Mike Johnson said the House will ONLY certify the presidential results if he thinks the election is "free, fair and safe."

In Georgia, they lied and said there was a water pipe broken, and then when they sent home the Reoublican observers, a few Dema snuck back, took ballots out from under the skirted tables, and ran them through the counter.

And yes, there were large batches that went 99% for Trump.

You won’t be able to shut the count down again this time, and in multiple states. We will have relief crew, and a plumber on call. Also an electrician in case a light bulb burns out.
In Georgia, they lied and said there was a water pipe broken,

The water leak was early in the morning not at night.

and then when they sent home the Reoublican observers,

Election officials didn't send home Republican observers. Election officials dismissed people that had been there all day and the observers took it upon themselves to leave.

a few Dema snuck back,

No body "snuck back" because when election officials called to inform the state office they planned on closing it was the State that told them to keep counting.

took ballots out from under the skirted tables, and ran them through the counter.

The ballots that were pulled out from under the table were mail in ballots that had completed security during the day. They were in an official container that had been inventoried and sealed against tampering.

And yes, there were large batches that went 99% for Trump.

Horse Feathers.

If there were large batches that went 99% for Trump you would be estatic.

BTW - there weren't batches that went 99% for Biden either.

You won’t be able to shut the count down again this time, and in multiple states. We will have relief crew, and a plumber on call. Also an electrician in case a light bulb burns out.

No counts were shut down.

You know the entire process is video taped right?

In Georgia, they lied and said there was a water pipe broken, and then when they sent home the Reoublican observers, a few Dema snuck back, took ballots out from under the skirted tables, and ran them through the counter.

And yes, there were large batches that went 99% for Trump.

You won’t be able to shut the count down again this time, and in multiple states. We will have relief crew, and a plumber on call. Also an electrician in case a light bulb burns out.
You’re just wrong. You believe crazy shit from the internet and not the people who were actually there.

No one shut anything down because of a leak. You heard that on the internet. I didn’t happen.

No one kicked out observers. Most observers left because they assumed everyone was shutting down for the night. A handful of people stayed, with one observer still there. The ballots under the table were just ballots. Nothing nefarious.

Show me proof of these large batches going 99% for Biden. I dare you.

Mike Johnson can't be trusted to certify election results

"Democrats fear he’ll deny Kamala Harris the presidency if she wins." In other words - Speaker Johnson will only certify the election results if HE thinks Trump won. This is a very scary situation! What do you think?

Johnson is an enemy of democracy.

And of course Johnson won’t consider a victory by Vice President Harris to be fair.

Mike Johnson can't be trusted to certify election results

"Democrats fear he’ll deny Kamala Harris the presidency if she wins." In other words - Speaker Johnson will only certify the election results if HE thinks Trump won. This is a very scary situation! What do you think?

Dear Speaker Johnson,

Just for your information the House doesn't "Certify" and election. There is no process as part of counting the Electoral Votes where the House votes to "certify" anything.

What does happen under the law is that the President of the Senate opens the EC results from each state in a Joint Session of Congress, announces the results, and 4 "Tellers" (two from the House and two from the Senate) record the total. If a candidate reaches 270 EC votes they become the President or Vice President as applicable.

Now what can happen is...
  • 1/5 of the Senators along with 1/5th of Representative can submit in writing an objection to an individual state and the reason for the objection.
  • Counting stopped immediately.
  • Each part of Congress retires to their respective chamber for up to 2 hours of debate, and then that chamber votes to either reject or sustain the objection.
  • It required BOTH chambers to vote in support of the objection for it to sustained.
    At that point counting continues for the remaining states.
If the objection is rejected, nothing happens.

If the objection is sustained that one States EC votes are discarded and and the threshold to win lowered by that amount. What does that mean?

Let's say there are 538 EC votes. To win it takes half + 1. So 269 + 1 = 270.

Let's say there is an objection to North Carolina's 16 EC votes. If both chambers vote to sustain the objection a new threshold is established as 538 - 16 = 522. So to someone would need 1/2 that number or now 262 EC votes. The counting then continues.


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