Why don’t you vote Democrat?

Why don’t you vote Democrat?

  • Democrats support racist ideas like white people being privileged

  • Democrats support “big government”

  • Democrats are pro union

  • Democrats support foreign countries in their wars before supporting the American people

  • All of the above

  • I vote for Democrats

  • Democrats support Cancel culture, Wokeism and DEI

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For me, the issue is almost solely about the anti-white racism from Democrats. The blatantly obvious racism against whites from the media and Hollywood machine. The idea that white people, including homeless Whites are privileged. That America was somehow unique when it came to slavery…. whenever people talk about slavery on the left they never talk about Blacks, Jews or Indians who owned slaves.

And a small part of it is the Democrat support for the war machines of Israel and Ukraine. Israel doesn’t need our help Ukraine probably does need military assistance but it’s not our fight because these wars have zero affect on America. Anyways that’s my take on the issue…other people who don’t vote for Democrats have different views.
They're evil, not genuine, and they're built on intellectual dishonesty and victimization. Here's a good reason, for instance. 45 declarations of communist takeover. Read that and ponder who has seen this through and more.

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