Why is it so hard to believe the FBI is corrupt?

Of course the government is corrupt. But now it's to the point where our current administration doesn't even care. They are flaunting it in our faces and daring us to do something about it.

The amazing part is they've actually convinced a portion of the country that they are innocent and are the victims. I kid you not!

Stick around, some of those very people will show up here any minute now.
LOL right? Selling weapons to terrorists, sending money to influence foreign elections, overthrowing elected leaders ETC ETC ETC was all done on the DL...

Not at all what I was referring to, but you do your partisan thing.
Oh, so only YOUR brand of corruption counts in my thread? Interesting.
How is that partisan, you idiot?

I was talking about the current administration and you started in with the "What-aboutisms".

I was referring to our president claiming on the campaign trail to be a man of the people and draining the swamp and yet he has put in billionaire after billionaire straight from wall street into his cabinet and then surprise, we get a tax bill that lines the pockets of him and all his friends. Shocking! Talk about corrupt.

But please go back to looking for things to blame Obama for. LOL.
you implied being upfront about corruption is new. It isnt. I demeaned 40 years of fed gov policy. It takes a partisan shithead to think thats "political"
This is nothing new. They walk all over us EVERYDAY. Have for years.

I am aware of that and don't disagree. I said that in my first post. What I said though is that corruption is at an all-time high now with the current administration and they are flaunting it right in our faces.
I mean, those fuckers got MLK killed. Probably did in JFK as well.
Think people. Our govt sucks. Our govt causes so much of the worlds problems and people still rally behind them like they cant do wrong.. Sad

It’s not and they know it’s about to come loose. Muller is protecting his legacy is all.
LOL right? Selling weapons to terrorists, sending money to influence foreign elections, overthrowing elected leaders ETC ETC ETC was all done on the DL...

Not at all what I was referring to, but you do your partisan thing.
Oh, so only YOUR brand of corruption counts in my thread? Interesting.
How is that partisan, you idiot?

I was talking about the current administration and you started in with the "What-aboutisms".

I was referring to our president claiming on the campaign trail to be a man of the people and draining the swamp and yet he has put in billionaire after billionaire straight from wall street into his cabinet and then surprise, we get a tax bill that lines the pockets of him and all his friends. Shocking! Talk about corrupt.

But please go back to looking for things to blame Obama for. LOL.
you implied being upfront about corruption is new. It isnt. I demeaned 40 years of fed gov policy. It takes a partisan shithead to think thats "political"
This is nothing new. They walk all over us EVERYDAY. Have for years.

I am aware of that and don't disagree. I said that in my first post. What I said though is that corruption is at an all-time high now with the current administration and they are flaunting it right in our faces.
Why is it "higher" than ever before? How are they flaunting it in our faces and it is a new thing, when they have been doing it for decades?
Not at all what I was referring to, but you do your partisan thing.
Oh, so only YOUR brand of corruption counts in my thread? Interesting.
How is that partisan, you idiot?

I was talking about the current administration and you started in with the "What-aboutisms".

I was referring to our president claiming on the campaign trail to be a man of the people and draining the swamp and yet he has put in billionaire after billionaire straight from wall street into his cabinet and then surprise, we get a tax bill that lines the pockets of him and all his friends. Shocking! Talk about corrupt.

But please go back to looking for things to blame Obama for. LOL.
you implied being upfront about corruption is new. It isnt. I demeaned 40 years of fed gov policy. It takes a partisan shithead to think thats "political"
This is nothing new. They walk all over us EVERYDAY. Have for years.

I am aware of that and don't disagree. I said that in my first post. What I said though is that corruption is at an all-time high now with the current administration and they are flaunting it right in our faces.
Why is it "higher" than ever before? How are they flaunting it in our faces and it is a new thing, when they have been doing it for decades?

I posted that. Look at who he put in his cabinet. Look at the tax bill they put together. Look who it benefits tremendously.

Its blatant!
Oh, so only YOUR brand of corruption counts in my thread? Interesting.
How is that partisan, you idiot?

I was talking about the current administration and you started in with the "What-aboutisms".

I was referring to our president claiming on the campaign trail to be a man of the people and draining the swamp and yet he has put in billionaire after billionaire straight from wall street into his cabinet and then surprise, we get a tax bill that lines the pockets of him and all his friends. Shocking! Talk about corrupt.

But please go back to looking for things to blame Obama for. LOL.
you implied being upfront about corruption is new. It isnt. I demeaned 40 years of fed gov policy. It takes a partisan shithead to think thats "political"
This is nothing new. They walk all over us EVERYDAY. Have for years.

I am aware of that and don't disagree. I said that in my first post. What I said though is that corruption is at an all-time high now with the current administration and they are flaunting it right in our faces.
Why is it "higher" than ever before? How are they flaunting it in our faces and it is a new thing, when they have been doing it for decades?

I posted that. Look at who he put in his cabinet. Look at the tax bill they put together. Look who it benefits tremendously.

Its blatant!
it benefits me tremendously!
I was talking about the current administration and you started in with the "What-aboutisms".

I was referring to our president claiming on the campaign trail to be a man of the people and draining the swamp and yet he has put in billionaire after billionaire straight from wall street into his cabinet and then surprise, we get a tax bill that lines the pockets of him and all his friends. Shocking! Talk about corrupt.

But please go back to looking for things to blame Obama for. LOL.
you implied being upfront about corruption is new. It isnt. I demeaned 40 years of fed gov policy. It takes a partisan shithead to think thats "political"
This is nothing new. They walk all over us EVERYDAY. Have for years.

I am aware of that and don't disagree. I said that in my first post. What I said though is that corruption is at an all-time high now with the current administration and they are flaunting it right in our faces.
Why is it "higher" than ever before? How are they flaunting it in our faces and it is a new thing, when they have been doing it for decades?

I posted that. Look at who he put in his cabinet. Look at the tax bill they put together. Look who it benefits tremendously.

Its blatant!
it benefits me tremendously!

I didn't realize you were a millionaire. My apologies.
So TNHarley is ok with corruption as long as it benefits him.
I don't think anyone has ever thought the FBI could be corrupt. If only our Founders had thought to limit the reach of the federal government.
Why is it so hard to believe the FBI is corrupt?

Because they are only going after the GOP / Conservatives...

Remember, Comey and the FBI only sucked and were the enemy when they extended the on-going Hillary investigation. As soon as Comey protected her from indictment and closed the case he was their hero again.

I mean, those fuckers got MLK killed. Probably did in JFK as well.
Think people. Our govt sucks. Our govt causes so much of the worlds problems and people still rally behind them like they cant do wrong.. Sad

That's always my first reaction to Swamp Scandals. It likely not a sinister nefarious plot, because those critters aren't organized enough or smart enough to hatch a cookie heist. First thing that comes to mind BECAUSE it's the Fed Govt is just sheer ineptitude, lack of motivation for excellence and stupidity..

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