Why Is Anyone Talking About Plight of "Palestinian" People?

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
A week ago this past Saturday Hamas fighters murdered, raped, and kidnapped hundreds of Israeli civilians. It was a devastating attack, which nobody disputes. This raises issues that must immediately be addressed, to wit: Security going forward, recovering kidnapped Israelis (and others) from Hamas, and a retaliatory strike. So why did the "Palestinian" issue even appear? The people advocating for these people insist that Hamas is separate from the "Palestinian people". If this is the case, then why can't we all agree to exterminate Hamas, a political group know to engage in terror attacks against Jews?

A very compelling case can be made that Hamas is responsible for whatever befalls Gaza in the wake of its unforgivable mass murder of Jews. The "Palestinians" voted Hamas into power, after all. Do the "Palestinians" support Hamas or not? They cannot have it both ways. If the "Palestinian" connection to Hamas is severable, then their plight really has nothing to do with the Hamas issue. This makes all of the pro-"Palestinian" talk misplaced. There is only one exception, which is how they will be affected by the war against Hamas.

Clearly, Israel has always gone the extra mile to protect civilians when they have had to go into Gaza to put down some terrorists in the past. Further, and as mentioned, Hamas was voted into power by Hamas. Gaza is not under Israeli control. Israel ceded that property to those people. Gaza governs itself. Hamas was elected to govern. As I have stated previously, nobody really worried what happened to the civilians across Germany in 1944-45 when the Allies were bombarding German cities. It is not like Germans were running around shouting "I am not a Nazi!! I am not a Nazi!!!! You are violating my human rights!!!". Well, maybe they were, but who cares? The fact is, you cannot separate the people in Gaza from the actions of Hamas. But, Israel is trying to do just that. They are yet again going the extra mile to minimize civilian casualties. And why wouldn't they? Israel is a civilized country; the only one in the Middle East, in fact.

Can we sever Hamas from the "Palestinian" people under the theory that the elections putting Hamas in power were rigged? To be candid, I would be surprised if these elections were NOT rigged. That is the sort of people we are dealing with in that part of the world. Democracy is not really too important to them, like it is the Israel. If elections were rigged, then Hamas is not a legitimate government. Why is nothing being done about it? Could it be that the "Palestinians" do nothing about this illegitimate government because they - Hamas - will murder each and every voice in opposition to them?

If this is the case, then the "Palestinians" are essentially being held captive in Gaza by the radical Hamas. This causes me to wonder: If the "Palestinians" are unhappy with such a situation, then why don't they seek assistance from Israel (who despises Hamas) and form a joint plan to oust Hamas? Israel would assist. There is absolutely no debating this. Israel would be grateful to be invited into Gaza by the non-Hamas "Palestinians" to assist them to depose Hamas. Why does this not happen? Could it be that most "Palestinian" people in Gaza support Hamas? Could be.

If Hamas is severed from the rest of the people in Gaza, then now is not really the time to be addressing the plight of the so-called "Palestinian" people, is it? The left wants to say it is not part of Hamas, while simultaneously using the horrific attacks to seek advantage and concession. This is rather weird and ghoulish, in my opinion.

If Hamas is truly separate from the "Palestinian" people AND they want to avoid death and injury to their people when Israel retaliates, then the natural response would be is disavow Hamas, condemn the terror attack, then keep your mouth shut. But these people are doing exactly the opposite. They are not disavowing Hamas to any real extent, they are not condemning the attacks, and they are screaming their cause upon a platform that Hamas has given them.

I think most of the left simply does not understand how these Jihadists think. They want to bait Israel into a bloody invasion. What they ultimately want is a pan-Arab war against Israel that leaves each and every Jew there dead. Hamas does not care how many of the "Palestinian" people die. To them, they die for a greater cause. It is almost as if Hamas believes it is doing those people in Gaza a favor in sacrificing them because they will be dying for Allah and, therefore, hastening their journey to Jew-hater heaven. The leftists are assisting them in Jihad by pumping up anti-Jewish sentiment. Moreover, 99% of such advocacy is based upon lies, mistruths, deceptions, and misinformation. But, you know, when you are doing God's work, you will do whatever to reach the end result you seek. In this case it is Allah's work, and the Jihadists will do whatever it takes to bring about their sought after Islamic Revolution.
Yeah, you see the same crowd immediately come out and blame Israel the very next day, the plight of Palestinians being the Topic. But they never, never hold Hamas responsible for what they do to the Palestinians. AND its very clear. It's the leadership of these savages who are keeping those people in an "open air prison" . But they love it as long as they have their penthouses in Qatar.
LOL....I was going through the "news" channels at lunch time and when it was MS-LSD's turn I told the wife.....I bet they are going on about the "Pali Plight"......Boom! I was spot on!.....Some old-ass Pali guy with a "dead" kid.

Why it was only a week or so ago every header on there was about Trump.
Much more important than the plight of the Zionists or Hamas freedom fighters is the suspicion that the US is setting the stage for an attack against Russia.

We all need to start thinking in terms of America's hawks truly believe that M. A. D. can be ignored and surprise nuclear attacks on Russia, (and perhaps China and Iran too) can be accomplished without revenge attacks by the Brics.

It can't! The Brics possess superior weaponry.

America has,is sending far too much power to the region than could ever be needed to defend the Zionist regime.

Could it be that America has cracked Brics intelligence and it indicates that Russia is ready to end their war by eliminatiing the remainder of the Ukraine?

No matter how we look at US battle groups being sent to the ME and the Med., there are important questions that deserve answers now, as the US propagandists are going dark.
Much more important than the plight of the Zionists or Hamas freedom fighters is the suspicion that the US is setting the stage for an attack against Russia.

We all need to start thinking in terms of America's hawks truly believe that M. A. D. can be ignored and surprise nuclear attacks on Russia, (and perhaps China and Iran too) can be accomplished without revenge attacks by the Brics.

It can't! The Brics possess superior weaponry.

America has,is sending far too much power to the region than could ever be needed to defend the Zionist regime.

Could it be that America has cracked Brics intelligence and it indicates that Russia is ready to end their war by eliminatiing the remainder of the Ukraine?

No matter how we look at US battle groups being sent to the ME and the Med., there are important questions that deserve answers now, as the US propagandists are going dark.
LOL....Where the blue fuck did you come-up with that? :laughing0301:
LOL....I was going through the "news" channels at lunch time and when it was MS-LSD's turn I told the wife.....I bet they are going on about the "Pali Plight"......Boom! I was spot on!.....Some old-ass Pali guy with a "dead" kid.

Why it was only a week or so ago every header on there was about Trump.
Biden is playing you and most other Americans for fools and it's being lapped up willingly as is usual.

America is at a crossroads now with the war against Russia just not bearing any fruit.

It's become a fight for world supremacy between America and the Brics alliance, and America's odds on coming out on top are declining and will never be better by waiting much longer.

We all know that decisive victory is going to have to be nuclear.

Buy a bunch more guns!
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Much more important than the plight of the Zionists or Hamas freedom fighters is the suspicion that the US is setting the stage for an attack against Russia.

We all need to start thinking in terms of America's hawks truly believe that M. A. D. can be ignored and surprise nuclear attacks on Russia, (and perhaps China and Iran too) can be accomplished without revenge attacks by the Brics.

It can't! The Brics possess superior weaponry.

America has,is sending far too much power to the region than could ever be needed to defend the Zionist regime.

Could it be that America has cracked Brics intelligence and it indicates that Russia is ready to end their war by eliminatiing the remainder of the Ukraine?

No matter how we look at US battle groups being sent to the ME and the Med., there are important questions that deserve answers now, as the US propagandists are going dark.
^Who let this crazy fucker in here?
I suppose it is because the IDF seems to not mind killing Palestinian people thinking it will somehow force them to turn on Hamas. With going on 3K dead and 13K wounded, Israel doesn't seem to be very discerning in where their booms land.
LOL....Where the blue fuck did you come-up with that?


He must have pulled that out of his ass.


^Who let this crazy fucker in here?


I have to agree with them, Donald.

Lord created this thread to convey the message that you cannot really separate the aspirations of the vast majority of the people of Gaza from Hamas' aspirations.

You're free to disagree but...

What the hell does this have to do with BRICS or the War in Ukraine? :confused-84: :confused-84: :confused-84: :confused-84:
Biden is playing you and most other Americans for fools and it's being lapped up willingly as is usual.

America is at a crossroads now with the war against Russia just not bearing any fruit.

It's become a fight for world supremacy between America and the Brics alliance, and America's odds on coming out on top are declining and will never be better by waiting much longer.

We all know that decisive victory is going to have to be nuclear.

Buy a bunch more guns!
Why, I just bought one this morning! How perceptive of you. :laughing0301:

1957 Ruger Standard .22.

57 002 (2).JPG
I suppose it is because the IDF seems to not mind killing Palestinian people thinking it will somehow force them to turn on Hamas. With going on 3K dead and 13K wounded, Israel doesn't seem to be very discerning in where their booms land.
Zionists have a free license to practice crimes against humanity and murder of little children by relying on pity over crimes that happened against Zionists 80 years ago.

It's essential for the apartheid regime to be upheld by America still, as the pitying of Zionism is causing the rest of the world to have a closer look at crimes committed against their victims too, and much more recent.
I made the prediction on US extreme forces being sent to the ME and the Med, now here's some ideas on how Biden will engineer the coming war and validate it for the American people.

And now, what American in his right mind wouldn't be mostly convinced that Russia's nuclear warheads have exceeded their 'best before' date?

Nobody should be thinking that Biden is slow at selling America's wars!

Americans are lining up for miles to buy a piece of the next war!
Zionists have a free license to practice crimes against humanity and murder of little children by relying on pity over crimes that happened against Zionists 80 years ago.

It's essential for the apartheid regime to be upheld by America still, as the pitying of Zionism is causing the rest of the world to have a closer look at crimes committed against their victims too, and much more recent.
It sounds like you are talking about Hamas. They murdered a lot of children a little over a week ago. Apparently, they think they have a right to do it.
I made the prediction on US extreme forces being sent to the ME and the Med, now here's some ideas on how Biden will engineer the coming war and validate it for the American people.

And now, what American in his right mind wouldn't be mostly convinced that Russia's nuclear warheads have exceeded their 'best before' date?

Nobody should be thinking that Biden is slow at selling America's wars!

Americans are lining up for miles to buy a piece of the next war!
United States "extreme" forces ... from the United States of Extreme America?
United States "extreme" forces ... from the United States of Extreme America?
After Biden's failure to sell America's war against Russia to the world, he's thinking that his physical presence on the battleground will have the effect of selling this latest US war better.
After Biden's failure to sell America's war against Russia to the world, he's thinking that his physical presence on the battleground will have the effect of selling this latest US war better.
Ok. But what about the "EXTREME" part?

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