What Are Liberals So Afraid Of?

I know that with conservatives we're afraid that if Kamala Harris wins the election that we will be part of a communist dictatorship. So what are liberals afraid of if Trump wins?

That he's going to pave the way for a future dictator.

He's changing how people see politics, he's changing how people see the political system and not offering any better solutions.

As for you worrying about Kamala being a "communist dictatorship", I doubt anyone who thinks that even knows what Communism is.
The left wants basically a one party leftist state only nominal opposition.

Yep and it's BAD. As a nation we are currently in danger.

That he's going to pave the way for a future dictator.

He's changing how people see politics, he's changing how people see the political system and not offering any better solutions.

As for you worrying about Kamala being a "communist dictatorship", I doubt anyone who thinks that even knows what Communism is.
Trump will kill the current Democrat dictatorship of DC and most of the media. Kamala wants to take money from one group and give it to another, the very definition of Communism.
Did what, protested an election? No, all you have is leftist propaganda and lawfare.
Looked like a fucking riot to me, but I only watched about 600 hours of it. :dunno: I guess we see video differently. Maybe there's real cognitive deficiency at play. Maybe you're completely bought in. :dunno:

Either way, not my circus. Is it not a fact that the above happened?
A fascist dictatorship with president for life Trump. A return to a patronage form of civil service. Abortion bans and second class citizenship for women. And end to Social Security, medicare, and whatever remains of a social safety net. An end to collective bargaining. End to overtime pay. Forced religious indoctrination in public schools - that is if they just don't do away with public schools altogether. Persecution of out groups - LGBTQ, religious minorities, ethnic and racial minorities, etc. An end to political opposition. Tight control over the media. Basically a 1984 type of dystopia.
You forgot ending life on earth as we know it. It is a real possibility with a senile president who bases decisions on his instincts, refusing to take advice from others, and who's a risk taker with nothing to lose.
No dear. That would be Kamala, Kerry, Schiff, Hillary, Gates et al. Not Trump. Have I recommended you to that remedial reading comprehension course I have recommended to so many others?
Trump wasnt to discard the 1964 Sullivan ruling that protects against bullshit libel suits.
Commies is a fun name to call all of you. Technically yes, you’re not all communists.

If you want, we can start calling you by more accurate terms, like authoritarian assclowns, or satanic pedo enablers.
You believe "the left" are authoritarians because they want women to have the right to decide what happens to their own bodies? What more needs to be said about that? And they are enablers of hate and violence toward children and who else? Christians? Are you serious?

The all-controlling, all-powerful anti-Maga cult, in-league-with-the-devil liberals want people to have the freedom to pursue life, liberty, and happiness, regardless of race, religion, or orientation. And this is what you fear and loathe?

The question is, "What are libs afraid of"' if you don't know, it's because he's enabled his followers to speak hate in public by convincing them that bitching about everyone else is justifiable to the selfish. And he is their hero and he knows it. He also knows he's a lying criminal, and if he loses this election, his life is over. And if he wins, the only way he maintains power is to do what he's said he will do. And the least of that is the "retributions." Which is disgusting and a consideration of a true authoritarian.

He has no virtues, save for the appearance of courage, and I believe that's a facade covering for his enormous insecurities. Everything he says is an admission of the lies and faults he's hiding from. And it's all closing in on him. He's always been a "big splasher" and losing other people's money was always his only game. A lucky loser. Humility, purity? Charity? Honesty? Fidelity? Not hardly. He's a thief. Always has been. And a racist and a bigot and your worried about "pedo enablers?" Are you effing kidding?

He's never had any use for the law, or patriotism, except to use it to his advantage. His quest then would be to profit from his position personally and little else. His followers can disregard his cheating, constant lying, personal attacks, and even his alliance to goddam putin. (It isn't like he was such a poor businessman that he couldn't get a loan in the US, but "they got all the money they need from" Russia Russia, Russia)

There's a good reason hundreds of people who know him well are willing to speak out and declare he's not trustworthy, incompetent, and a danger to our democracy. HUNDREDS of prominent and well-known Republicans. AND many of his own staff are voting for Harris. But go ahead and vote for him because Kamala didn't get FEMA to help the flood victims because they spent all the money on the caravans of cat-eating immigrants pouring in the open border to steal another election so the deep state can hide Hunter's laptop, Amirite?

Still, his attack on Americans because they don't bow to his will, will not be tolerated and there's no reason to believe he wouldn't burn lives and property to try and make that happen. No, he may not become the dictator whom he admires, but the damage he's already done may not be reversible. It's time for his big splash and the end of his BS.
I know that with conservatives we're afraid that if Kamala Harris wins the election that we will be part of a communist dictatorship. So what are liberals afraid of if Trump wins?
Being irrelevant.
Being the center of attention is where they live. If not...they don't want to live at all.

This is why they are so afraid


Elon Musk: Bill Gates, Reid Hoffman Are ‘Terrified of a Trump Victory’ Because ‘Epstein Client List Is Going to Become Public’​

Looked like a fucking riot to me, but I only watched about 600 hours of it. :dunno: I guess we see video differently. Maybe there's real cognitive deficiency at play. Maybe you're completely bought in. :dunno:

Either way, not my circus. Is it not a fact that the above happened?
Most of the video showed peaceful folks being ushered by the police. The violence was mostly perpetrated by nameless goons egged on by Fed plants.
You believe "the left" are authoritarians because they want women to have the right to decide what happens to their own bodies? What more needs to be said about that? And they are enablers of hate and violence toward children and who else? Christians? Are you serious?
Yes, I’m serious.

Spare us the lame ass excuse for abortion, that it is “women having the right to decide about their own bodies”. You’re the party of forced vax mandates, which included mandates that women take them to keep their jobs. So your whole “my body my choice” argument went right out the window on that.

The left hate freedom of speech, and will use government and corporate power to silence their opposition. The left hate criticism and thought provoking speech. They can’t have anyone question their authority.

Yes, of course they are enablers of violence towards children. In California they refused to pass a law to crack down on child molesters. They also fully promote and support homosexuality and transgenderism, both of which often target young children. The left defend the use of gay sex books in schools.

This is why they are so afraid

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Elon Musk: Bill Gates, Reid Hoffman Are ‘Terrified of a Trump Victory’ Because ‘Epstein Client List Is Going to Become Public’​

Why? Trump is on the list himself. He's a sexual predator, an adjudicated rapist.
You believe "the left" are authoritarians because they want women to have the right to decide what happens to their own bodies? What more needs to be said about that? And they are enablers of hate and violence toward children and who else? Christians? Are you serious?

The all-controlling, all-powerful anti-Maga cult, in-league-with-the-devil liberals want people to have the freedom to pursue life, liberty, and happiness, regardless of race, religion, or orientation. And this is what you fear and loathe?

The question is, "What are libs afraid of"' if you don't know, it's because he's enabled his followers to speak hate in public by convincing them that bitching about everyone else is justifiable to the selfish. And he is their hero and he knows it. He also knows he's a lying criminal, and if he loses this election, his life is over. And if he wins, the only way he maintains power is to do what he's said he will do. And the least of that is the "retributions." Which is disgusting and a consideration of a true authoritarian.

He has no virtues, save for the appearance of courage, and I believe that's a facade covering for his enormous insecurities. Everything he says is an admission of the lies and faults he's hiding from. And it's all closing in on him. He's always been a "big splasher" and losing other people's money was always his only game. A lucky loser. Humility, purity? Charity? Honesty? Fidelity? Not hardly. He's a thief. Always has been. And a racist and a bigot and your worried about "pedo enablers?" Are you effing kidding?

He's never had any use for the law, or patriotism, except to use it to his advantage. His quest then would be to profit from his position personally and little else. His followers can disregard his cheating, constant lying, personal attacks, and even his alliance to goddam putin. (It isn't like he was such a poor businessman that he couldn't get a loan in the US, but "they got all the money they need from" Russia Russia, Russia)

There's a good reason hundreds of people who know him well are willing to speak out and declare he's not trustworthy, incompetent, and a danger to our democracy. HUNDREDS of prominent and well-known Republicans. AND many of his own staff are voting for Harris. But go ahead and vote for him because Kamala didn't get FEMA to help the flood victims because they spent all the money on the caravans of cat-eating immigrants pouring in the open border to steal another election so the deep state can hide Hunter's laptop, Amirite?

Still, his attack on Americans because they don't bow to his will, will not be tolerated and there's no reason to believe he wouldn't burn lives and property to try and make that happen. No, he may not become the dictator whom he admires, but the damage he's already done may not be reversible. It's time for his big splash and the end of his BS.

What Are Liberals So Afraid Of?​

Stupidity. It really just boils down to that. You people are too damn stupid to be trusted with any real power. You guys fall for every damn conspiracy theory that comes your way, you let Cheeto Jesus lie to you constantly, you have no clue how government or the Constitution actually works, your chosen leader is a venal puppet for anyone who will flatter him, and so many many other things....

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