The Democrats white man problem

@Harpy Eagle is trying to flee the nation he fought to protect because of all the wetback shit..yet he’ll flee to a wetback nation…weird huh?

It seems as much as you think about me you could at least not lie about me. I am not leaving due to "wetback shit", whatever that may be, I am leaving because of people like you that are filled with hate for anyone that does not look and think just like them. what would you do if a boyfriend came to the door with blue hair?....
Again, this is something very serious in our family…If Dad doesn’t approve YOU ARE FUCKED and they know it. We are old school Harry….I know that makes you piss and all but it’s true. We don’t play NONE of that new-age regressive bullshit on any level. Sorry bud.
White people are the only group that has systematically undermined their own ability to continue their cultures for the long run. Most other races have a far better concept of self-preservation. Ironically, whites previously dominated the world through imperialism and largely made it possible for various non-white areas to advance into industrialization. Over the course of the 1900s, however, leftism and postmodernism led the West and a lot of whites in general to embrace distorted perceptions of rights while embracing false concepts like "equality."

The reality is that equality doesn't exist. Individuals are not equal, and races aren't either. It doesn't mean one group is superior to another. It just means we're too different to be considered the same. Groups can be ranked in terms of ability by specific attributes, however. Individuals can vary from their group average, but the average still can be determined through analysis.

In short, the "blank slate" hypothesis is false, but so much of liberalism and Western thought mistakenly believes in it. Nature is equally as important as nurture, and in some cases, it is more important.

Enough already with the fucking "race, race, race, race, race!" bullshit, kid. Grow the fuck up.
It seems as much as you think about me you could at least not lie about me. I am not leaving due to "wetback shit", whatever that may be, I am leaving because of people like you that are filled with hate for anyone that does not look and think just like them.
Do you think “people like me” exist if we would have been dealing with organic, permitted by the people immigration for the last 40 years?
Again…you own this…people like me exist because you didn’t have the balls to stand against the cockroach invasion.
In 1921 Wilmington and Tulsa were torched by white people and they only burned the successful Black neighborhoods because those people needed to know their place.
History didn`t begin in 2020. Read a book and say NO to being ignorant.
But it is not 1921 anymore.
Enough already with the fucking "race, race, race, race, race!" bullshit, kid. Grow the fuck up.
It's not bullshit. I understand that Westerners are conditioned to ignore racial differences, however. There is a nuance to this discussion that you seem unable to grasp. Acknowledging differences isn't a bad thing.
It's not bullshit. I understand that Westerners are conditioned to ignore racial differences, however. There is a nuance to this discussion that you seem unable to grasp. Acknowledging differences isn't a bad thing.
In 2021 the publics acceptance for interracial marriage hit 94%. Do you really believe that any racist would approve of that?
Do you think “people like me” exist if we would have been dealing with organic, permitted by the people immigration for the last 40 years?
Again…you own this…people like me exist because you didn’t have the balls to stand against the cockroach invasion.

I think you have been a hate filled piece of shit your entire life. I suspect it was taught to you by your parents and you have no doubt tried to pass it down to your kids.
In 2021 the publics acceptance for interracial marriage hit 94%. Do you really believe that any racist would approve of that?
Pretty much. Our embrace of this has levelled out some of the differences, but this is why assimilation is important if your society is already "diverse." It tends to reduce conflicts. The ideal is to be homogeneous to start with, but failing that, interbreeding can smooth out conflicts.
I think you have been a hate filled piece of shit your entire life. I suspect it was taught to you by your parents and you have no doubt tried to pass it down to your kids.
Dude…let’s break this bullshit down on a micro level…cut the retarded woke white guilt bullshit and show how East Los Angeles is better since brown cockroaches invaded it?
You can’t so you won’t….That’s all we need to know about how serious we should take you purple hairs.
In 1921 Wilmington and Tulsa were torched by white people and they only burned the successful Black neighborhoods because those people needed to know their place.
History didn`t begin in 2020. Read a book and say NO to being ignorant.
Portland was terrorized by BLM/Antifa riots for 90 days in 2020. Seattle's CHOP/CHAZ denied use of six blocks to their owners for six straight weeks by BLM/Antifa. Just these two riots were responsible for Murder, arson, rape, denial of civil rights to those populations. This was 2020--not an event that was before anyone on this board was born. Run along moron.
That’s PC bullshit…NO legitimate Caucasian PREFERS that their daughter dates outside the Caucasian race….NONE!!
Well, I'll take this one step further. White liberals are definitely more open to interracial marriages than any non-white group other than maybe black males. In general, most races prefer the company of their own. That being said, America is way more open to interracial relations than even most of the rest of the West. It's definitely a lot less open in non-Western nations regarding that.
Well, I'll take this one step further. White liberals are definitely more open to interracial marriages than any non-white group other than maybe black males. In general, most races prefer the company of their own. That being said, America is way more open to interracial relations than even most of the rest of the West. It's definitely a lot less open in non-Western nations regarding that.
Again…I’m not afraid at all to say it…if my daughters bring home a dark boy they can fuck straight off!!!
They know this with absolute clarity.
Dude…let’s break this bullshit down on a micro level…cut the retarded woke white guilt bullshit and show how East Los Angeles is better since brown cockroaches invaded it?

I have never claimed it was. This is just more of your bullshit, build and strawman and then claim victory.

You are getting boring, get some new material.

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