What Are Liberals So Afraid Of?

All you did was denigrate another Forum member with nasty, vague accusations. That makes you a POS.

Thanks for standing up for me but I'm used to it. I think that I finally understand what they're so afraid of. Exposure and the truth. I do and say both when it comes to their party.
Thanks for standing up for me but I'm used to it. I think that I finally understand what they're so afraid of. Exposure and the truth. I do and say both when it comes to their party.
I always stand up for the truth, no matter who says it but, you're welcome.
Thanks for standing up for me but I'm used to it. I think that I finally understand what they're so afraid of. Exposure and the truth. I do and say both when it comes to their party.
The truth? :auiqs.jpg: Magaturds are a cancer outside their little in-groups. I shout it from the rooftops in real life, to actual people, while magafucks angrily type from their basements, addicted to their social media trash, like a bunch of morons. Magaturds have so much in common with the left these days.
I know that with conservatives we're afraid that if Kamala Harris wins the election that we will be part of a communist dictatorship. So what are liberals afraid of if Trump wins?
My fear is that if Trump wins we get another president who is sinking into senility.
At 78, Donald Trump is now the oldest presidential nominee in American history. If he wins re-election in November, Trump will end his term just a few months shy of his 83rd birthday, making him two years older than President Joe Biden is now. In short, Donald Trump has a serious age problem.

Comparing footage from Trump’s 2015 and 2019 presidential announcement to footage from earlier this year shows that Trump isn’t the man he used to be. The former president now routinely confuses names when speaking off the cuff — including the name of his doctor, his campaign advisor, and he struggles to complete sentences. His speeches today are rambling and fall into a monotone in which he draws on campaign rhetoric that he uses over and over.

You might think he is no worst than Biden but you would be wrong. There is a huge difference in these two men. Trump prides himself on his instincts. He has never relied on advisors. He makes his on decision and if his advisor disagree he fires them. Biden on the other hand relies heavy on advisors. His decisions often involves his whole staff.
What makes Donald Trump so dangerous in the White House is that he is a life long risk taker with nothing to lose. This is his last hurrah. There will be no more campaigns and he has no interest in his legacy.

With two wars that could quickly escalate into our wars, a situation in the China Sea that could blowup any day, this is not the time for a revenge seeking president who has no interest in foreign affairs, fails to trust his advisors, and is getting senile.
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My fear is that if Trump wins we get another president who is sinking into senility.
At 78, Donald Trump is now the oldest presidential nominee in American history. If he wins re-election in November, Trump will end his term just a few months shy of his 83rd birthday, making him two years older than President Joe Biden is now. In short, Donald Trump has a serious age problem.

Comparing footage from Trump’s 2015 and 2019 presidential announcement to footage from earlier this year shows that Trump isn’t the man he used to be. The former president now routinely confuses names when speaking off the cuff — including the name of his doctor, his campaign advisor, and he how struggles to complete sentences. His speeches today are rambling and fall into a monotone in which he draws on campaign rhetoric that he uses over and over.

You might think he is no worst than Biden but you would be wrong. There is a huge difference in these two men. Trump prides himself on his instincts. He has never relied on advisors. He makes his on decision and if his advisor disagree he fires. Biden on the other hand relies heavy on advisors.
With two wars that could quickly escalate into our wars, a situation in the China Sea that could blowup any day, this is not the time for a revenge seeking president who has no interest in foreign affairs and is getting senile.

What makes Donald Trump so dangerous in the White House is that he is a life long risk taker with nothing to lose. This is his last hurrah. There will be no more campaigns and he has no interest in his legacy.
Bullshit. Senility is not typical. Biden has had 3 brain operations that have obviously negatively affected his ability to be coherent.

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