What Are Liberals So Afraid Of?

That's not it.

I said enabler. He votes for politicians and policies that are soft on pedos. See Commiefornia.

He won't listen no matter what you say. Believe me, he thinks that I should be in jail for believing in war if needed to protect ourselves as he thinks that I'm talking on the offense side. No matter how many times I have tried to get it into his puny little braincells he still doesn't get it. 🙄
Commies is a fun name to call all of you. Technically yes, you’re not all communists.

If you want, we can start calling you by more accurate terms, like authoritarian assclowns, or satanic pedo enablers.
Useful idiots.
He won't listen no matter what you say. Believe me, he thinks that I should be in jail for believing in war if needed to protect ourselves as he thinks that I'm talking on the offense side. No matter how many times I have tried to get it into his puny little braincells he still doesn't get it. 🙄
Wrong. You threatened a politician with violence.
Since none of you on the far right can define communism accurately, the question is moot.
We can define communism accurately but that is not the Democrat deep state goal. The goal is Marxist totalitarianism that will never evolve into the communism that Marx and Engles envisioned.

They want to control our businesses, our speech, our exercise of religion, what our children will be told/taught, what healthcare we are required to give/allow our children including transgendering, what kind of housing we will be allowed to have, what kinds of cars we can drive, what appliances/lighting/products we can use, and how much wealth we will be allowed to accumulate. Meanwhile the border will be open so they can bring in willing sheeple sufficient to overwhelm any American resistance and the government can do whatever it wants to anybody.

Meanwhile Trump is pushing an agenda/vision for more liberty, options, choices, opportunity for all citizens in all demographics in a free, strong, secure America that nobody will dare try to mess with.
We can define communism accurately but that is not the Democrat deep state goal. The goal is Marxist totalitarianism that will never evolve into the communism that Marx and Engles envisioned.

They want to control our businesses, our speech, our exercise of religion, what our children will be told/taught, what healthcare we are required to give/allow our children including transgendering, what kind of housing we will be allowed to have, what kinds of cars we can drive, what appliances/lighting/products we can use, and how much wealth we will be allowed to accumulate. Meanwhile the border will be open so they can bring in willing sheeple sufficient to overwhelm any American resistance and the government can do whatever it wants to anybody.

Meanwhile Trump is pushing an agenda/vision for more liberty, options, choices, opportunity for all citizens in all demographics in a free, strong, secure America that nobody will dare try to mess with.
So you've read "The Communist Manifesto"?
That's not what you did and you know it. You're a mentally ill person that should be on a FBI watch list.

Blah, blah, blah!! Nobody believes you and I personally believe that YOU should be on a a FBI watch list as you want to revoke the second amendment and the ability to defend ourselves.
We can define communism accurately but that is not the Democrat deep state goal. The goal is Marxist totalitarianism that will never evolve into the communism that Marx and Engles envisioned.

They want to control our businesses, our speech, our exercise of religion, what our children will be told/taught, what healthcare we are required to give/allow our children including transgendering, what kind of housing we will be allowed to have, what kinds of cars we can drive, what appliances/lighting/products we can use, and how much wealth we will be allowed to accumulate. Meanwhile the border will be open so they can bring in willing sheeple sufficient to overwhelm any American resistance and the government can do whatever it wants to anybody.

Meanwhile Trump is pushing an agenda/vision for more liberty, options, choices, opportunity for all citizens in all demographics in a free, strong, secure America that nobody will dare try to mess with.
Trump literally said he wants to restrict the 1st amendment.

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