What Are Liberals So Afraid Of?

I'm very passionate about being proudly born in the US.
To quote my neighbor who came from Honduras. "The wife and I walked and hitchhiked to US border twice only to be turned away. We found a relative that would sponsor us so after waiting three years we finally got into the US, dirt poor with nothing but the clothiers on our back. We work our ass off for five years in shitty jobs to get enough money to open a small lawn business and in another 4 years we were able to open a garden shop. Today we have the money to send our two kids to college and both me, the wife, and the kids are all citizens."

When I hear someone saying how proud they are to be born in America, I have to wonder what is it they did to make them so proud."
To quote my neighbor who came from Honduras. "The wife and I walked and hitchhiked to US border twice only to be turned away. We found a relative that would sponsor us so after waiting three years we finally got into the US, dirt poor with nothing but the clothiers on our back. We work our ass off for five years in shitty jobs to get enough money to open a small lawn business and in another 4 years we were able to open a garden shop. Today we have the money to send our two kids to college and both me, the wife, and the kids are all citizens."

When I hear someone saying how proud they are to be born in America, I have to wonder what is it they did to make them so proud."
Some stuff, but pretty much nothing beyond being born here. But that's the beauty of geography. Still proud to be born here. I'm proud you're here too.
So nobody is trying to turn this country into a communistic state.,,,,,
Communism died over 25 years ago. Real communism doesn't even exit in China. It exist in name only. Most communists in China live off the fruits of capitalism. There are far more likely ways for America to fail than a communist take over.
stop dodging, wigglebutt. Trump has said exactly that. You must be teaching at Liberty U.
I have heard the context of those I named. So you cannot provide any context for your claim of Trump's 'sin' and I'm pretty darn sure you've never heard it. I'm not the one dodging here. But have a good night. If you actually choose to debate instead of just trolling, we might have another go at it.
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LOL at you demanding anything. Let's face it, you're in a cult and you aren't interested in hearing anything that goes against your cult.
Let's face it. You cant debate on the facts so you go to ad hominem and personal insults. Don't you people ever embarrass yourselves looking that clueless/childish? Oh well. Have a good night.
Go fuck yourself. Everything about magaturds sucks.
Well, you agreed with me that all the people in the world who want to come here can't. There is just too many as we are just starting to see now with our open border. States are suffering and having to spend money on unvetted immigrants (illegals). Fema has to spend money on them which limits disaster relief. One would think you'd realize the folly of the Harris/Biden border policy. (well actually no policy at all)
Well, you agreed with me that all the people in the world who want to come here can't. There is just too many as we are just starting to see now with our open border. States are suffering and having to spend money on unvetted immigrants (illegals). Fema has to spend money on them which limits disaster relief. One would think you'd realize the folly of the Harris/Biden border policy. (well actually no policy at all)
I vote to make sure the shit maniacs want fails.

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