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Why is it the left thinks the gop promised jobs? Further more

The Senate was 49 to 49 from 2006 to 2008.

It was 49D to 48R. Craig Thompson died and his seat was not filled through 2008.

Why do you leftist lie so much?

Is that control?

Yes, further the lone Socialist voted with the dims 100% of the time, making him more loyal as a dim than Harry Reid, equal to Barack Obama. Both stated "independents" stood with the dims, leaving the tally 51D to 48R

Why do you lie so much?
The Senate was 49 to 49 from 2006 to 2008.

It was 49D to 48R. Craig Thompson died and his seat was not filled through 2008.

Why do you leftist lie so much?

Is that control?

Yes, further the lone Socialist voted with the dims 100% of the time, making him more loyal as a dim than Harry Reid, equal to Barack Obama. Both stated "independents" stood with the dims, leaving the tally 51D to 48R

Why do you lie so much?
What people do not realize is that it is a big deal who has control of the senate
they set the agenda
decide on when an item gets voted on
debated on
As a true conservative we believe that the creation of jobs comes from lower taxes as well as less regulation in areas we can without turning the wolves of greed loose (see glass/steagall

As I recall the promise of 2010 mid terms was simple
stop the bleeding in the form of printed money as well as de funding/re-calling Obama care. I see there has been some other areas they have went after that were not promised

Jobs are not created by the Govt doing anything, the less they do to the the private sector the more jobs the private sector will create. Every job the Govt creates takes more wealth from the private sector
Legacy cost of federal employees are an item that has seen its day, this is used just for an example

but the private sector is

a. outsourcing to cheaper countries which unemploys milions of Americans (and they still get big tax breaks)

b. downsizing (unemploying) by automating jobs (computers/robots/machines)
(and they still get big tax breaks

giving tax breaks and deregulating big business does NOT create new jobs anymore

it just makes the top 1% wealthier
As a true conservative we believe that the creation of jobs comes from lower taxes as well as less regulation in areas we can without turning the wolves of greed loose (see glass/steagall

As I recall the promise of 2010 mid terms was simple
stop the bleeding in the form of printed money as well as de funding/re-calling Obama care. I see there has been some other areas they have went after that were not promised

Jobs are not created by the Govt doing anything, the less they do to the the private sector the more jobs the private sector will create. Every job the Govt creates takes more wealth from the private sector
Legacy cost of federal employees are an item that has seen its day, this is used just for an example

but the private sector is

a. outsourcing to cheaper countries which unemploys milions of Americans (and they still get big tax breaks)

b. downsizing (unemploying) by automating jobs (computers/robots/machines)
(and they still get big tax breaks

giving tax breaks and deregulating big business does NOT create new jobs anymore

it just makes the top 1% wealthier

In the 8 years W was the president we had 5 million jobs added in the private sector
how can your thesis be accurate if we added that many jobs?
what do we do to stop it?
Obama has done nothing different except spend allot more money

How do you tax a corporation?
If you tax the individual as well as the capital gains on that individual then how do you tax a corporation?
the top 1% pays 35,000 for every 100,000 in federal, how much more do you want?
every time I hear the phrase "trickle down" I envision a man in a suit peeing

Every time I hear the phrase "progressive" I envision a man on his knees getting shot in the back of the head.

Is it really all that "progressive" when it hasn't changed from Stalin and Mussolini?
As a true conservative we believe that the creation of jobs comes from lower taxes as well as less regulation in areas we can without turning the wolves of greed loose (see glass/steagall

As I recall the promise of 2010 mid terms was simple
stop the bleeding in the form of printed money as well as de funding/re-calling Obama care. I see there has been some other areas they have went after that were not promised

Jobs are not created by the Govt doing anything, the less they do to the the private sector the more jobs the private sector will create. Every job the Govt creates takes more wealth from the private sector
Legacy cost of federal employees are an item that has seen its day, this is used just for an example

what your saying is lets get everyone down to where china is, that working people don't deserve anything other than the oppertunity to work if they can find it.

Gov. Jan Brewer touts bill to reduce business taxes, create jobs
Walker's budget unveiling highlighted by deep cuts, renewed vow to create jobs | wausaudailyherald.com | Wausau Daily Herald

republicans want to raise taxes, not on business though.

Democrats' criticism focused mainly on Snyder's plan to tax public and private pensions, eliminate the earned income tax credit for the working poor, and cut revenue sharing that pays for local police, fire and other community services.

"Is now the time to be asking for a huge tax break for corporations at the expense of seniors — how do you justify that?" said Rep. Rudy Hobbs, D-Lathrup Village.

"Jobs," Calley replied. "And if we want to maintain Medicaid services as we do in this budget, we have obligations to meet."

The pension tax proposal has received a warmer reception in the House than the Senate.

Ari Adler, spokesman for House Speaker Jase Bolger, R-Marshall, said Snyder's proposal will be introduced this week in the lower chamber, sponsored by Rep. Jud Gilbert, R-Algonac.

From The Detroit News: Calley: Proposed budget will put state 'on a solid footing' | detnews.com | The Detroit News
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Why is it the left thinks the gop promised jobs?

Umm...because they did. I may not be able to find a quote of Boehner saying "The GOP agenda is to create jobs", but that is part of what they ran on. This isn't very hard to understand. What is the number one issue with the public?

Take a look at these poll results:


CBS News Poll. Feb. 11-14, 2011.

"What do you think is the most important problem facing this country today?"

Economy and jobs 48%

Budget deficit/National debt 7%

Health care 6%

War/Iraq/Afghanistan 4%

Education 3%

Big government/Bureaucracy 3%

Crime 2%

Misc. social issues 2%

Other 21%

Unsure 4

CBS News/New York Times Poll. Jan. 15-19, 2011.

"Which of the following do you think is the most important thing for Congress to concentrate on right now: job creation, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the federal budget deficit, illegal immigration, health care, or something else?"

Job creation 43%

Health care 18%

Federal budget deficit 14%

Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan 12%

Illegal immigration 7%

Something else 3%

Unsure 3%

As you can see from those polls, jobs and the economy are the number one issue. And they have been the number one issue for the last 2 years.

Now that we have established that fact, let's stop playing this game that the right likes to play. The GOP ran on fixing the mess that we're in. They said that if they were given another chance, they would fix the problems we face. One of the biggest problems we are facing - and apparently the top issue with the public - is the dismal job market. Since Republicans said they would fix our problems, and jobs - according to the public - is the top issue, then one need not stretch his brain too far to figure out that the GOP did indeed run on jobs and the economy.

This is a no-brainer. It's indisputable. Anybody arguing otherwise is either extremely partisan, just plain ignorant, or an asshole of the highest degree. Which one are you? You can pick all three if you like.
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Stalin and Mussolini were enemies ... political opposites.

Enemies? Like Stalin and Trotsky?

Say, were Stalin and Trotsky political opposites? Or was it like Stalin and Mussolini - two peas in pod who both wanted to be boss?


Before forming the Fascisti in Italy, Benito Mussolini was the head of which party?

A.) The We Love George W. Bush Party
B.) The Italian Bolshevik Party
C.) The Republican Party
D.) The TEA Party

When imprisoned in Switzerland in 1903, Mussolini was acting on orders from whom?

A.) George W. Bush
B.) Sarah Palin
C.) Vladimir Lenin
D.) Rush Limbaugh

The merging of corporations and the state, such as was done by Barack Obama with the GM take over is commonly known as;

A.) George W. Bush
B.) Sarah Palin
C.) Fascism
D.) Good, wholesome American values
As a true conservative we believe that the creation of jobs comes from lower taxes as well as less regulation in areas we can without turning the wolves of greed loose (see glass/steagall

As I recall the promise of 2010 mid terms was simple
stop the bleeding in the form of printed money as well as de funding/re-calling Obama care. I see there has been some other areas they have went after that were not promised

Jobs are not created by the Govt doing anything, the less they do to the the private sector the more jobs the private sector will create. Every job the Govt creates takes more wealth from the private sector
Legacy cost of federal employees are an item that has seen its day, this is used just for an example

what your saying is lets get everyone down to where china is, that working people don't deserve anything other than the oppertunity to work if they can find it.

Gov. Jan Brewer touts bill to reduce business taxes, create jobs
Walker's budget unveiling highlighted by deep cuts, renewed vow to create jobs | wausaudailyherald.com | Wausau Daily Herald

republicans want to raise taxes, not on business though.

Democrats' criticism focused mainly on Snyder's plan to tax public and private pensions, eliminate the earned income tax credit for the working poor, and cut revenue sharing that pays for local police, fire and other community services.

"Is now the time to be asking for a huge tax break for corporations at the expense of seniors — how do you justify that?" said Rep. Rudy Hobbs, D-Lathrup Village.

"Jobs," Calley replied. "And if we want to maintain Medicaid services as we do in this budget, we have obligations to meet."

The pension tax proposal has received a warmer reception in the House than the Senate.

Ari Adler, spokesman for House Speaker Jase Bolger, R-Marshall, said Snyder's proposal will be introduced this week in the lower chamber, sponsored by Rep. Jud Gilbert, R-Algonac.

From The Detroit News: Calley: Proposed budget will put state 'on a solid footing' | detnews.com | The Detroit News

BHO stimulus had small business tax cuts within it
In fact about Tax Breaks for Small Business - Economic Stimulus Bill and Tax Breaks for Small Businesses
with respect
How can any of us create jobs if our wealth goes to the federal govt?
the theory is (and with me practice) if you are allowed to keep more wealth
you will spend it
thence it will create jobs

trickle down economics has created millions of jobs sense the 80s and if not for a bunch of greedy wall street goons & greedy counter parts creating the housing bubble, we would still be cooking with hot gas
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Stalin and Mussolini were enemies ... political opposites.

Enemies? Like Stalin and Trotsky?

Say, were Stalin and Trotsky political opposites? Or was it like Stalin and Mussolini - two peas in pod who both wanted to be boss?


Before forming the Fascisti in Italy, Benito Mussolini was the head of which party?

A.) The We Love George W. Bush Party
B.) The Italian Bolshevik Party
C.) The Republican Party
D.) The TEA Party

When imprisoned in Switzerland in 1903, Mussolini was acting on orders from whom?

A.) George W. Bush
B.) Sarah Palin
C.) Vladimir Lenin
D.) Rush Limbaugh

The merging of corporations and the state, such as was done by Barack Obama with the GM take over is commonly known as;

A.) George W. Bush
B.) Sarah Palin
C.) Fascism
D.) Good, wholesome American values
Yes, Mussolini was a Socialist in his early years, but that changed. Remember that Reagan was a Democrat.

Benito Mussolini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mussolini was among the founders of Italian Fascism, which included ultraconservative elements of nationalism, corporatism, national syndicalism, expansionism, social progress and anti-socialism in combination with censorship of subversives and state propaganda. In the years following his creation of the Fascist ideology, Mussolini influenced, or achieved admiration from, a wide variety of political figures.[3]
Yes, Mussolini was a Socialist in his early years, but that changed. Remember that Reagan was a Democrat.

The programs of Mussolini, economically were virtually identical to those of Lenin - post NEP. Benito simply got tired of playing second fiddle.

There was nothing "conservative" or "right wing" about Mussolini nor the Fascisti. The state controlled the means of production and distribution. That Mussolini allowed well connected looters to profit from the arrangement, as Lenin did with the NEP and as Obama has done with Chase, Goldman Sachs and GM, doesn't alter the fact that the state controlled the means of production.

Like Lenin, Mussolini ran a totalitarian police state and outlawed competing political parties, confiscated guns and crushed the free press.
Yes, Mussolini was a Socialist in his early years, but that changed. Remember that Reagan was a Democrat.

The programs of Mussolini, economically were virtually identical to those of Lenin - post NEP. Benito simply got tired of playing second fiddle.

There was nothing "conservative" or "right wing" about Mussolini nor the Fascisti. The state controlled the means of production and distribution. That Mussolini allowed well connected looters to profit from the arrangement, as Lenin did with the NEP and as Obama has done with Chase, Goldman Sachs and GM, doesn't alter the fact that the state controlled the means of production.

Like Lenin, Mussolini ran a totalitarian police state and outlawed competing political parties, confiscated guns and crushed the free press.
Benito Mussolini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Beginning of Fascism and service in World War I
After being ousted by the Italian Socialist Party for his support of Italian intervention, Mussolini made a radical transformation, ending his support for class conflict and joining in support of revolutionary nationalism transcending class lines.[31] He formed the interventionist newspaper Il Popolo d'Italia and the Fasci Rivoluzionari d'Azione Internazionalista ("Revolutionary Fasci for International Action") in October 1914.[26] His nationalist support of intervention enabled him to raise funds from Ansaldo (an armaments firm) and other companies to create Il Popolo d'Italia to convince socialists and revolutionaries to support the war.[33] Further funding for Mussolini's Fascists during the war came from the French sources beginning in May 1915.[34] A major source of this funding from France is believed to have probably been from French socialists who sent support to dissident socialists who wanted Italian intervention on France's side.[34]
On 5 December 1914, Mussolini denounced orthodox socialism for having failed to recognize that the war had brought about national identity and loyalty as being of greater significance than class distinction.[31] His transformation was fully demonstrated in a speech he made in which he acknowledged the nation as an entity, a notion that he had previously rejected prior to the war, saying:
The nation has not disappeared. We used to believe that the concept was totally without substance. Instead we see the nation arise as a palpitating reality before us! ... Class cannot destroy the nation. Class reveals itself as a collection of interests—but the nation is a history of sentiments, traditions, language, culture, and race. Class can become an integral part of the nation, but the one cannot eclipse the other.[35]
The class struggle is a vain formula, without effect and consequence wherever one finds a people that has not integrated itself into its proper linguistic and racial confines—where the national problem has not been definitely resolved. In such circumstances the class movement finds itself impaired by an inauspicious historic climate.[36]
Oh by the way, when you start rolling a bowling ball down the hill and walk away and that ball is out of control and leaving destruction all over the place, so you say well pal it's your ball now so anything that happened on my out or afterwards is now your fault. It don't hold water.

And the 3,700,000 jobs as of dec 2008 your talking about, well with the population growth you need to create 100,000 jobs a month just to stay even. so over 8 years he would have had to create 9,600,000 jobs just to stay even.
Wait I thought all those tax cuts for the rich were going to make lots of jobs?

Silly me, that must have been the democrats saying that stuff.
Wait I thought all those tax cuts for the rich were going to make lots of jobs?

Silly me, that must have been the democrats saying that stuff.

Good Morning to all

Who is it to say where we would be after 9-11 as well as the housing bubble busting with Clinton's tax rates?
I ask the simplest of questions in which No-one ever answers

I am allowed to keep about 5,000 more of my wealth per years when GWB tax rates took place
in 7 years thats 35k
does anyone think that would not create some wealth for someone else?
what if we multiply that by millions every year?
Wait I thought all those tax cuts for the rich were going to make lots of jobs?

Silly me, that must have been the democrats saying that stuff.

Good Morning to all

Who is it to say where we would be after 9-11 as well as the housing bubble busting with Clinton's tax rates?
I ask the simplest of questions in which No-one ever answers

I am allowed to keep about 5,000 more of my wealth per years when GWB tax rates took place
in 7 years thats 35k
does anyone think that would not create some wealth for someone else?
what if we multiply that by millions every year?

But Bush borrowed the money to let you not pay those taxes. The spending that those taxes would have paid for, not the least of which were 2 wars, was all borrowed.

Sure, anyone can look rich and spread it around if they've got good credit and a willingness to use it to borrow and borrow and spend and spend.
Wait I thought all those tax cuts for the rich were going to make lots of jobs?

Silly me, that must have been the democrats saying that stuff.

Good Morning to all

Who is it to say where we would be after 9-11 as well as the housing bubble busting with Clinton's tax rates?
I ask the simplest of questions in which No-one ever answers

I am allowed to keep about 5,000 more of my wealth per years when GWB tax rates took place
in 7 years thats 35k
does anyone think that would not create some wealth for someone else?
what if we multiply that by millions every year?

But Bush borrowed the money to let you not pay those taxes. The spending that those taxes would have paid for, not the least of which were 2 wars, was all borrowed.

Sure, anyone can look rich and spread it around if they've got good credit and a willingness to use it to borrow and borrow and spend and spend.

Thats a theory
do we know what the employment rate would have been post Nasdaq bubble/9-11?
A theory by the way I have no way of disputing

read this
pay close attention to #5

10. Myth: The Bush tax cuts were tilted toward the rich.
Fact: The rich are now shouldering even more of the income tax burden. From 2000 to 2004, the share of all individual income taxes paid by the bottom 40% of taxpayers dropped from 0% to -4%, meaning that the average family in those quintiles received a subsidy. The share paid by the top 20% of households increased from 81% to 85%.

9. Myth: The Bush tax cuts have not helped the economy.
Fact: The economy responded strongly to the 2003 tax cuts. The 2003 tax cuts lowered income, capital gains and dividend tax rates. These policies increased market incentives to work, save and invest, creating jobs and increasing economic growth.

8. Myth: Tax cuts help the economy by "putting money in people's pockets."
Fact: Pro-growth tax cuts support incentives for productive behavior. Government spending does not "pump new money into the economy," because government must first tax or borrow that money out of the economy. The right tax cuts help the economy by reducing government's influence on economic decisions and allowing people to respond more to market mechanisms.

7. Myth: Reversing the upper-income tax cuts would raise substantial revenues.
Fact: The low-income tax cuts reduced revenues the most. In 2007, the increased child tax credit, marriage penalty relief, 10% bracket and Alternative Minimum Tax fix will have a combined budgetary impact of minus $114 billion -- without strong supply-side effects to minimize that effect. But the more maligned capital gains, dividends and estate tax cuts are projected to reduce 2007 revenues by just $36 billion, even before the large supply-side effects are incorporated.

6. Myth: Raising tax rates is the best way to raise revenue.
Fact: Tax revenues correlate with economic growth, not tax rates. Since 1952, the highest marginal income tax rate has dropped from 92% to 35%, and tax revenues have grown in inflation-adjusted terms while remaining constant as a percent of GDP.

5. Myth: The Bush tax cuts are to blame for the projected long-term budget deficits.
Fact: Projections show that entitlement costs will dwarf the projected large revenue increases. Revenues are projected to increase from 18% of GDP to almost 23% by 2050, while spending is projected to increase from 20% of GDP to at least 38%.

4. Myth: Capital gains tax cuts do not pay for themselves.
Fact: Capital gains tax revenues doubled following the 2003 tax cut. In 2003, capital gains tax rates were reduced from 20% and 10% (depending on income) to 15% and 5%, respectively. Rather than expand from $50 billion in 2003 to $68 billion in 2006 as the CBO projected, capital gains revenues more than doubled to $103 billion.

3. Myth: Supply-side economics assumes that all tax cuts immediately pay for themselves.
Fact: It assumes replenishment of some but not necessarily all lost revenues. Supply-side economics never contended that all tax cuts pay for themselves. Rather the Laffer Curve merely formalizes the common-sense observations that: Tax revenues depend on the tax base as well as the tax rate; raising tax rates discourages the taxed behavior and shrinks the tax base, offsetting some of the revenue gains; and lowering tax rates encourages the taxed behavior and expands the tax base, offsetting some of the revenue loss.

2. Myth: The Bush tax cuts substantially reduced 2006 revenues and expanded the budget deficit.
Fact: Nearly all the 2006 budget deficit resulted from additional spending above the baseline. Historic spending increases pushed federal spending up from 18.5% of GDP in 2001 to 20.2% in 2006.

1. Myth: Tax revenues remain low.
Fact: Tax revenues are above the historical average, even after the tax cuts. Tax revenues in 2006 were 18.4%of gross domestic product (GDP), which is actually above the 20-year, 40-year, and 60-year historical averages.
Brian Riedl is a Grover M. Hermann Fellow in Federal Budgetary Affairs in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation.
With a private sector job the workers pay taxes. Effect? A positive cash flow for the Government.
With a Government job the workers pay taxes. Effect? A negative cash flow for the Government. Government workers never pay enough taxes to pay their own salary.
Who do you think makes up the difference? Every Government job is a drag on the economy.

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