How much Socialism should be given to Florida?

Socialism is often depicted as evil and is claimed to harm its recipients more than it helps them. The tragic damage that has befallen Florida will take years and billions of dollars to recover from. Federal government traditionally is there to help those recover who would never recover without help. Most would say it's our government's place to do as it has always done and immediately come to their aid. This is a conundrum. Government aid in this case can only be described as socialism. A major portion of the MAGA universe has determined socialism is evil. How do hard right-wing members justify the dichotomy of expending all that socialism across Florida.

Biden should teach them how to fish.
No. That's not related to imminent physical danger.
The damage in Florida has no relation to eminent danger. The danger there is already gone. Now we have to consider recovery. Money spent now has nothing to do with preventing eminent danger.
Of all the arguments by government lovers, this one may not be the dumbest, but it is in the top ten.

Florida could easily take care of itself if its citizens were not forced to pay so much in taxes to our bloated federal government. That they take federal aid after a disaster does not mean that they are hypocrits if they don't want to pay for National Public (Democrat) Radio, or for family-destroying multi-generation welfare programs.
That might be true if 33% of Florida's annual budget wasn't supplied by the federal government. Florida has consistently received more in federal funds than they send to the federal government and has done so for many years
That might be true if 33% of Florida's annual budget wasn't supplied by the federal government. Florida has consistently received more in federal funds than they send to the federal government and has done so for many years
good reason to end he feds from picking winners and losers and let states stand on their own,,
So you're opposed to FEMA helping Florida?
I am opposed to all over reach by the feds,,

FEMA could be acceptable system if not for all the other actions taken by the feds that they have no authority to be involved in,,

what gets me is you cock suckers using FEMA as a whipping pony to justify bigger government,,

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