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Why I Left the Right: How Studying Religion Made Me a Liberal

Red Jesus: And a Canaanite woman from that region came out and began to cry out, saying, "Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David; my daughter is cruelly demon-possessed." But He did not answer her a word. And His disciples came and implored Him, saying, "Send her away, because she keeps shouting at us." But He answered and said, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

Moral of the story: Red Jesus would support building a wall to keep out aliens so they don't suck up holy resources.

Blue Jesus: And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he healed them.

Moral of the story: Blue Jesus hates profit, and believes health care should be free.
Sounds like Red Jesus is a sheep herder from Israel and Blue Jesus supports shooting up a shopping mall so he can turn it into a hospital. Scary this religious stuff.
I didn't bother to read this fake post but their is something liberating about questioning things freely (I wish we could question Obama) which kind of makes the idea of an unquestionable faith not workable. Honestly, religion needs a little questioning just to weed out the bad spirits.

It was January 20, 2001, and I was at George W. Bush's inaugural ball. I had spent months campaigning for him, and it had not been easy. After the Florida electoral debacle complete with "hanging chads," Katherine Harris (and her 15 minutes of shame), and ultimately the Supreme Court's Bush v. Gore decision, I was finally enjoying the fruits of my labor as I celebrated the new president that I worked to get elected.

Sure, my role in the campaign wasn't glamorous, but I was a 20-year-old political science, religious studies double major who saw this election as the beginning of my work for the Right. I had recently appeared on MTV's reality show, Road Rules, where I represented the worldview of conservative evangelicals in all its virginal, Christian glory in a very public way. Now I wanted to turn my moment in the spotlight into something meaningful.

During the campaign, I attended Young Republican meetings, drove Bush's trusted advisors, Andrew Card and Karen Hughes, in the motorcade when they came to town, and now I was working the inaugural ball as the celebrity handler for special guest, Drew Carey. During the evening, he admitted that he wasn't actually a Republican, but a libertarian.

"Good enough," I thought to myself, "As long as he isn't one of 'those liberals.'"

I believed my involvement in the campaign was just the beginning of my efforts to promote the conservative movement and perhaps my own career as well.

Growing up immersed in the evangelical community, I was so familiar with the Christian rhetoric and worldview that it never occurred to me that they might be getting it all wrong. During the late eighties and throughout the nineties, evangelicalism hit its stride in terms of communicating and promoting a very specific message that amounted to a chorus of sound bites about "family values," militarism, and the pro-life movement. The group's unified theological positioning inspired the mobilization of American evangelical voters and influenced countless election results.

"The very thing that inspired my conservatism, would now be the thing that caused it to topple: my faith."

As I stood there in my purple satin, floor-length gown and then-in-style white eye shadow watching the new President dance with his First Lady, I was inspired by what I thought was a going to be a move toward increased personal responsibility, a shift from the distracting Clinton/Lewinsky circus, and a return to the philosophy of the patron saint of right-wing politics, Ronald Reagan. What I didn't realize was that I soon would become one of "those liberals," and that the very thing that inspired my conservatism, would now be the thing that caused it to topple: my faith.

I was more than just your garden variety Christian; I attended church several times a week, sought guidance from my pastor in private meetings, and after my reality TV stardom, spoke to church youth groups about how to stay "pure" in this "sinful" world. As I began studying religion at the University of Pittsburgh, people in the church warned me about what could happen under the influence of the liberal intelligentsia.

The bias of "godless liberals" teaching at universities was reason enough to avoid traditional education. I believed them when they said academia skewed to the left, but surely a faith as strong as mine could stand up to academic scrutiny.

What happened, however, wasn't an abandonment of my faith, but a shift in my understanding of Scripture. While I had always read the Bible and knew large portions of it by memory, I had relied on the expertise of my religious mentors (some of whom were simply laypeople teaching Sunday School or Christian education classes) to help guide me through its interpretation.

The more I read the text through unfiltered eyes and the more I learned about scholarly investigation, the less sense their point of view made. Their old Jesus looked nothing like my new Jesus.

I could no longer reconcile Jesus's calls for non-judgment, loving your enemies, and taking up your cross with many of the Religious Right's positions on social services, women's rights and the LGBT community. Even though I felt alone in my theological shift, I was not.

My journey from Young Republican to less young Democrat did not come from a crisis of faith, it came from finding inspiration in the life of Jesus. Once I removed the dogmatic lens that had informed my biblical interpretations, I found a figure that defended a prostitute and ate with the poor. The life of Jesus simply didn't reflect the agenda of the political right, so now neither could I.

More: Why I Left the Right: How Studying Religion Made Me a Liberal - By Susie Meister, PhD in Religious Studies, Host of The Brain Candy Podcast

This is a good article that also reflects my personal observations growing up around many others from the religious right.
Yeah, being asked to serve the needy, treat people like we're all equal, and not be able to do whatever you like would drive some to be liberals.
so she joined liberals?

a group of people with no morals at all?


seems she really wants that fame
It's liberals that stand up for the poor, the elderly, the sick and the children. It's cons that try to throw them all out in the street.
On judgement day Jesus will say "I was hungry and you didn't feed me, I was thirsty and you didn't give me drink, I was naked and you didn't cloth me." And the cons will ask when they did that. And Jesus will say, "When you cut Social Security, food stamps, healthcare, and aid to the poor"

You call being greed, having morals. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

Jesus will tell you he is a liberal on judgement day.....
Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 25:35-40 - New International Version
so she joined liberals?

a group of people with no morals at all?


seems she really wants that fame
It's liberals that stand up for the poor, the elderly, the sick and the children. It's cons that try to throw them all out in the street.
On judgement day Jesus will say "I was hungry and you didn't feed me, I was thirsty and you didn't give me drink, I was naked and you didn't cloth me." And the cons will ask when they did that. And Jesus will say, "When you cut Social Security, food stamps, healthcare, and aid to the poor"

You call being greed, having morals. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

Jesus will tell you he is a liberal on judgement day.....
Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 25:35-40 - New International Version
so she joined liberals?

a group of people with no morals at all?


seems she really wants that fame
It's liberals that stand up for the poor, the elderly, the sick and the children. It's cons that try to throw them all out in the street.
On judgement day Jesus will say "I was hungry and you didn't feed me, I was thirsty and you didn't give me drink, I was naked and you didn't cloth me." And the cons will ask when they did that. And Jesus will say, "When you cut Social Security, food stamps, healthcare, and aid to the poor"

You call being greed, having morals. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

Jesus will tell you he is a liberal on judgement day.....
Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 25:35-40 - New International Version

On Judgement Day, what is Jesus going to to say to the Liberals who profited by taking their cut from Government programs in the name of the needy so they could pay themselves and their cronies handsomely? What is Jesus going to say to the Liberal elite wealthy politician who gave a pittance of his annual wealth to the needy directly while wagging his finger at the voter to get "skin in the game" vs. the Bible Belt right winger who gave more of his annual wealth as a percentage directly to charity and less to the Government? What is Jesus going to say to the Liberal who uses His name to justify support of Government programs yet bans the use of His name in the public school and the courthouse?

Jesus may be a radical and a liberal who demands redistribution of wealth among his followers but he says nothing of using the State as a means to do so.
Jesus paid his taxes......
b/c he knew that the romans would kill anyone that didn't
so she joined liberals?

a group of people with no morals at all?


seems she really wants that fame
It's liberals that stand up for the poor, the elderly, the sick and the children. It's cons that try to throw them all out in the street.
On judgement day Jesus will say "I was hungry and you didn't feed me, I was thirsty and you didn't give me drink, I was naked and you didn't cloth me." And the cons will ask when they did that. And Jesus will say, "When you cut Social Security, food stamps, healthcare, and aid to the poor"

You call being greed, having morals. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

Jesus will tell you he is a liberal on judgement day.....
Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 25:35-40 - New International Version

No, they don't. They hate the poor and they love to exploit minorities, race, ethnicities and especially african americans.
Way to lump a majority of Americans into one group with a completely false and ignorant statement. Keep up the good work!
If it wasn't a true statement;

blacks would have stopped being poor b/c of welfare
inner city schools wouldn't suck so much b/c leftist run schools
we wouldn't need AA b/c blacks would be operating on the same level by now
70+% of blacks kids would have a father
You certainly cannot read or comprehend. The statement and article goes against your reasoning ability.
We understand why you make such a foolish and stupid statement.
You may be forgiven.

so she joined liberals?

a group of people with no morals at all?


seems she really wants that fame
aww, a reading comprehension slam

wow, I'm hurt, leftist never used that kind of attack on anyone before.

sorry junior, gunna have to up your game with me.

she was a rep and got no fame
so she went left and got another 15

but she was a con, so the left will do nothing for her
so she joined liberals?

a group of people with no morals at all?


seems she really wants that fame
It's liberals that stand up for the poor, the elderly, the sick and the children. It's cons that try to throw them all out in the street.
On judgement day Jesus will say "I was hungry and you didn't feed me, I was thirsty and you didn't give me drink, I was naked and you didn't cloth me." And the cons will ask when they did that. And Jesus will say, "When you cut Social Security, food stamps, healthcare, and aid to the poor"

You call being greed, having morals. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

Jesus will tell you he is a liberal on judgement day.....
Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 25:35-40 - New International Version

No, they don't. They hate the poor and they love to exploit minorities, race, ethnicities and especially african americans.
Way to lump a majority of Americans into one group with a completely false and ignorant statement. Keep up the good work!
If it wasn't a true statement;

blacks would have stopped being poor b/c of welfare
inner city schools wouldn't suck so much b/c leftist run schools
we wouldn't need AA b/c blacks would be operating on the same level by now
70+% of blacks kids would have a father
It sounds like you have some revolutionary solution to the underlying problem that is the cause of all that you listed... POVERTY. With poverty comes, crime, desperation, lack of education etc. etc. etc.

Please enlighten us on how pulling welfare support, education funding, and equal opportunity efforts is going to help things?

And please don't feed us some bullshit about how cutting off the poor and tightening law enforcement will motivate them to get a job and cure all our problems... We all know that is BS.
so she joined liberals?

a group of people with no morals at all?


seems she really wants that fame
It's liberals that stand up for the poor, the elderly, the sick and the children. It's cons that try to throw them all out in the street.
On judgement day Jesus will say "I was hungry and you didn't feed me, I was thirsty and you didn't give me drink, I was naked and you didn't cloth me." And the cons will ask when they did that. And Jesus will say, "When you cut Social Security, food stamps, healthcare, and aid to the poor"

You call being greed, having morals. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

Jesus will tell you he is a liberal on judgement day.....
Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 25:35-40 - New International Version

No, they don't. They hate the poor and they love to exploit minorities, race, ethnicities and especially african americans.
Way to lump a majority of Americans into one group with a completely false and ignorant statement. Keep up the good work!
If it wasn't a true statement;

blacks would have stopped being poor b/c of welfare
inner city schools wouldn't suck so much b/c leftist run schools
we wouldn't need AA b/c blacks would be operating on the same level by now
70+% of blacks kids would have a father
It sounds like you have some revolutionary solution to the underlying problem that is the cause of all that you listed... POVERTY. With poverty comes, crime, desperation, lack of education etc. etc. etc.

Please enlighten us on how pulling welfare support, education funding, and equal opportunity efforts is going to help things?

And please don't feed us some bullshit about how cutting off the poor and tightening law enforcement will motivate them to get a job and cure all our problems... We all know that is BS.
well that isn't true, hunger drives people to succeed

“I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”
Benjamin Franklin

Not that you can learn, but a great liberal is trying to teach you something
It's liberals that stand up for the poor, the elderly, the sick and the children. It's cons that try to throw them all out in the street.
On judgement day Jesus will say "I was hungry and you didn't feed me, I was thirsty and you didn't give me drink, I was naked and you didn't cloth me." And the cons will ask when they did that. And Jesus will say, "When you cut Social Security, food stamps, healthcare, and aid to the poor"

You call being greed, having morals. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

Jesus will tell you he is a liberal on judgement day.....
Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 25:35-40 - New International Version

No, they don't. They hate the poor and they love to exploit minorities, race, ethnicities and especially african americans.
Way to lump a majority of Americans into one group with a completely false and ignorant statement. Keep up the good work!
If it wasn't a true statement;

blacks would have stopped being poor b/c of welfare
inner city schools wouldn't suck so much b/c leftist run schools
we wouldn't need AA b/c blacks would be operating on the same level by now
70+% of blacks kids would have a father
It sounds like you have some revolutionary solution to the underlying problem that is the cause of all that you listed... POVERTY. With poverty comes, crime, desperation, lack of education etc. etc. etc.

Please enlighten us on how pulling welfare support, education funding, and equal opportunity efforts is going to help things?

And please don't feed us some bullshit about how cutting off the poor and tightening law enforcement will motivate them to get a job and cure all our problems... We all know that is BS.
well that isn't true, hunger drives people to succeed

“I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”
Benjamin Franklin

Not that you can learn, but a great liberal is trying to teach you something
Way to dodge the question by posting a generalized BF quote. A quote mind you that I agree with but doesn't address the solutions the the problem. Would you like to try again at stating some specific initiatives that you would take in leu of welfare and funding education to help the underlying problem of poverty, jobs and inequality etc... Where is your money going to go, and if nowhere then how does that help the problem? Use YOUR words
so she joined liberals?

a group of people with no morals at all?


seems she really wants that fame
It's liberals that stand up for the poor, the elderly, the sick and the children. It's cons that try to throw them all out in the street.
On judgement day Jesus will say "I was hungry and you didn't feed me, I was thirsty and you didn't give me drink, I was naked and you didn't cloth me." And the cons will ask when they did that. And Jesus will say, "When you cut Social Security, food stamps, healthcare, and aid to the poor"

You call being greed, having morals. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

Jesus will tell you he is a liberal on judgement day.....
Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 25:35-40 - New International Version

No, they don't. They hate the poor and they love to exploit minorities, race, ethnicities and especially african americans.
Way to lump a majority of Americans into one group with a completely false and ignorant statement. Keep up the good work!
If it wasn't a true statement;

blacks would have stopped being poor b/c of welfare
inner city schools wouldn't suck so much b/c leftist run schools
we wouldn't need AA b/c blacks would be operating on the same level by now
70+% of blacks kids would have a father
It sounds like you have some revolutionary solution to the underlying problem that is the cause of all that you listed... POVERTY. With poverty comes, crime, desperation, lack of education etc. etc. etc.

Please enlighten us on how pulling welfare support, education funding, and equal opportunity efforts is going to help things?

And please don't feed us some bullshit about how cutting off the poor and tightening law enforcement will motivate them to get a job and cure all our problems... We all know that is BS.
you're making false accusations, it's common for leftist to do that b/c they have no answers themselves except to throw money at the problem by letting their party do more

don't get rid of welfare, just don't pay more to a family that's on it and then has more kids
1 kid under 18 is a check until they are 18. That's crazy, put a time limit on that

don't cut money to schools, get the leftist filth out of schools and put them in chains. It's clear when a black school has an empty library and the school in the nice part of town a mile away is building onto their gym, leftist are fucking over blacks on purpose. not that you care, b/c if you did, you would have seen this going on by now.

How is hiring and promoting firemen, that don't pass the test, or don't perform as well as others, a good thing for people who will die in a fire?
No, they don't. They hate the poor and they love to exploit minorities, race, ethnicities and especially african americans.
Way to lump a majority of Americans into one group with a completely false and ignorant statement. Keep up the good work!
If it wasn't a true statement;

blacks would have stopped being poor b/c of welfare
inner city schools wouldn't suck so much b/c leftist run schools
we wouldn't need AA b/c blacks would be operating on the same level by now
70+% of blacks kids would have a father
It sounds like you have some revolutionary solution to the underlying problem that is the cause of all that you listed... POVERTY. With poverty comes, crime, desperation, lack of education etc. etc. etc.

Please enlighten us on how pulling welfare support, education funding, and equal opportunity efforts is going to help things?

And please don't feed us some bullshit about how cutting off the poor and tightening law enforcement will motivate them to get a job and cure all our problems... We all know that is BS.
well that isn't true, hunger drives people to succeed

“I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”
Benjamin Franklin

Not that you can learn, but a great liberal is trying to teach you something
Way to dodge the question by posting a generalized BF quote. A quote mind you that I agree with but doesn't address the solutions the the problem. Would you like to try again at stating some specific initiatives that you would take in leu of welfare to help the underlying problem of poverty, poor education, inequality etc... Where is your money going to go, and if nowhere then how does that help the problem. Use YOUR words
knew it, you didn't learn a thing
It's liberals that stand up for the poor, the elderly, the sick and the children. It's cons that try to throw them all out in the street.
On judgement day Jesus will say "I was hungry and you didn't feed me, I was thirsty and you didn't give me drink, I was naked and you didn't cloth me." And the cons will ask when they did that. And Jesus will say, "When you cut Social Security, food stamps, healthcare, and aid to the poor"

You call being greed, having morals. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

Jesus will tell you he is a liberal on judgement day.....
Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 25:35-40 - New International Version

No, they don't. They hate the poor and they love to exploit minorities, race, ethnicities and especially african americans.
Way to lump a majority of Americans into one group with a completely false and ignorant statement. Keep up the good work!
If it wasn't a true statement;

blacks would have stopped being poor b/c of welfare
inner city schools wouldn't suck so much b/c leftist run schools
we wouldn't need AA b/c blacks would be operating on the same level by now
70+% of blacks kids would have a father
It sounds like you have some revolutionary solution to the underlying problem that is the cause of all that you listed... POVERTY. With poverty comes, crime, desperation, lack of education etc. etc. etc.

Please enlighten us on how pulling welfare support, education funding, and equal opportunity efforts is going to help things?

And please don't feed us some bullshit about how cutting off the poor and tightening law enforcement will motivate them to get a job and cure all our problems... We all know that is BS.
you're making false accusations, it's common for leftist to do that b/c they have no answers themselves except to throw money at the problem by letting their party do more

don't get rid of welfare, just don't pay more to a family that's on it and then has more kids
1 kid under 18 is a check until they are 18. That's crazy, put a time limit on that

don't cut money to schools, get the leftist filth out of schools and put them in chains. It's clear when a black school has an empty library and the school in the nice part of town a mile away is building onto their gym, leftist are fucking over blacks on purpose. not that you care, b/c if you did, you would have seen this going on by now.

How is hiring and promoting firemen, that don't pass the test, or don't perform as well as others, a good thing for people who will die in a fire?
Finally you are starting to speak productively... Trophy for you. Agreed we need major reform to welfare, it should be a tool to get people self sufficient and not dependent. I don't see how this can be done without funding as a whole new initiative and management system is needed. As far as I've seen most programs are strapped.

Don't know where the fireman comment came from, I wouldn't support anybody who isn't qualified to get a position like that, some with law enforcement... I also see the value of diversity and programs like that like reflecting their communities, so proper training, and equal opportunity is very important. If there is preferential treatment for whites then that should be eliminated... hence the label EQUAL.
get the leftist filth out of schools and put them in chains.
Do you realize when you use language like "Leftist filth" you lose the attention of the majority of your listeners... You might get some White trash hillbillies yipping in your corner but in reality It just makes you sound like a close minded idiot. If you really have good ideas to put out there then grow up and present them like somebody who has a brain.
so she joined liberals?

a group of people with no morals at all?


seems she really wants that fame
It's liberals that stand up for the poor, the elderly, the sick and the children. It's cons that try to throw them all out in the street.
On judgement day Jesus will say "I was hungry and you didn't feed me, I was thirsty and you didn't give me drink, I was naked and you didn't cloth me." And the cons will ask when they did that. And Jesus will say, "When you cut Social Security, food stamps, healthcare, and aid to the poor"

You call being greed, having morals. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

Jesus will tell you he is a liberal on judgement day.....
Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 25:35-40 - New International Version

You speak from the talking points fed to you by your masters and certainly not from personal experience.

If you were, you would tell us about how you helped to rebuild Homestead after Hurricane Andrew. Or clean up after the flood in Portage de Sioux in Missouri. Or after the flood of the Flint River in Albany, GA. Or doing volunteer work in the hollows (hollers) of Hazard county in Kentucky. Or various places where American "Habitat Gypsies" traveled and helped to build homes in Canada.

But, alas, NO. You are nothing but words, and empty ones, at that.

Your ilk quotes selected verses in the Bible, but are atheist to the rotten core.

Your ilk would toss a puppy you found whimpering on the street out because you know that looking after that puppy would negate the efforts of your fellow Democrat who tossed that puppy on the street.

Your ilk yak about taxes and how the rich should pay more and you ARE rich and you don't.

Your ilk yaks about racial equality but would be ready to kill any black person - male or female OR heaven forbid even a transsexual - who dares to be Republican or conservative.

You talk about Judgement Day. You better be prepared yourself.

Karma is a BITCH.
Funny, I once was a liberal, spent a few years at Uncle Sams summer camp, received a military financed education, obtained a job to help pay for my education, paid taxes, found myself living hand to mouth, then woke up. We all experience epiphanies throughout our lives, its experience, exposure, a maturation process. Some accept defeat, wallow in self pity and sorrow while others embrace the word of God and never give up striving for a better life and improving the lives of your fellow man. Jesus never said the state was to care for the needy, widows, and orphans, it was to come from you, the individual, out of grace, love, hart, compassion, an amount you are able to give. The problem is we evolved as a society to believe that one self ordained self-righteous group should take from another to fund those in need so that these same people that are quick to take no longer have a personal responsibility to give, or possibly never did give in the first place.
Funny, I once was a liberal, spent a few years at Uncle Sams summer camp, received a military financed education, obtained a job to help pay for my education, paid taxes, found myself living hand to mouth, then woke up. We all experience epiphanies throughout our lives, its experience, exposure, a maturation process. Some accept defeat, wallow in self pity and sorrow while others embrace the word of God and never give up striving for a better life and improving the lives of your fellow man. Jesus never said the state was to care for the needy, widows, and orphans, it was to come from you, the individual, out of grace, love, hart, compassion, an amount you are able to give. The problem is we evolved as a society to believe that one self ordained self-righteous group should take from another to fund those in need so that these same people that are quick to take no longer have a personal responsibility to give, or possibly never did give in the first place.

In other words stop stomping on his selfishness!
get the leftist filth out of schools and put them in chains.
Do you realize when you use language like "Leftist filth" you lose the attention of the majority of your listeners... You might get some White trash hillbillies yipping in your corner but in reality It just makes you sound like a close minded idiot. If you really have good ideas to put out there then grow up and present them like somebody who has a brain.
I, we, all of us have given the left better ideas, you, the left and the rest of the filth called it racist or unfair, or some other idiotic response and refused to argue on the merits.


b/c leftist filth likes keeping people down, it's what they do, it's how they get votes
get the leftist filth out of schools and put them in chains.
Do you realize when you use language like "Leftist filth" you lose the attention of the majority of your listeners... You might get some White trash hillbillies yipping in your corner but in reality It just makes you sound like a close minded idiot. If you really have good ideas to put out there then grow up and present them like somebody who has a brain.
I, we, all of us have given the left better ideas, you, the left and the rest of the filth called it racist or unfair, or some other idiotic response and refused to argue on the merits.


b/c leftist filth likes keeping people down, it's what they do, it's how they get votes
If you get out of your bubble and really think about that statement you will see it makes no sense. And like I said before, drop the whole filth thing, it's just making you sound stupid.

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