Why is it ok to censor or deplatform Republicans for "misinformation" yet the democrats are NEVER held to the same standard?

The Russian Collusion that was proven true over and over, by Mueller, by the Republican Senate Intelligence Committee, by Paul Manafort, by Lev Parnas?
Mueller did not prove or would have so stated
I can’t think how you all derive comfort from constant lying but then again I do think versus pure emotion and wishing.
Is that brain damage or were you born like that?
🤣 Dumbass.


It is you all conflating the first amendment with criminal activity.
So the cop who arrested you before you joined the gated community... would it be in your "first amendment" right to say, "I'll pay you 50,000 dollars to let me go?"

That is what the blob did. He tried to get election officials to overturn an election for him.
From Al Gore to Hillary to Stacey Abrams to the non stop story telling of Biden. Then you have the entire deep state that lied about Russian Collusion and the laptop being Russian misinformation. And let's not leave out the very media that censors & deplatforms the GOP running around confirming lies (aka misinformation) or flat out tells lies like Vivek being a 911 conspiracy nut by chopping up his statements then combining them in a way to make it look like he is.

Lies, misinformation & all manner of shenanigans are done constantly by everyone yet the only ones ever deemed guilty of it and punished are righties.

The left do their best to cancel and censor individuals while the right only hold businesses accountable via boycotts. And oddly enough it used to be the left that was anti corporation. Now they goto any length to defend them.

How do YOU lefties square this misapplication of logic and morality?
Reality have you down again? :itsok:
From Al Gore to Hillary to Stacey Abrams to the non stop story telling of Biden. Then you have the entire deep state that lied about Russian Collusion and the laptop being Russian misinformation. And let's not leave out the very media that censors & deplatforms the GOP running around confirming lies (aka misinformation) or flat out tells lies like Vivek being a 911 conspiracy nut by chopping up his statements then combining them in a way to make it look like he is.

Lies, misinformation & all manner of shenanigans are done constantly by everyone yet the only ones ever deemed guilty of it and punished are righties.

The left do their best to cancel and censor individuals while the right only hold businesses accountable via boycotts. And oddly enough it used to be the left that was anti corporation. Now they goto any length to defend them.

How do YOU lefties square this misapplication of logic and morality?
Here is the quote from Vivek:

“I haven’t seen evidence to the contrary, but do I believe everything the government told us about it? Absolutely not. Do I believe the 9/11 Commission? Absolutely not.”

He's a 9/11 Truther.

I'll add in this equally as silly rant:

“My gut instinct is that I will be the nominee and in a position to win this in a landslide versus Biden, and they will not let Biden run against me. So I believe that if I am the nominee, they will not let Biden run, it is why they’re holding in the back pocket, the documents case against Biden,” Ramaswamy told Tucker Carlson, a co-founder of the Daily Caller and Daily Caller News Foundation.

“It is why they’re holding in the back pocket, everything else that you’re wondering why they’re not charging or bringing now,” Ramaswamy continued. “It’s not a Democrat or Republican thing. It’s a managerial class, deep state, bureaucratic class versus elected official puppets thing.”

He sounds like a message board poster on this site.

As for "deplatforming"...say hi to Liz Cheney for me.
Mueller did not prove or would have so stated
I can’t think how you all derive comfort from constant lying but then again I do think versus pure emotion and wishing.
No he would not have if criminal....due to DOJ rule.... Accusing a president of a crime, without him being able to defend himself in court, until after he leaves office, would be unjust.... The DOJ rule does not permit it....from my understanding.....?
Are you implying that surrounding a political opponent with an intimidating crowd when you randomly spot them in public can't result in violence? Are you claiming that if a group of angry people surrounded you and began chanting at you, you wouldn't be in fear?
Protesting and expressing disapproval of your elected representatives is a constitutional right.

Even if you're a Democrat.

Physical attacks are not.

Again, even if you are a Democrat.
No he would not have if criminal....due to DOJ rule.... Accusing a president of a crime, without him being able to defend himself in court, until after he leaves office, would be unjust.... The DOJ rule does not permit it....from my understanding.....?
You can’t have it both ways by trying to “state” that Muller concluded that Trump colluded but that Mueller was prohibited from so stating
More convoluted wishful liberalism
Because democrats control media. It’s American Pravda.
You have to vet all information.
Dude, there are thousands of RWNJ "media" sites out there plus at least two whole networks devoted solely to republican disinformation.

Who controls the media?

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