Why I'm a Democrat now


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
Sure you did.

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:

Obvious fake...

Whatever it is Republicans support, democrats spend far more than republicans. Just a other liar.

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
if you were an independent you would have problems with both parties..........

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
That's not too different from my story. I was once a Republican and now consider myself Independent. The republican's never delivered on their claims of being fiscally responsible. Now they just follow trumps failed policy. I expect many will see the increased debt, failed policy, riots, lack of leadership.... and move on too.

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:

Obvious fake...

Whatever it is Republicans support, democrats spend far more than republicans. Just a other liar.
Republican's were in full control for 2 years when trump was elected. Deficits increased....

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
if you were an independent you would have problems with both parties..........
Yes independents do. But Republican's are in control of the Presidency, Senate, and even the supreme court. Their failures really stand out right now. Huge debt, failed pandemic response....

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
if you were an independent you would have problems with both parties..........
Yes independents do. But Republican's are in control of the Presidency, Senate, and even the supreme court. Their failures really stand out right now. Huge debt, failed pandemic response....
and so an indepent is supposed to think the democrats are going to do better?....
Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism.
So you're joining the party that doesn't care about paying down the National Debt, doesn't support the troops and wants Communism here. Good thinking. You'll fit right in with the Democrats. You deserve them and they deserve you.

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
Enjoy your new Communist anti-American friends. Let us know if they throw good parties.

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
if you were an independent you would have problems with both parties..........
Yes independents do. But Republican's are in control of the Presidency, Senate, and even the supreme court. Their failures really stand out right now. Huge debt, failed pandemic response....
and so an indepent is supposed to think the democrats are going to do better?....
Yes. Things were clearly much better under Obama. Deficits have increased. Almost all trump policy has failed. Tariffs hurt manufacturing. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or lead to the promise 4-6% growth. Mexico isn't paying for the wall. Without the partisan blinders it's easy to see how failed trump has been.
Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism.
So you're joining the party that doesn't care about paying down the National Debt, doesn't support the troops and wants Communism here. Good thinking. You'll fit right in with the Democrats. You deserve them and they deserve you.
Trump is the guy who loves dictators. He's also greatly increased deficits. Oh and his tariffs are quite communist. The USSR controlled trade too.

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
if you were an independent you would have problems with both parties..........
Yes independents do. But Republican's are in control of the Presidency, Senate, and even the supreme court. Their failures really stand out right now. Huge debt, failed pandemic response....
and so an indepent is supposed to think the democrats are going to do better?....
Yes. Things were clearly much better under Obama. Deficits have increased. Almost all trump policy has failed. Tariffs hurt manufacturing. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or lead to the promise 4-6% growth. Mexico isn't paying for the wall. Without the partisan blinders it's easy to see how failed trump has been.
yea you are an independent......lol.....

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
if you were an independent you would have problems with both parties..........
Yes independents do. But Republican's are in control of the Presidency, Senate, and even the supreme court. Their failures really stand out right now. Huge debt, failed pandemic response....
and so an indepent is supposed to think the democrats are going to do better?....
Yes. Things were clearly much better under Obama. Deficits have increased. Almost all trump policy has failed. Tariffs hurt manufacturing. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or lead to the promise 4-6% growth. Mexico isn't paying for the wall. Without the partisan blinders it's easy to see how failed trump has been.
yea you are an independent......lol.....
Yes. You can't deny all those failings. Independents don't follow failed policy.

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
if you were an independent you would have problems with both parties..........
Yes independents do. But Republican's are in control of the Presidency, Senate, and even the supreme court. Their failures really stand out right now. Huge debt, failed pandemic response....
and so an indepent is supposed to think the democrats are going to do better?....
Yes. Things were clearly much better under Obama. Deficits have increased. Almost all trump policy has failed. Tariffs hurt manufacturing. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or lead to the promise 4-6% growth. Mexico isn't paying for the wall. Without the partisan blinders it's easy to see how failed trump has been.
yea you are an independent......lol.....
Yes. You can't deny all those failings. Independents don't follow failed policy.
independents have problems with both parties and would not look at biden, a guy who has been part of the reason they are independents as the guy to vote for....

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
if you were an independent you would have problems with both parties..........
Yes independents do. But Republican's are in control of the Presidency, Senate, and even the supreme court. Their failures really stand out right now. Huge debt, failed pandemic response....
and so an indepent is supposed to think the democrats are going to do better?....
Yes. Things were clearly much better under Obama. Deficits have increased. Almost all trump policy has failed. Tariffs hurt manufacturing. Tax cuts didn't pay for themselves or lead to the promise 4-6% growth. Mexico isn't paying for the wall. Without the partisan blinders it's easy to see how failed trump has been.
yea you are an independent......lol.....
Yes. You can't deny all those failings. Independents don't follow failed policy.
independents have problems with both parties and would not look at biden, a guy who has been part of the reason they are independents as the guy to vote for....
Sadly we have but 2 choices. And trump has been a disaster so Biden gets the support. Again, you can't deny the failings. I'd go back to how things were 4 years ago any day. Country is a mess now and much deeper in debt.
The only way someone "turns into" a democrook is either because of sudden severe brain damage, or they've thrown their moral compass away and want to get rich through political corruption.

Talk about throwing the moral compass away. You support a guy on his 3rd wife who he cheated on with porn stars. He's also making Obama look fiscally responsible. Your compass seems rather broke....

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