How much Socialism should be given to Florida?

Oh please. Many in blue states deduct their ridiculous property taxes on their federal returns which means the rest of us are subsidizing your state's poor fiscal policies.
People that in red states don’t deduct theirs?
Sure, but most don't have nearly as high of taxes. Blue state Democrats blew their tops when Trump capped the deduction at 10k.
Yeah, because housing values in red shithole states are lower.
Obviously, you are going to continue to tap dance around the subject, so why don't you point out a socialist government program you don't like and explain why you think it is improper.
I provided the dictionary definition of socialism,,

now using that definition how does FEMA even qualify under the first criteria??
Yeah, because housing values in red shithole states are lower.
Property tax rates are higher you dolt. All you morons are moving to my state for that reason. Many aren't smart enough to figure out why their taxes were so high in their home blue state.
its called humanitarian aid that all americans pay into,,

Any state that doesn't have income taxes shouldn't get a dime in federal aid. Any state that takes in more federal money than pays out in taxes, shouldn't get a dime in federal aid.

Every one of these states, and most of it's citizens rail against the very federal government that protects their sorry, worthless asses.

Fine. Put your money where your big fat anti federal government ass is, and pay for tour own fucking problems.

And for all of you worthless morons that are against aid like food stamps, and think those people should have to rely on charitable contributions from the church.

Carry your sorry asses down to pastor pedo for prosperity's church, and get him to rebuild your house.
Any state that doesn't have income taxes shouldn't get a dime in federal aid. Any state that takes in more federal money than pays out in taxes, shouldn't get a dime in federal aid.

Every one of these states, and most of it's citizens rail against the very federal government that protects their sorry, worthless asses.

Fine. Put your money where your big fat anti federal government ass is, and pay for tour own fucking problems.

And for all of you worthless morons that are against aid like food stamps, and think those people should have to rely on charitable contributions from the church.

Carry your sorry asses down to pastor pedo for prosperity's church, and get him to rebuild your house.
If we could get all the Democrats out of my red state we'd be far into the black.
Like more support for a big, destroyed house than for a smaller destroyed house? More support for a displaced family than for a single man?
I am not in favor of more support one over the other but I understand it happens. In a 100 percent Socialist economy, who gets the support first and most? The masses or the locked in 1 percent elite dear leaders? On paper, socialism will tell you everyone is equal. Reality is a different story.
I provided the dictionary definition of socialism,,

now using that definition how does FEMA even qualify under the first criteria??
That is the rub, as well as the reason for many of my recent questions. The term, socialism, has been so widely used to describe so many disparate things till nobody was able to give a definition of its meaning. You have made a stand and embraced the dictionary definition as the one you will use. Good for you. We'll keep that in mind when you use that word in the future. Your accepting the dictionary definition should preclude you using the term as a catch all to describe anything you don't like. However, that still doesn't answer the question at hand. You obviously support FEMA helping the victims in Florida, as anybody with the least bit of compassion would. Do you also support the federal government extending funds in response to other public problems? If so, why. If not, why not?
That is the rub, as well as the reason for many of my recent questions. The term, socialism, has been so widely used to describe so many disparate things till nobody was able to give a definition of its meaning. You have made a stand and embraced the dictionary definition as the one you will use. Good for you. We'll keep that in mind when you use that word in the future. Your accepting the dictionary definition should preclude you using the term as a catch all to describe anything you don't like. However, that still doesn't answer the question at hand. You obviously support FEMA helping the victims in Florida, as anybody with the least bit of compassion would. Do you also support the federal government extending funds in response to other public problems? If so, why. If not, why not?
if you want me to speak on government policy please be specific with current or suggested legislation,,

my views vary from case to case,,
I am not in favor of more support one over the other but I understand it happens. In a 100 percent Socialist economy, who gets the support first and most? The masses or the locked in 1 percent elite dear leaders? On paper, socialism will tell you everyone is equal. Reality is a different story.
I don't think that's what socialism says. There never has been, and never will be a time when everybody is equal on all terms. Socialism only says everybody has an equal say in the choices being made. A recent example would be Vance advocating for people with children having additional votes to cast. Socialism would vehemently oppose that.

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