Fascinating that Democrats suggest that Trump is racist against Haitians when Democrat politicians openly embrace racism against white people

This has been the new thing for Democrats. They are attempting to attack Trump for being some kind of an anti-Haitian racist. It’s amazing coming from the Democratic Party, which believes in “white privilege”. That America was unique and evil in the slave trade/racism… they don’t talk about Africans who were racist or slave owners.

And the brainwashed zombie Democrat voters don’t acknowledge that Africans owned slaves or like white Europeans that Africans have been racist. Some Democrats see the hypocrisy but they are too embarrassed to admit it …..or they would admit it but they still dislike Trump so much that they will vote for Harris.

There’s no proof at all that Trump is racist against Haitians. Trump has said some Haitians have ate pets…. that could never be construed as racism. Has he said one time that “Haitians are privileged”, there is no proof of racism by Trump it’s simply an assumption or a guess. But there is overwhelming evidence that many Democrat politicians are racist against Whites…IE those who say that whites are privileged.. they are racist when they say that.

I'm white and I've never experienced persecution or racism.

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