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What Are Liberals So Afraid Of?

Let's face it. You cant debate on the facts so you go to ad hominem and personal insults. Don't you people ever embarrass yourselves looking that clueless/childish? Oh well. Have a good night.
If there is no agreement based on mutually accepted facts, there can be no debate because all debates are based facts accepted by both side.. On USMB, we have arguments, shouting contests, bitter exchanges of disparaging remarks and ever once in while we have a civil discussion but that's pretty rare.
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If there is no agreement based on mutually accepted facts, there can be no debate because all debates are based facts accepted by both side.. On USMB, we have arguments, shouting contests, bitter exchanges of disparaging remarks and ever once in while we have a civil discussion but that's pretty rare.
Any time two parties are arguing different positions on the same subject, however cordially and civilly, that is a debate. Sometimes one party will have the better argument. Sometimes the other. Sometimes it is a draw. But I respect anybody who can actually focus on the argument, makes an honest effort to support the concept, idea, fact, opinion they express either with logic and reason or with credible sources when requested to do so even if I strongly disagree with them.

It is very difficult to respect those who refuse to support their argument with any logic, reason or credible source but rather go to name calling, ugly characterizations, personal insults etc. in a childish attempt to cover up that they cannot support their argument.

Admittedly personal attacks, characterizations, insults etc. are a blood sport for many here at USMB. I have accepted that and ignore most of it just to be able to share information with the few who can still think. But I don't have to respect the incivility. :)

You, Flopper, are one who can still think even though we are mostly poles apart in our personal beliefs.
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It is very difficult to respect MAGAs who so often refuse to support their argument with any logic, reason or credible source but rather go to name calling, ugly characterizations, personal insults etc. in a childish attempt to cover up that they cannot support their argument. I thank Foxfyre for almost all the verbiage.
Commies is a fun name to call all of you. Technically yes, you’re not all communists.

If you want, we can start calling you by more accurate terms, like authoritarian assclowns, or satanic pedo enablers.

Their philosophy is a mixture of secular humanism and socialism.

What Are Liberals So Afraid Of?​

Dribbble - TRUTH-2.gif by Mat Voyce
All I know for fact is when the Uber wealthy win, regardless of party, the lower classes lose. Just stating the facts.
I don’t speak Marxie. GFY. Try posting something coherent.
You barely speak at all. Let's take that word "marxie".

Made up shit. If you're trying to say I'm a marxist you're just showing again how stupid you are, and if you meant something else then you weren't intelligent enough to get the idea across.

You, like most tRumplings, are nothing but an idiot with delusions of grandeur.

Now just go fuck off.

Waaaaay over there somewhere where we won't have to smell you.

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