Why I'm tired of women

No I dont hate women. Im not a misogynir. I dont know what women are so I cant even deny it because I didnt figured it out yet.
Welcome to the Men's Club. Here, have a beer on me!:

I don't fully understand women either, but that's no reason for me not to desire them much less hate them.
Wait dude, I dont hate women.
No I dont hate women. Im not a misogynir. I dont know what women are so I cant even deny it because I didnt figured it out yet.
Welcome to the Men's Club. Here, have a beer on me!:

I don't fully understand women either, but that's no reason for me not to desire them much less hate them.
Wait dude, I dont hate women.
If you are patient and take care of yourself and your dog the right one will come along and you will know a happiness that you cannot currently imagine. If I were you I would prepare myself for that person by working out, no smoking and eating healthy.

It will happen, there is someone for everyone on this earth.:)
Broadly speaking, I would say I'm tired of women.

Almost all women are the following:
-incurably leftist; they believe the world is full of smiling, happy people of all races and we will all get along (oh, but if there is ever any danger, it's your job, man, to protect her and take the fall)
-completely confused as to what they want: if they work, they complain about being tired all the time, if they stay at home with the kids, they complain of having to take care of them, having no life, etc.
-oversexed, showy, provocative (but if you ever say that, you are an evil sexist who wants to cover up women and keep them locked up)
-believe they can do anything men can do, and want the money and respect that comes with that, but they also want to avoid the responsibility, they want special privileges, maternity leave, accommodations, etc.

Women used to have the important and valued role of rearing the next generation of the tribe. And if they did that role well, they were loved by all. Now, they are more of a nuisance than anything else.
I have to say that your description of women totally misses every woman in my life. And I mean grandmothers, aunts, mom, sisters, wife, nieces and daughters. Add to that employees and friends. You need a new circle of women.

Maybe I'm just lucky but just among my sisters you will find fairly apolitical, rational, hard working ladies who know exactly what they want and are willing to work and sacrifice for it. I have 5 sisters and among them are 2 of the best athletes I've ever seen and 3 of them will drop you with a right hand in a heartbeat. I run my own business and I'm jealous of the money 2 of them make. 1 of them will part your eyebrows with 30.06 at 200yds. I think at least part of that comes from the Irish side of the family, my maternal grandmother was one tough cookie. In her kitchen hung a plaque that read "I Am The Boss Of This Home And I have My Wife's Permission To Say So". As far as doing anything a man can do, call for a "crash cart" in a hospital and I will get out of 2 of their ways.

Also, I will say that I like the oversexed part. After 28 yrs of marriage my wife can take me any time she wants.
Broadly speaking, I would say I'm tired of women.

Almost all women are the following:
-incurably leftist; they believe the world is full of smiling, happy people of all races and we will all get along (oh, but if there is ever any danger, it's your job, man, to protect her and take the fall)
-completely confused as to what they want: if they work, they complain about being tired all the time, if they stay at home with the kids, they complain of having to take care of them, having no life, etc.
-oversexed, showy, provocative (but if you ever say that, you are an evil sexist who wants to cover up women and keep them locked up)
-believe they can do anything men can do, and want the money and respect that comes with that, but they also want to avoid the responsibility, they want special privileges, maternity leave, accommodations, etc.

Women used to have the important and valued role of rearing the next generation of the tribe. And if they did that role well, they were loved by all. Now, they are more of a nuisance than anything else.
Tell your mother. She made a pain in the ass like YOU, didn't she?
People make a mistake by *dating* to find the right person, I've decided. Our whole culture is geared towards trying on people and deciding who to try on based on what they look like.

I think our ancestors had it right. Your family should choose your wife for you, or at least be involved in it. Pick someone who is a hard worker, has a good mind, is goal oriented, has the same spiritual framework. The rest sort of falls in, behind those important aspects. Search for a mate with the same mindset that you apply when you determine your career path.

I want a woman with a cute face, nice thighs and sexy toes
No I dont hate women. Im not a misogynir. I dont know what women are so I cant even deny it because I didnt figured it out yet.
Welcome to the Men's Club. Here, have a beer on me!:

I don't fully understand women either, but that's no reason for me not to desire them much less hate them.
Like the old saying(s) go: women, can't live with them, can't live without them, and in some circles: women, can't live with them, can't kill them......

No it;s

Women, can't live them, THE END
Broadly speaking, I would say I'm tired of women.

Almost all women are the following:
-incurably leftist; they believe the world is full of smiling, happy people of all races and we will all get along (oh, but if there is ever any danger, it's your job, man, to protect her and take the fall)
-completely confused as to what they want: if they work, they complain about being tired all the time, if they stay at home with the kids, they complain of having to take care of them, having no life, etc.
-oversexed, showy, provocative (but if you ever say that, you are an evil sexist who wants to cover up women and keep them locked up)
-believe they can do anything men can do, and want the money and respect that comes with that, but they also want to avoid the responsibility, they want special privileges, maternity leave, accommodations, etc.

Women used to have the important and valued role of rearing the next generation of the tribe. And if they did that role well, they were loved by all. Now, they are more of a nuisance than anything else.

Women usually eating our brain, step by step... They really more strong in emotions, so they able to keep strong emotional heat - to get something from you and to damage your psychic...

But there are only three ways to reach balance.
Do everything, woman want. For young men...
Negotiate with her. For more skilled men..
Take the glass of vodka and forget about any whining... :))
Im tired of women too but for different reasons, because they dont want to date me and I almost gave up that one will ever like me. I never experienced how it is to be loved by a woman.
If that is you in your avi, Mortimer, you appear to be morose. That alone is enough to keep intelligent, vibrant ladies from wanting to know you better. Just saying.

What exactly is morose, sorry dont know that word?
You look like a fucking mall shooter.

So you say my look is the problem that no women likes me? I already was thinking that my look is the main problem (because of obesity etc.). No one told me in real life that I look like a mall shooter girls usually would say I look "lieb" (cute, sweet) but they only want to be my friends and that I pay them a free drink or like that, not more.

Why "no women"? Does your mother like you?
No I dont hate women. Im not a misogynir. I dont know what women are so I cant even deny it because I didnt figured it out yet.
Welcome to the Men's Club. Here, have a beer on me!:

I don't fully understand women either, but that's no reason for me not to desire them much less hate them.
Wait dude, I dont hate women.

Mortimer, don't listen of any advices about "become respect", "wash your ears and make hairstyle" and so on. What can women to advice you else? When they don't want you right now, they want to make from your anyone like "servant", which can escort them, pay for them at bars and restaurants and don't cost a sexual act...

Women usually strongly don't like to be first, because they think "if no one want him, I don't want him too"... BUY a first relations with woman for yourself, learn, how it really - to have a woman, and you'll have much more chances with anothers...
Women usually eating our brain, step by step... They really more strong in emotions, so they able to keep strong emotional heat - to get something from you and to damage your psychic...

But there are only three ways to reach balance.
Do everything, woman want. For young men...
Negotiate with her. For more skilled men..
Take the glass of vodka and forget about any whining... :))
Women have better verbal skills. We're all born female, but in males the Y chromosome kicks in several weeks into the pregnancy. This is why men have nipples.

A neuropsychologist, Dr. Louann Brizendine, has written books on the differences between male and female brains. In males, the communication section of the brain is attacked and the aggression section is ramped up. Obviously males and females, like all humans, are more alike than different plus not all characteristics are the same in everyone.
Women control the sex life of the species. So they can do whatever they want. You are a responder not a law maker, they make the laws. Interesting biology.

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