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Why is it the left thinks the gop promised jobs? Further more

As a true conservative we believe that the creation of jobs comes from lower taxes as well as less regulation in areas we can without turning the wolves of greed loose (see glass/steagall

As I recall the promise of 2010 mid terms was simple
stop the bleeding in the form of printed money as well as de funding/re-calling Obama care. I see there has been some other areas they have went after that were not promised

Jobs are not created by the Govt doing anything, the less they do to the the private sector the more jobs the private sector will create. Every job the Govt creates takes more wealth from the private sector
Legacy cost of federal employees are an item that has seen its day, this is used just for an example

So....why is it John Boehner kept asking Obama during the campaign "Where's the jobs"? Shouldn't he have been asking the private sector?

BHO promised 3 million jobs with 800 billion dollars of tax payers wealth, well really about 500 billion of our wealth
Thats the point of my thread

It is by design separates the con from the lib

"OUR" wealth? Mostly from the left. The right doesn't really contribute too much.
As a true conservative we believe that the creation of jobs comes from lower taxes as well as less regulation in areas we can without turning the wolves of greed loose (see glass/steagall

As I recall the promise of 2010 mid terms was simple
stop the bleeding in the form of printed money as well as de funding/re-calling Obama care. I see there has been some other areas they have went after that were not promised

Jobs are not created by the Govt doing anything, the less they do to the the private sector the more jobs the private sector will create. Every job the Govt creates takes more wealth from the private sector
Legacy cost of federal employees are an item that has seen its day, this is used just for an example

Jobs come from sales, order increases and market force demand to increase production. Modest tax fluctuations have almost nothing to do with it.

Right wingers call that, "Crazy Democratic talking points". They have no idea where jobs come from. They think they can pay rich people to make jobs by paying them "tax cuts".
wasn't a majority of the stimulus tax cuts and tax credits?

I think it was about 30 to 40%. It never would have passed otherwise.

You have to bribe Republicans to get them to do something good for the country. Cut taxes for "Billionaires", their favorite charity, that works.

Telling Republicans the middle class is suffering will only put them to sleep.
wasn't a majority of the stimulus tax cuts and tax credits?

I think it was about 30 to 40%. It never would have passed otherwise.

You have to bribe Republicans to get them to do something good for the country. Cut taxes for "Billionaires", their favorite charity, that works.

Telling Republicans the middle class is suffering will only put them to sleep.

About 40% was Tax cuts, in the form of mostly 15 whole dollars a week for most people. Hardly an economic Stimulus, that does very little to create Jobs.

Another 40% was actually just bail outs of State Budgets. Leaving only about 20% spent on mainly Construction, which gave us some temporary jobs, but again no real economic Growth, and no long term Jobs.

Only the most Partisan among us can't admit that the stimulus at the very least fell very short of what we were told it would do, and at worst was an utter failure that bought us some short term bumps in the Numbers, but will actually hurt more in the long run.

Anyone out there calling it a success is a complete and total Partisan Hack, and a liar.
I wouldn't dispute any of your points. I think the problem in the US today isn't that person A generates wealth that goes to person B. The problem is one you stated a couple of posts back. "You cannot regulate greed". I believe that was what you said. Greed leads to corruption. Corruption leads to very bad business and very bad government.

What is your definition of "greed?"

What is your definition of "common sense?"
TM, he is saying that a gov't job, such as an $80,000 a year "analyst" who does little more than sit in a room and sip coffee, is taking money from the private sector.

Aside from military, police, fire, there is little more the gov't absolutely MUST do.

Government doesnt HAVE to do anything for fire. That's why most government bodies have volunteer fire fighters.
only 39% of the people in the united states are covered by volunteer firemen...

61% of the people in the usa have PAID firefighters protecting them....

most volunteer fire depts are in smaller towns and rural areas.
wasn't a majority of the stimulus tax cuts and tax credits?

I think it was about 30 to 40%. It never would have passed otherwise.

You have to bribe Republicans to get them to do something good for the country. Cut taxes for "Billionaires", their favorite charity, that works.

Telling Republicans the middle class is suffering will only put them to sleep.

About 40% was Tax cuts, in the form of mostly 15 whole dollars a week for most people. Hardly an economic Stimulus, that does very little to create Jobs.

Another 40% was actually just bail outs of State Budgets. Leaving only about 20% spent on mainly Construction, which gave us some temporary jobs, but again no real economic Growth, and no long term Jobs.

Only the most Partisan among us can't admit that the stimulus at the very least fell very short of what we were told it would do, and at worst was an utter failure that bought us some short term bumps in the Numbers, but will actually hurt more in the long run.

Anyone out there calling it a success is a complete and total Partisan Hack, and a liar.

And yet, a hundred and 14 Republican Senators and Congressmen took credit for stimulus created jobs in their states AFTER they applied for the money. At the same time that those jobs they took credit for were being created, they were saying not a single job was created by the stimulus. How is that explained?

No one can complained I haven't linked to those 114 Republicans.

Do a google search on "114 Republicans take credit for stimulus jobs".
If you pay attention, you will notice the left always accuses there enemies of that of which they are already guilty of doing themselves. Look at how many jobs the Left in Washington have created ion the last 2 years, only temporary census jobs, nothing more.
So what do they do? They turn around and accuse the GOP of not creating jobs. They are like a bunch of kids.
Up until November 2010 the Dems controlled both houses since 2006, and in 2008 they controlled both houses of congress AND the white house. I think if they would like to point fingers they should be pointing them at themselves, because they only have themselves to blame on this one.
I think it was about 30 to 40%. It never would have passed otherwise.

You have to bribe Republicans to get them to do something good for the country. Cut taxes for "Billionaires", their favorite charity, that works.

Telling Republicans the middle class is suffering will only put them to sleep.

About 40% was Tax cuts, in the form of mostly 15 whole dollars a week for most people. Hardly an economic Stimulus, that does very little to create Jobs.

Another 40% was actually just bail outs of State Budgets. Leaving only about 20% spent on mainly Construction, which gave us some temporary jobs, but again no real economic Growth, and no long term Jobs.

Only the most Partisan among us can't admit that the stimulus at the very least fell very short of what we were told it would do, and at worst was an utter failure that bought us some short term bumps in the Numbers, but will actually hurt more in the long run.

Anyone out there calling it a success is a complete and total Partisan Hack, and a liar.

And yet, a hundred and 14 Republican Senators and Congressmen took credit for stimulus created jobs in their states AFTER they applied for the money. At the same time that those jobs they took credit for were being created, they were saying not a single job was created by the stimulus. How is that explained?

No one can complained I haven't linked to those 114 Republicans.

Do a google search on "114 Republicans take credit for stimulus jobs".

How many of those Republicans are still holding those seats? Or should I say it this way, how many of them where voted out in November?
The GOP has no problems voting out our problems, now what is wrong with the Dems? You guys keep voting back in the same problematic representatives, every single time.
Did you know that part of the definition of insanity is trying the same thing the same way over and over but expecting a different result each time?
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wasn't a majority of the stimulus tax cuts and tax credits?


Anyone who claims the 2009 Stimulus bill didn't work is admitting that tax cuts don't work to stimulate the economy.

Anyone who claims that the 2009 Stimulus bill added 750 billion to the deficit is admitting that the bill's tax cuts added 300 billion to the deficit.
If you pay attention, you will notice the left always accuses there enemies of that of which they are already guilty of doing themselves. Look at how many jobs the Left in Washington have created ion the last 2 years, only temporary census jobs, nothing more.
So what do they do? They turn around and accuse the GOP of not creating jobs. They are like a bunch of kids.
Up until November 2010 the Dems controlled both houses since 2006, and in 2008 they controlled both houses of congress AND the white house. I think if they would like to point fingers they should be pointing them at themselves, because they only have themselves to blame on this one.

Did you just make a sweeping generalization that sounds like partisan hackery and can't be defended?

If you pay attention, you will notice the left always accuses there enemies of that of which they are already guilty of doing themselves. Look at how many jobs the Left in Washington have created ion the last 2 years, only temporary census jobs, nothing more.
So what do they do? They turn around and accuse the GOP of not creating jobs. They are like a bunch of kids.
Up until November 2010 the Dems controlled both houses since 2006, and in 2008 they controlled both houses of congress AND the white house. I think if they would like to point fingers they should be pointing them at themselves, because they only have themselves to blame on this one.

The Senate was 49 to 49 from 2006 to 2008. Is that control? Worse, there were more filibusters under Republicans during the last four years than both parties from 1920 to 1980 put together.

Why do you guys lie all the time? Is it part of right wing ideology? Do you really believe your bullshit? Seriously, there are professionals who will help, for a fee.

Hey, how do you explain this:

From 2001 to 2008, 2.4 million jobs were moved to China.


The first eight months of every presidency is based on the budget of the previous presidency. The last day of Clinton's budget, unemployment was 5.3%, the last day of Bush's budget, unemployment was 10.1%. Now, it's about 9%. But get this, from 2001 to 2008, 2.4 million jobs were moved to China. So those jobs aren't coming back.

Thanks Republicans. Your plan worked.
Jobs are not created by the Govt doing anything, the less they do to the the private sector the more jobs the private sector will create.

So you will not be voting for Rick Perry or Hailey Barbour, or any of the other governors that gave millions of dollars in land and infrastructure away to foreign companies for a handful of jobs? :eusa_eh:
1) 49-49? the senate was run by the Dems, it means allot. What gets voted on to start with
2) no-one said that the tax cut portion of the stimulus would not create jobs.
3) GWB tax rate extension will also add jobs

as far as the rest of the stimulus goes

Explain to me how taking 10.00 from me and giving 6 of it to some-one else can create a job?

Explain to me how if I keep 10.00 more this week than last week how I can not create some wealth for some-one?

If 1 million of us lose 10.00 a week so 1 million can have 6.00 more a week, how would that create anything?

But in our economy if 1 million of us keep 100.00 more per week of our wealth (the difference in Clinton's tax rate and GWB tax rate for me) than we had, how can that not create wealth for others?
Thats 1/2 of mortgage payment
thats 430.00 per month
Jobs are not created by the Govt doing anything, the less they do to the the private sector the more jobs the private sector will create.

So you will not be voting for Rick Perry or Hailey Barbour, or any of the other governors that gave millions of dollars in land and infrastructure away to foreign companies for a handful of jobs? :eusa_eh:

drilling for oil
the capture of oil
the delivery of oil
the refinement of oil
the delivery of the refined product
the sale of the refined product

Are all of those items something Rick Perry caused to go over seas?
Why do you guys lie all the time?


Hey, how do you explain this:

From 2001 to 2008, 2.4 million jobs were moved to China.

So about half the number that moved from 1993 to 2001?

The first eight months of every presidency is based on the budget of the previous presidency. The last day of Clinton's budget, unemployment was 5.3%, the last day of Bush's budget, unemployment was 10.1%.

Is that KOS shit?

Unemployment isn't a line on a budget. Spending and deficits indeed hale back to the prior administration, but unemployment rests purely with the current occupant and often moves even prior to inauguration as hope is restored and investment resumes.

So despite your lies - oh, and why do you leftists lie so much? Is it part of left wing ideology? Do you really believe your bullshit? Seriously, there are professionals who will help, for a fee.

Anyway, despite your shameless lies, Clinton left office with a 6.2% unemployment and Bush with a 7.6% unemployment.

Your Messiah® pushed it up above 10% and has held it steady at 9+

Heck of a job, Barry.

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