Why I dont post here

Oh, and Shog, I do actually think you should allow people full citizenship or none at all. It's the in between stuff that screws things up.
I would pos rep ya, mani but it seems I have to spread it around.

who is fucking with whome here? The very thought of a non-jewish dominated israel causes the zionists to foam at the mouth...

you know, kinda like the idea of white women dating black men having the same reaction back in the american day.

equality sucks for those who insist upon racist standards. White men didn't give up their crown any easier than jillian is trying to give up hers.

now ask Ravi about rationalized ethnic national standards since i've put her in a logical paradox of either supporting israel and white american presidents or supporting a single state solution that falls in line with her stance on immigration reform.

i'll be over here pissing in your box of cheerios.


I just think you're being naive or don't grasp the concept of mutual exclusivity. Either the Jews run Israel or the Muslims run Israel. Your single state solution might be noble and all in theory, but it just won't work IMO. And so I vote for the Jews.
I've never seen you being in favor of granting latino immigrants full citizenship. I must be dreaming.

I see Israel as the creation of the spoils of war. Maybe that's a bit simplistic, but it is the Jews country now and where do we get off telling another country what their immigration policy must be? Should they tell us we must give Texas back to Mexico and grant full citizenship to anyone that asks for it?

I don't think so.

And way to chicken out of discussing the theocracies of Muslim countries and the fact that most of them don't even allow Jews to exist in their country.

Im all for full rights to latinos who ARE citizens. You see, white people can't get away with the same type of racism we see in israel today. Again, ASK JILL if she is as willing to accept an PAL ISRAELI PM as I am a LATINO PRESIDENT. Care to guess what her answer is?

SPOILS of war? And yet you tink the US owes Mexico something despite the emancipation of TEXAS? Come on, Ravi.. you can't dance around consistency like that.

WHO are we? uh, the same people who told Germany that they couldn't marginalize jews? uh, the same people whose pantleg israel hides behind? uh, the same people who allows a nuclear double standard in the ME? I could go on.

So, who were we to say anything about SOUTH AFRICA then, Ravi?

Again, before you start handing out lessons about muslim nations you might wanna google iranian jews and their total rejection of their right of return to israel.

But, again, go ahead and demonize the koran despite the burning bush escuse for the creation of israel. I've got you pinned on yet another issue where you fall short of giving a fuck about equality.
Oh, and Shog, I do actually think you should allow people full citizenship or none at all. It's the in between stuff that screws things up.

So, be clear, are you FOR or AGAINST the full citizenship of a majority of pals into Israel even if it breaks up a JEWISH monopoly on political authority?

In other words, a SINGLE STATE SOLUTION.
Originally posted by Ravi
Should they tell us we must give Texas back to Mexico and grant full citizenship to anyone that asks for it?

Mexico came to terms with its territorial loss almost 200 years ago in case you haven't noticed.

And the US absorbed the entire latino population of Texas, California etc, etc...

Show me Tejanos and Californios living in refugee camps in Mexico or just stop comparing apples to oranges, please.
Im all for full rights to latinos who ARE citizens. You see, white people can't get away with the same type of racism we see in israel today. Again, ASK JILL if she is as willing to accept an PAL ISRAELI PM as I am a LATINO PRESIDENT. Care to guess what her answer is?

Yet we can get away with who we'll grant citizenship to...and some of our reasons for denying it are just as regressive.

SPOILS of war? And yet you tink the US owes Mexico something despite the emancipation of TEXAS? Come on, Ravi.. you can't dance around consistency like that.
I don't think the US owes Mexico anything. That's kind of my point, Israel doesn't owe the Palestinians anything either because it is their country, like it or not.

WHO are we? uh, the same people who told Germany that they couldn't marginalize jews? uh, the same people whose pantleg israel hides behind? uh, the same people who allows a nuclear double standard in the ME? I could go on.
The Israelis are denying full citizenship to people. They aren't rounding up FULL citizens and gassing them. There is no comparison.

So, who were we to say anything about SOUTH AFRICA then, Ravi?

Again, before you start handing out lessons about muslim nations you might wanna google iranian jews and their total rejection of their right of return to israel.

But, again, go ahead and demonize the koran despite the burning bush escuse for the creation of israel. I've got you pinned on yet another issue where you fall short of giving a fuck about equality.
I don't care what it says in the bible about this issue. Not sure why you keep bringing that up. And keep bringing up Iranian Jews to show what models of tolerance Muslim countries are.

I just think you're being naive or don't grasp the concept of mutual exclusivity. Either the Jews run Israel or the Muslims run Israel. Your single state solution might be noble and all in theory, but it just won't work IMO. And so I vote for the Jews.

what kind of crack baby bullshit is that while we are on the verge of our own first black American president? Would you also insist that a christian be president? White landowning men? if WE can be the icon of pluralistic democracy where rights apply DESPITE ethnic common denominators then it would work in Palisrael too. Remember, both muslims, jews AND christians once lived there in peace until the creation of israel put an exclusivity on being hebrew.

and you go ahead and vote for a single ethnicity. I"LL vote for equality.
José;720446 said:
Mexico came to terms with its territorial loss almost 200 years ago in case you haven't noticed.

And the US absorbed the entire latino population of Texas, California etc, etc...

Show me Tejanos and Californios living in refugee camps in Mexico or just stop comparing apples to oranges, please.

So, be clear, are you FOR or AGAINST the full citizenship of a majority of pals into Israel even if it breaks up a JEWISH monopoly on political authority?

In other words, a SINGLE STATE SOLUTION.

It's not my call. It's not my country. IF it were, and Muslims in general stopped denying the existence of Israel and quit vowing to wipe them off the map, I'd be all for the inclusion and full citizenship. If Muslims ever have the US surrounded and were trying to blow us up and take something that is lawfully ours, I'd have no problem with us booting them out of the country and nuking their asses, either.
José;720410 said:
Now you're just raping History, plain and simple.

Everybody knows that the first decision the Israeli government took in 1948 was that Palestinian civilians who had fled the warzone would not be allowed to return.

Since then, any palestinian trying to return to their towns and villages of origin is immediatelly arrested at best and shot at worst.

Those that fled wanted the Israelis to be exterminated. They fully expected that to happen so that they could return without having to accept the Jews. There was no reason to believe that their attitude had changed many years later, when their numbers had swelled by several hundred thousand, when they began demands to reclaim their 'homeland'. To allow them to return now, seven decades later, would require the Israelis to relinquish their majority population and would be a certain and swift death sentence for the Israeli nation.

Again the Palestinians who did not flee Israel but stayed are now enjoying full Israeli citizenship and prosperity that those who hate Israel and would destroy it can only dream of.
José;720446 said:
Mexico came to terms with its territorial loss almost 200 years ago in case you haven't noticed.

And the US absorbed the entire latino population of Texas, California etc, etc...

Show me Tejanos and Californios living in refugee camps in Mexico or just stop comparing apples to oranges, please.

Shog is always going on about some silly little movement that convinces him that Mexico is plotting to take over the US. Paranoid ranting, IMO, but real enough to him. Therefore, it was a valid question for me to ask him.
what kind of crack baby bullshit is that while we are on the verge of our own first black American president? Would you also insist that a christian be president? White landowning men? if WE can be the icon of pluralistic democracy where rights apply DESPITE ethnic common denominators then it would work in Palisrael too. Remember, both muslims, jews AND christians once lived there in peace until the creation of israel put an exclusivity on being hebrew.

and you go ahead and vote for a single ethnicity. I"LL vote for equality.

I don't see these parallels at all. But obviously you do. I wouldn't even say you're comparing apples and oranges since at least they are both fruit. More like shit-stains and spaceships. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
Yet we can get away with who we'll grant citizenship to...and some of our reasons for denying it are just as regressive.

granting citizenship is a nations prerogative. When did white people eject latinos from America and tell them that only white christians could ever be president in order to preserve caucasian influence?

I don't think the US owes Mexico anything. That's kind of my point, Israel doesn't owe the Palestinians anything either because it is their country, like it or not.

You are wrong. Israel OWES pals equality exactly like WE owed our slaves the same goddamn thing. The Ku Klux Klan was fond of that "like it or not" shit too.

The Israelis are denying full citizenship to people. They aren't rounding up FULL citizens and gassing them. There is no comparison.

There is weather you want to face it or not. Gas chambers are not the only method of marginalization. Go ask Mandela, our celebrated South African terrorist.

I don't care what it says in the bible about this issue. Not sure why you keep bringing that up. And keep bringing up Iranian Jews to show what models of tolerance Muslim countries are.

of COURSE you don't care, ravi. You willfully ignore the excuse for the creation of isreal that is just as batshit crazy as 72 virgins because you don't want to believe that *gasp* jews can be just as hateful and willing to dominate as anyone else.

I see you haven't googled iranian jews yet. Gosh.. thats a surprise.
It's not my call. It's not my country. IF it were, and Muslims in general stopped denying the existence of Israel and quit vowing to wipe them off the map, I'd be all for the inclusion and full citizenship. If Muslims ever have the US surrounded and were trying to blow us up and take something that is lawfully ours, I'd have no problem with us booting them out of the country and nuking their asses, either.

It simply can't happen--If Arabs gained inclusion and full citizenship, the would be no more Israel. It's as simple as that. For Israel to exist it MUST be totally controlled by the jews.
It's not my call. It's not my country. IF it were, and Muslims in general stopped denying the existence of Israel and quit vowing to wipe them off the map, I'd be all for the inclusion and full citizenship. If Muslims ever have the US surrounded and were trying to blow us up and take something that is lawfully ours, I'd have no problem with us booting them out of the country and nuking their asses, either.

NEITHER was germany OUR fucking country, ravi.. But hey, way to enable.

yea, Ravi.. you sure are a fucking lefty with opinons like that. You sound like a motherfucking pat buchanan three days after 9/11/01. Lemme guess... NOW you are all for racial profiling and assuming that OUR muslims are terrorists in training, eh?

see how far you've got to stretch in order to sacrifice your usual humanitarian consideration for the sake of israeli racism?
Shog is always going on about some silly little movement that convinces him that Mexico is plotting to take over the US. Paranoid ranting, IMO, but real enough to him. Therefore, it was a valid question for me to ask him.

uh, yea.. ATZLAN sure is a figment of MY imagination!



I don't see these parallels at all. But obviously you do. I wouldn't even say you're comparing apples and oranges since at least they are both fruit. More like shit-stains and spaceships. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

riiiiiiiiight... in an America whose history is 3/4th white dominated where the civil rights era for blacks is only a mere 40 years old and NO ONE predicted a black president EVER and the destruction of the country if so you sure are not dragging your feet trying to avoid the comparison.

suuuuuuuuuuuuuure, dude.

Funny how those with losing arguement ALWAYS insist that apples and oranges voids that mudhole being stomped in their ass.
Yet we can get away with who we'll grant citizenship to...and some of our reasons for denying it are just as regressive.

granting citizenship is a nations prerogative. When did white people eject latinos from America and tell them that only white christians could ever be president in order to preserve caucasian influence?

Um, remember the Indians?

I don't think the US owes Mexico anything. That's kind of my point, Israel doesn't owe the Palestinians anything either because it is their country, like it or not.

You are wrong. Israel OWES pals equality exactly like WE owed our slaves the same goddamn thing. The Ku Klux Klan was fond of that "like it or not" shit too.

Disagree. No comparison as previously explained.

The Israelis are denying full citizenship to people. They aren't rounding up FULL citizens and gassing them. There is no comparison.

There is weather you want to face it or not. Gas chambers are not the only method of marginalization. Go ask Mandela, our celebrated South African terrorist.

Disagree. No comparison as previously explained.

I don't care what it says in the bible about this issue. Not sure why you keep bringing that up. And keep bringing up Iranian Jews to show what models of tolerance Muslim countries are.

of COURSE you don't care, ravi. You willfully ignore the excuse for the creation of isreal that is just as batshit crazy as 72 virgins because you don't want to believe that *gasp* jews can be just as hateful and willing to dominate as anyone else.

I see you haven't googled iranian jews yet. Gosh.. thats a surprise.

I've already told you, several times, why I believe Israel belongs to the Jews. It matters not at all if it was created by guilt, to appease some biblical tripe, or any other reason. It is legally theirs and that's all that actually matters.

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