Why is it acceptable to kill Sgt Soleimani

This guy certainly deserved his fate but like most of the warhawks Trump has no plan for what comes next. This is what has everyone worried. It's not the act itself, it's the very real expectation that the whole thing will fly off the rails.
If you tell us what comes next that'd be great.

Trump has far more options than your allies in the ME.
Quit doing the same shit all you numbskulls did in the run-up to the Iraq war. I am on the side of what's best for America. What's good for America is a leader who clearly demonstrates that they have a handle on things. What we need right now is the president to be the president. He is not doing that. This is a defining moment where the world will see exactly what Trump is made of. How much faith do you actually have in this man?

Trump should send Iran hundreds of millions of dollars like Obama did?
So Trump should spend trillions of dollars and untold American lives just to spite Obama?
Trump has learned to kill from above...kill remotely...bomb the fuck out of them...big bomb from land air sea and space.
This guy certainly deserved his fate but like most of the warhawks Trump has no plan for what comes next. This is what has everyone worried. It's not the act itself, it's the very real expectation that the whole thing will fly off the rails.
If you tell us what comes next that'd be great.

Trump has far more options than your allies in the ME.
Quit doing the same shit all you numbskulls did in the run-up to the Iraq war. I am on the side of what's best for America. What's good for America is a leader who clearly demonstrates that they have a handle on things. What we need right now is the president to be the president. He is not doing that. This is a defining moment where the world will see exactly what Trump is made of. How much faith do you actually have in this man?

Trump should send Iran hundreds of millions of dollars like Obama did?
So Trump should spend trillions of dollars and untold American lives just to spite Obama?
Trump has learned to kill from above...kill remotely...bomb the fuck out of them...big bomb from land air sea and space.
Watch some reruns of the Iraq war if you want carnage that bad you sicko.
Dems had NO PROBLEM in determining M. Kadaffi had to be removed, no matter how much instability it was going to cause in the region. But that was because they were calling the shots. Had Trump taken out Kadaffi they would be calling for war crimes and an impeachment.

Dems had NO PROBLEM in determining M. Kadaffi had to be removed, no matter how much instability it was going to cause in the region. But that was because they were calling the shots. Had Trump taken out Kadaffi they would be calling for war crimes and an impeachment.

Its totally different when a Dem does it. Its only huge earth shattering drama if a Republican does it. I swear the fake news has a narrative/spin decision tree and at the top is Dem vs Rep.
One would think reading this thread that the Iranians are really bad guys. I mean they must have invaded dozens on countries, killed millions of people and destroyed large areas along with causing massive refugee problems...oh wait. That wasn’t the Iranians was it?
Dems had NO PROBLEM in determining M. Kadaffi had to be removed, no matter how much instability it was going to cause in the region. But that was because they were calling the shots. Had Trump taken out Kadaffi they would be calling for war crimes and an impeachment.

Qaddafi was no threat to us, especially after his regime collapsed. I don’t mind taking out Solemani. I don’t know anyone that anyone thinks he didn’t have it coming. However, it’s rational to 1. Worry about repercussions and this leading to war and 2. Worry about the constitutionality or engaging in attacks on a foreign nation without congressional approval (these were the same worries with Libya.

I’m not really as worried about 2. It’s mostly academic. I’m worried about 1.
Democrats will use any excuse to oppose Trump's actions.
Killing Soleimani was justified, period.
POS was photoed stepping on our flag a couple of weeks ago.

War is a bitch and we've been at war with their radical leadership since the 70s. Killing radical terrorists is nothing but a positive in the long run. Sure, some people will scream for retaliation but those are the same people who wouldn't hesitate to cut an Americans head off. No, the death of a radical is absolutely no loss to this world.

So why did Reagan do the Iran Contra Affair?
If you want to discuss something else, by all means go find or start that topic.

The Deterrent targeting of Soleimani was justified, legally and strategically.

“If a war be made by invasion of a foreign nation, the President is not only authorized but bound to resist force by force. He does not initiate the war, but is bound to accept the challenge without waiting for any special legislative authority.
US Supreme Court in the Civil War-era Prize Cases more than 150 years ago. It has been the law of the United States as long as there has been a United States. It reflects the venerable law of nations, derived from natural law and long preexisting our republic.

When there are forcible threats to the United States, the president has not merely the power but the obligation to repel them. That is why there is an Office of the President. The Framers grasped, in a time of dire peril to the nation, that national security cannot be achieved by committee. A single chief executive, the president, was necessary to marshal the might of the nation with dispatch when America was under siege.

The Terrorist Iranian Commander, Soleimani was taken out near the airport in Baghdad, along with Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy chief of the Iranian-backed Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) in Iraq. The PMF make up one of several networks that Soleimani and the mullahs forged on the model of Hezbollah, their longtime terrorist faction in Lebanon — indeed, the outfit al-Muhandis directly led is known as the Hezbollah Brigades, or Kata’ib Hezbollah.

Targeting Soleimani: Trump was justified, legally and strategically


Good Fortune Follows The Bold
I'm asking if you think this is an acceptable practice for resolving international disputes. Should nations that do so be condemned as rogue states, or is this the new normal?

I think that pretending we can unilaterally set the rules, and play by them while ignoring what the other side does,

is arrogance and foolishness.

The rules of this conflict, are not what we would choose.

I can't really parse that. Is that a yes, or a no?

Neither. It is an acknowledgement that I don't get to make the rules.
War is a bitch and we've been at war with their radical leadership since the 70s. Killing radical terrorists is nothing but a positive in the long run. Sure, some people will scream for retaliation but those are the same people who wouldn't hesitate to cut an Americans head off. No, the death of a radical is absolutely no loss to this world.

So why did Reagan do the Iran Contra Affair?
If you want to discuss something else, by all means go find or start that topic.

The Deterrent targeting of Soleimani was justified, legally and strategically.

“If a war be made by invasion of a foreign nation, the President is not only authorized but bound to resist force by force. He does not initiate the war, but is bound to accept the challenge without waiting for any special legislative authority.
US Supreme Court in the Civil War-era Prize Cases more than 150 years ago. It has been the law of the United States as long as there has been a United States. It reflects the venerable law of nations, derived from natural law and long preexisting our republic.

When there are forcible threats to the United States, the president has not merely the power but the obligation to repel them. That is why there is an Office of the President. The Framers grasped, in a time of dire peril to the nation, that national security cannot be achieved by committee. A single chief executive, the president, was necessary to marshal the might of the nation with dispatch when America was under siege.

The Terrorist Iranian Commander, Soleimani was taken out near the airport in Baghdad, along with Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy chief of the Iranian-backed Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) in Iraq. The PMF make up one of several networks that Soleimani and the mullahs forged on the model of Hezbollah, their longtime terrorist faction in Lebanon — indeed, the outfit al-Muhandis directly led is known as the Hezbollah Brigades, or Kata’ib Hezbollah.

Targeting Soleimani: Trump was justified, legally and strategically


Good Fortune Follows The Bold

Dayum nice picture! Extreme hotness.

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