The Democrats white man problem

The reason the sexuality discussions are inappropriate is because many of the teachers have been shown to be groomers. If we didn't have as many of those types in the teaching profession, then maybe I'd be more open to it.
Have they though? Let me see your numbers.
The right isn't as ignorant on economics as the left is, at least.
The right objectively is. They are the whites least likely to have college educations.
The fact remains that West Indians dealt with a past of slavery and have still excelled. Plenty of other minorities have dealt with comparable issues and have succeeded as well. Enough time has passed that slavery and segregation have become a way for people to excuse their own bad choices.
Have you been to the West Indies? Lots of poverty and violence there. The people who leave to come to America are typically the people with more means.
If exclusion of a specific group is ok in your book, then you can't claim that equality is really your goal. You're advocating for favoritism or discrimination. I'm not saying this is inherently bad, but you should be honest about it.
I never claimed it was. Submission of your deplorable mutant culture is my political goal.
The bill was killed because of the non-citizen voting issues that were related.
Good. :dunno:

Doing nothing is still victory for me.
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Have they though? Let me see your numbers.

The right objectively is. They are the whites least likely to have college educations.

Have you been to the West Indies? Lots of poverty and violence there. The people who leave to come to America are typically the people with more means.

I never claimed it was. Submission of your deplorable mutants culture is my political goal.

Good. :dunno:

Do nothing is still victory for me.
When it comes to teachers being groomers, there are numerous videos of them openly discussing their intentions. I don't have stats on it, but stats on this kind of thing are difficult to come by, especially considering how teacher's unions will often hide abuses done by teachers and intimidate families. The problem extends to state law enforcement gaps that have gained federal attention:

I like what you did there with the education thing. "The whites least likely..." When not limited to whites, the education numbers for the left aren't as impressive as you're trying to imply.

I've not been to the West Indies, but do you believe their issues of poverty and violence are really just results of slavery?

Well, you're more honest than most leftists. I'll give you that.

I now understand why you view the unresolved border crisis as a win.
The right objectively is. They are the whites least likely to have college educations.
Are they the higher achievers?

When it comes to teachers being groomers, there are numerous videos of them openly discussing their intentions. I don't have stats on it, but stats on this kind of thing are difficult to come by, especially considering how teacher's unions will often hide abuses done by teachers and intimidate families. The problem extends to state law enforcement gaps that have gained federal attention:
Shielding sexual assaulters is another one of those things that's is dying out with the older generation though it's not surprising to find the party with the oldest voters nominating someone found liable for sexual assault to their parties highest ticket.
I like what you did there with the education thing. "The whites least likely..." When not limited to whites, the education numbers for the left aren't as impressive as you're trying to imply.
I'm not implying anything. The facts are the ones that show conservatives are less likely to be the college educated whites.
I've not been to the West Indies, but do you believe their issues of poverty and violence are really just results of slavery?
Slavery, capitalism, first world exploitation, yes, for a lot of it. First world wealth was built on the suffering of others. The thing is your capitalists got so greedy they started letting select people from those exploited places into the gates like we would forget and be as agreeable as you and yours have been.
Well, you're more honest than most leftists. I'll give you that.
I'm not ashamed of my beliefs. I am amused that so many of your people are that mostly what I get from your lot is pretend and make believe. Half the time I'm not even sure you're aware of it. :lol:
I now understand why you view the unresolved border crisis as a win.
Demographics is destiny bitches. :lmao:
Shielding sexual assaulters is another one of those things that's is dying out with the older generation though it's not surprising to find the party with the oldest voters nominating someone found liable for sexual assault to their parties highest ticket.

I'm not implying anything. The facts are the ones that show conservatives are less likely to be the college educated whites.

Slavery, capitalism, first world exploitation, yes, for a lot of it. First world wealth was built on the suffering of others. The thing is your capitalists got so greedy they started letting select people from those exploited places into the gates like we would forget and be as agreeable as you and yours have been.

I'm not ashamed of my beliefs. I am amused that so many of your people are that mostly what I get from your lot is pretend and make believe. Half the time I'm not even sure you're aware of it. :lol:

Demographics is destiny bitches. :lmao:
It's not often that I say this.... if you're being sincere in all this, you actually are evil. Like most evil people, you don't believe you are evil, but given your view of morality, I don't know if you even understand the difference between good and evil.
It's not often that I say this.... if you're being sincere in all this, you actually are evil. Like most evil people, you don't believe you are evil, but given your view of morality, I don't know if you even understand the difference between good and evil.
I find your belief in magic and voodoo quite charming and quaint. You are if anything a simple people. :lol:
That's just a chart of who holds the vast majority of wealth and while it tends to be older white guys, it's not you Broke Losers.... :lol: You're the Losers who've been standing with you mouths open begging them to trickle on to you. :lmao:
Cool theory…does the “chart” include income from the filthy pieces of dogshit in Hollywood, how about Silicon Valley, social media and the coastal elites? Those disgusting fucks are driving up the averages for purple hair pukes and they’re still getting their asses handed to them by “old white guys” huh?
Cool theory…does the “chart” include income from the filthy pieces of dogshit in Hollywood, how about Silicon Valley, social media and the coastal elites? Those disgusting fucks are driving up the averages for purple hair pukes and they’re still getting their asses handed to them by “old white guys” huh?
What? You lost me when you started having nightmares about purple hair again... :lol:

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