MTG - "Yes, They Can Control the Weather"

You're so proud of your strawman! :lol:

If you think I posted that clip to make a statement about satellites, then you are either retarded, or, as I said, intentionally and dishonestly creating a strawman. My guess is the latter, because that's your way of ignoring the actual point. Which shouldn't need to be spelled out for you. Keep arguing your strawman, but you can do that by yourself, because to me watching paint dry would be more interesting.
So in your opinion, lovely dear buttercup, what is the nature of this actual point that you insist shan't be spelled out for us mere commoners?

Please do elaborate, if you will.
I don't see a rational medium, but I"m a bit hard pressed to see a difference between the kids protesting for hamas on college campuses and maga's embrace that dems were in on shooting at trump or hurricanes go where someone tells them to.

Essentially, fact and proof mean nothing compared to preconceived notions. I'm thinking of buying a teeshirt with an image of Shrodinger's cat, btw (-:

And the best part is that people on either side are saying "X means we'll never have another election."
Who said that? :cuckoo:
The Republican Party has become filled with the biggest blowhards they could draw out of the trailer parks. Is this the best we can do? These people deserve to lose.

That X account is @mtgreenee. Is that actually MTG's account?

I've seen @RepMTG. Has anyone verified @mtgreenee is the real MTG?
Wow. You, too, really are this stupid, aren't you.
Trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars needed for climate change for a world that is ending in 2030. And we the taxpayers were ripped off and are ripped off with these dystopian Prog Socialist legislated fiat currency printing agendas.
Trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars needed for climate change for a world that is ending in 2030. And we the taxpayers were ripped off and are ripped off with these dystopian Prog Socialist legislated fiat currency printing agendas.
Can anyone translate this fool's word salad for me?
Can anyone translate this fool's word salad for me?
You know. Ripping off the taxpayers is a Prog's prerogative. A Prog's right. Destroy individuals if they even get a wisp of the truth. And you have people involved who play all sides of politics and do good from it. Climate change is no different than experimenting in controlling how weather can be maneuvered.
And the Democrat party has become filled with hood rats, sexual deviants and criminals of all stripes.

What's your point?

I believe I made my point pretty clear.

Is it your point that you're all a bunch of retards on both sides? Because I would agree.
Has Guam tipped over yet?
Are there a bunch of democrats defending the statements and actually stating that Guam really will tip over.

Because that is exactly what the right is doing on this thread. And you have to ignore that because it is nuts. We control the weather, never went to the moon, the world is flat and only 6000 years old, gravity is not real it is just electromagnetism and there really is a pedo ring in the basement of a random pizza joint run by democrat vampires that live forever on children's souls. This insanity is becoming the norm rather than the rare nutcase. Hank Johnson and MTG are just representatives that are nuts. The problem with MTG is that MAGA land is just as insane as she is and they believe it all.

Why would I.

I simply object to using a party's outliers to characterize the whole party, which is what Taz was doing.

There are complete idiots in both parties and brilliant people in both parties.
Exactly. Why would you?

I don't recall the parade of squealing democrats defending that comment.

Read this thread. See social media.

Spot the difference?

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