by many as the opinion of a Jew, even though I am an American, and Christian, and only Part Jewish by blood, and a dual citizen because my mother made me so when I was to young to even have a choice.

believe me when I say the Arab Israeli conflict has touched my life directly.

Post away, bro. Otherwise I'll assume that you, like Shogun, are a wine-drinking queer as well.

Of course you'll get blasted for bias. It's what makes it all worthwhile.
Then I guess we are the proud owners of a big chunk of Iraq. Find any old country--invade it and you own it. Screw anyone one who bitches about fairness, legality, previous ownership, etc etc.

Yeah, those terrorists are big on complaining about fairness, legality, previous ownership when it comes to their asses being chased out of countries they don't belong in.
Yet we can get away with who we'll grant citizenship to...and some of our reasons for denying it are just as regressive.

granting citizenship is a nations prerogative. When did white people eject latinos from America and tell them that only white christians could ever be president in order to preserve caucasian influence?

Um, remember the Indians?


I don't think the US owes Mexico anything. That's kind of my point, Israel doesn't owe the Palestinians anything either because it is their country, like it or not.

You are wrong. Israel OWES pals equality exactly like WE owed our slaves the same goddamn thing. The Ku Klux Klan was fond of that "like it or not" shit too.

Disagree. No comparison as previously explained.


there you go with the apples and oranges avoidance, Ravi.

The Israelis are denying full citizenship to people. They aren't rounding up FULL citizens and gassing them. There is no comparison.

There is weather you want to face it or not. Gas chambers are not the only method of marginalization. Go ask Mandela, our celebrated South African terrorist.

Disagree. No comparison as previously explained.


check mate.

I don't care what it says in the bible about this issue. Not sure why you keep bringing that up. And keep bringing up Iranian Jews to show what models of tolerance Muslim countries are.

of COURSE you don't care, ravi. You willfully ignore the excuse for the creation of isreal that is just as batshit crazy as 72 virgins because you don't want to believe that *gasp* jews can be just as hateful and willing to dominate as anyone else.

I see you haven't googled iranian jews yet. Gosh.. thats a surprise.

I've already told you, several times, why I believe Israel belongs to the Jews. It matters not at all if it was created by guilt, to appease some biblical tripe, or any other reason. It is legally theirs and that's all that actually matters.

Hey, bury your head in the sand, yo. I kinda figured your leftist identity is only, uh, SKIN DEEP.
So you don't believe one day the Muslims will become a reasonable and peaceful people?


not while they are being subjigated and rationalized away in accordance with your opinion..

Natives, blacks, irish.. you name it. It's the same damn social pattern.
My view on racial profiling has always been do it if there is a clear and present threat. Otherwise, it's just racism.

Pat Buchanan, huh? lol

Pat Buchanan. yes.

So, it's time to start pulling latinos out into the streets and checking for green cards, eh?

tsk tsk tsk..
Jose? See what I'm sayin?

Don't you ahve some racial profiling to rationalize as long as it's not applied to your pet ethnicity?

Are you denying the Atzlan movement? Do you think Jose is going to DENY it?
The spoils aren't always claimed by force.

and sometimes they are, right?

so, tell me.. After Germany pretty much conquered Europe then how is the holocaust NOT similarly "spoils of war" in line with your goofy excuses for israel?

need to see a map?

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