The Democrats white man problem

I agree but my daughters are amazing beautiful young women…. we aren’t really all that interested in finding the needle in the haystack… We are all better off if they find themselves a good Christian Caucasian country boy that fits right in and his family fits right in. No need to try all the trivial bullshit.
as long as its what YOU want right?...
How many times do you need to be told, I am not a party guy. I fucking hate both parties. I just happen to align closer to the Republican Party.

You hate them, yet you vote for them every single election....what does that make you?
That’s PC bullshit…NO legitimate Caucasian PREFERS that their daughter dates outside the Caucasian race….NONE!!

Real, grown-up MEN don't piss themselves over such nonsense. REAL men take people as individuals and judge them accordingly. You wouldn't understand that as you are not ANY kind of man at all.
I am passionate about a a lot things.

I am passionate about my family.

I am passionate about living a good life.

I am passionate about travelling.

I am passionate about avoiding people who hate anyone that does not look and think just like them.

This is where I am moving...just imagine....drinking coffee watching the sun come up over the Caribbean Sea, taking a leisurely drive and having lunch in a tropical rainforest and finishing up the day sipping a mojito watching the sunset over the pacific.


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Where is that, if you don't mind my asking?

It is where my wife and I are making plans to move to when we retire in just under 5 years.
It looks nice, but if you're serious about moving there, you might want to read about what's been happening at the Darien Gap. I know that's only part of the country, but it has ramifications for the whole nation.
It looks nice, but if you're serious about moving there, you might want to read about what's been happening at the Darien Gap. I know that's only part of the country, but it has ramifications for the whole nation.

We are very serious about it. Made one trip there so far, will do another one next year.

I know what is going on in the Darien Gap. I read a couple on-line Panamanian news sources as well as a couple others that focus on Latin America. If you go to the Latin American section of this forum you will find a lot of post from me.

Panama is working on cleaning up what is going on in the Darien Gap. They have a deal worked out with the US where Panama is detaining people trying to pass though heading to the US and then the US is paying to have them sent back to their home countries.

The new president of Panama, Mulino, has so far done a great job of dealing with those issues.
We are very serious about it. Made one trip there so far, will do another one next year.

I know what is going on in the Darien Gap. I read a couple on-line Panamanian news sources as well as a couple others that focus on Latin America. If you go to the Latin American section of this forum you will find a lot of post from me.

Panama is working on cleaning up what is going on in the Darien Gap. They have a deal worked out with the US where Panama is detaining people trying to pass though heading to the US and then the US is paying to have them sent back to their home countries.

The new president of Panama, Mulino, has so far done a great job of dealing with those issues.
Good to hear. Hopefully, that will resolve some issues here as well.
I'll put it this way -- I'm not an anarcho-capitalist. While I do agree with them on certain things, maintaining the integrity of a nation or culture requires some intervention by the state. For example, there's a good reason FDR and Eisenhower both supported keeping certain industries in the US for security reasons. You need certain domestic industries to depend on if you go to war. This is why neoliberalism without restraints is disastrous for national sovereignty.

Capitalism in its purest form does not assign any importance to nation, which is why globalism is a natural fit with it, and why so much of the Fortune 500 has embraced wokism without much resistance. Eradicating national identity and replacing it with "global citizens" is the preferred social environment for capitalism at its most extreme.

What I find humorous is that the American left doesn't seem to understand this and goes along with globalism due to the social pandering involved. As long as Big Business virtue signals about the LGBT, everything's cool for them.

Overall, I prefer capitalism as an economic system, but it needs some intervention for the sake of national sovereignty.
If you think the progressive left will be as pacified with pandering as the white right is with bigotry and racism then you've miscalculated as poorly as those corporations and wealthy elite have. :lol:
Democrats have a “dumb man” problem. Too many men are ignorant and/or uninformed so they are easily lead astray by con men playing into their insecurity and hate. It’s so easy to motive the dumb using hate.
If you think the progressive left will be as pacified with pandering as the white right is with bigotry and racism then you've miscalculated as poorly as those corporations and wealthy elite have. :lol:
Are you expecting a socialist revolution or something? All I've seen so far is America and the West in general drift into a form of neo-feudalism. Most of what Harris is promoting would accomplish that, for example. The $25,000 for anyone who wants to buy a house is a terrible idea that would only result in raising the prices of homes across the board. It's similar to the terrible idea California is going with by offering non-citizens a much larger stipend for home purchases.

Overall, that's how socialism ends up anyway. It just develops an even more entrenched elite than capitalism, because the state is more directly involved. What America has is basically a state capitalism to a certain extent, which is a form of fascism. Much of the world has this kind of system.
Are you expecting a socialist revolution or something? All I've seen so far is America and the West in general drift into a form of neo-feudalism. Most of what Harris is promoting would accomplish that, for example. The $25,000 for anyone who wants to buy a house is a terrible idea that would only result in raising the prices of homes across the board. It's similar to the terrible idea California is going with by offering non-citizens a much larger stipend for home purchases.

Overall, that's how socialism ends up anyway. It just develops an even more entrenched elite than capitalism, because the state is more directly involved. What America has is basically a state capitalism to a certain extent, which is a form of fascism. Much of the world has this kind of system.
Revolution? No. A more informed democratic electorate, certainly. I don't think Harris is a great progressive mind you. She seems like a standard democrat to me but they've been forced to move slowly to the left over the years. As for home prices, high demand and low inventory has helped keep prices high. Harris doesn't just have a plan to financially help first time home buyers but also to incentivize development of new middle class homes for first time buyers with tax breaks and tax incentives. What's Trump's plan? A fantasy of deporting millions of people?
Revolution? No. A more informed democratic electorate, certainly. I don't think Harris is a great progressive mind you. She seems like a standard democrat to me but they've been forced to move slowly to the left over the years. As for home prices, high demand and low inventory has helped keep prices high. Harris doesn't just have a plan to financially help first time home buyers but also to incentivize development of new middle class homes for first time buyers with tax breaks and tax incentives. What's Trump's plan? A fantasy of deporting millions of people?
As far as I've seen, "more informed" more typically means "further propagandized." To be fair, every society propagandizes its citizens, but a lot of Western propaganda (particularly the American version) is based on a multitude of falsehoods.

You're correct that high demand and low inventory are part of the problem, but there are other factors at play. Zoning is a huge portion of the issue. There are numerous commercial properties that could be converted into residential ones if local governments allowed them to be rezoned. Commercial real estate in general is collapsing, so this would help a lot of companies recoup some of their losses. It also doesn't help that inflation has driven building supplies up in cost. Builders will only build if they can make a high enough margin over the cost of materials and labor. Some of this can be remedied with federal intervention, but a lot of it will take local intervention (like rezoning).
As far as I've seen, "more informed" more typically means "further propagandized." To be fair, every society propagandizes its citizens, but a lot of Western propaganda (particularly the American version) is based on a multitude of falsehoods.
Who believes more falsehoods than the uneducated white right? They're still venerating slavers as heroes of liberty and freedom... :lol:
You're correct that high demand and low inventory are part of the problem, but there are other factors at play. Zoning is a huge portion of the issue. There are numerous commercial properties that could be converted into residential ones if local governments allowed them to be rezoned. Commercial real estate in general is collapsing, so this would help a lot of companies recoup some of their losses. It also doesn't help that inflation has driven building supplies up in cost. Builders will only build if they can make a high enough margin over the cost of materials and labor. Some of this can be remedied with federal intervention, but a lot of it will take local intervention (like rezoning).
She also mentioned addressing the zoning issues in her plan. Again, what's Trump's? Does he even have a plan? :dunno:
Who believes more falsehoods than the uneducated white right? They're still venerating slavers as heroes of liberty and freedom... :lol:

She also mentioned addressing the zoning issues in her plan. Again, what's Trump's? Does he even have a plan? :dunno:
I guess it depends on what you recognize as false. Both the left and right of the West believe in some very easily shown falsehoods, for example. I've covered similar things in another post, but here are some of the biggest ones:
1) people are blank slates that are more determined by nurture than nature. Various twin studies, for example, have shown that nature (genetics) is actually a bigger factor.
2) the natural state of man is free and independent. We actually understand now that humans have always been highly social and collectivist for the sake of survival.
3) equality is the norm for humanity. It isn't. Not even close. Individuals vary dramatically, and even groups like races vary a lot in averages when measuring various attributes. Obviously, individuals can deviate from their group average, but the averages still explain many things like differences in economic outcomes.
4) diversity is a strength. It can be a strength in certain contexts, but it definitely is not one in a lot of situations. At least half of the time, diversity is a source of conflict rather than a benefit. This is particularly true when the values of groups strongly conflict.

As for zoning, most of that falls under local jurisdictions. So, the feds can indirectly affect that with things like tax breaks and incentives, but it does ultimately depend on states to follow through or take the initiative. I'm not saying that this is a bad approach, but it's just worth keeping in mind.
I guess it depends on what you recognize as false. Both the left and right of the West believe in some very easily shown falsehoods, for example. I've covered similar things in another post, but here are some of the biggest ones:
1) people are blank slates that are more determined by nurture than nature. Various twin studies, for example, have shown that nature (genetics) is actually a bigger factor.
I don't know who those people on the left are. I've found twin study research on genetics to be fairly interesting. It's the white right who likes to spout scientific nonsense here like suggesting homosexuality or trans identities are unnatural. :dunno:
2) the natural state of man is free and independent. We actually understand now that humans have always been highly social and collectivist for the sake of survival.
Again, I'm not seeing a great movement on the left to deny that we're social creatures.
3) equality is the norm for humanity. It isn't. Not even close. Individuals vary dramatically, and even groups like races vary a lot in averages when measuring various attributes. Obviously, individuals can deviate from their group average, but the averages still explain many things like differences in economic outcomes.
Is that right? Economic policies like slavery and segregation has had nothing to do with socio-economic disparities?
4) diversity is a strength. It can be a strength in certain contexts, but it definitely is not one in a lot of situations. At least half of the time, diversity is a source of conflict rather than a benefit. This is particularly true when the values of groups strongly conflict.
Diversity is strength is really just code for we don't like racist white bigots. You should learn to read between the lines.
As for zoning, most of that falls under local jurisdictions. So, the feds can indirectly affect that with things like tax breaks and incentives, but it does ultimately depend on states to follow through or take the initiative. I'm not saying that this is a bad approach, but it's just worth keeping in mind.
And what's Trump's plan again? This was your issue guy. I didn't tell you to choose one Trump is playing with belly button on.
I don't know who those people on the left are. I've found twin study research on genetics to be fairly interesting. It's the white right who likes to spout scientific nonsense here like suggesting homosexuality or trans identities are unnatural. :dunno:

Again, I'm not seeing a great movement on the left to deny that we're social creatures.

Is that right? Economic policies like slavery and segregation has had nothing to do with socio-economic disparities?

Diversity is strength is really just code for we don't like racist white bigots. You should learn to read between the lines.

And what's Trump's plan again? This was your issue guy. I didn't tell you to choose one Trump is playing with belly button on.
Sexuality has both nature and nurture components, but the issue conservatives have is with regard to propagandizing kids on things like gender theory. If you want to discuss sexuality and gender theory with high schoolers, that's one thing. It does not belong in elementary school.

The natural state of man that I brought up is the premise behind liberalism. While thought leaders like Locke did make many important contributions, their ideas were predicated off of false premises regarding human nature. While progressives deviate from liberalism, they are still heavily influenced by it with regard to ideas of things like proper governance.

Slavery and segregation surely have some legacy effects, but those are countered by various occurrences, like the successes of West Indians in the US. Not everything can be chalked up to past grievances, and doing so denies the agency of people.

If diversity is strength is code for anything, it seems to more often correlate with just excluding straight white males in various DEI schemes.

While I do prefer Trump, I'm more focused on his immigration plans and plans to reduce the federal government's size. I'd have to look up what his plan on housing is.
yea i used to get high with a white guy from a real religious conservative family.....he said if his parents knew he was getting high he would written out of the will....and his dad reminded me of how you are....
hahaha…Sad, you don’t even realize how fucking retarded that bullshit sounds… I was saying that dumb ass shit as a freshman in college. “I used to get high with”….hahahaha
Sexuality has both nature and nurture components, but the issue conservatives have is with regard to propagandizing kids on things like gender theory. If you want to discuss sexuality and gender theory with high schoolers, that's one thing. It does not belong in elementary school.
Why not? I'm not saying they have to be the same type of conversations but children are learning to socialize and respect one another from the moment they enter school. What's the big deal? In fact sex education lowers rates of abuse because it teaches children about things like inappropriate touching.
The natural state of man that I brought up is the premise behind liberalism. While thought leaders like Locke did make many important contributions, their ideas were predicated off of false premises regarding human nature. While progressives deviate from liberalism, they are still heavily influenced by it with regard to ideas of things like proper governance.
But again? More so than the ignorant and uneducated Right? :dunno:
Slavery and segregation surely have some legacy effects, but those are countered by various occurrences, like the successes of West Indians in the US. Not everything can be chalked up to past grievances, and doing so denies the agency of people.
I am West Indian. Immigrants who willingly come to this country are in a different socioeconomic situation than people who were brought here in chains and exploited. I was reading a pretty interesting article on that the other day actually.
If diversity is strength is code for anything, it seems to more often correlate with just excluding straight white males in various DEI schemes.
And? :dunno:
While I do prefer Trump, I'm more focused on his immigration plans and plans to reduce the federal government's size. I'd have to look up what his plan on housing is.
Like the plan he told Republicans in Congress to kill so he could use it as a political tool? :dunno: :lol:

By the way I'm glad he had the bill killed. You get no relief. :lol:
Why not? I'm not saying they have to be the same type of conversations but children are learning to socialize and respect one another from the moment they enter school. What's the big deal? In fact sex education lowers rates of abuse because it teaches children about things like inappropriate touching.

But again? More so than the ignorant and uneducated Right? :dunno:

I am West Indian. Immigrants who willingly come to this country are in a different socioeconomic situation than people who were brought here in chains and exploited. I was reading a pretty interesting article on that the other day actually.

And? :dunno:

Like the plan he told Republicans in Congress to kill so he could use it as a political tool? :dunno: :lol:

By the way I'm glad he had the bill killed. You get no relief. :lol:
The reason the sexuality discussions are inappropriate is because many of the teachers have been shown to be groomers. If we didn't have as many of those types in the teaching profession, then maybe I'd be more open to it.

The right isn't as ignorant on economics as the left is, at least.

The fact remains that West Indians dealt with a past of slavery and have still excelled. Plenty of other minorities have dealt with comparable issues and have succeeded as well. Enough time has passed that slavery and segregation have become a way for people to excuse their own bad choices.

If exclusion of a specific group is ok in your book, then you can't claim that equality is really your goal. You're advocating for favoritism or discrimination. I'm not saying this is inherently bad, but you should be honest about it.

The bill was killed because of the non-citizen voting issues that were related.

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