Top leaders of Hezbollah killed on Lebanon

Glad he’s dead, but wow, why is it after every demafasict admin we have global chaos???

This thing better not lead to some kind of a regional war. That kind of stuff often affects the global market. We don’t need that now.

Under Trump the USA and the world was safer.
Just poped in for a second I see Sunni Man you still have not changed your toon.. You touted how great the warriors of Hezbullah are on other threads but we are being shown differently… Nasrallah was hiding under a densely populated area of civilians this is not how great warriors fight.. That is how Hamas fought and it didn’t help them either… It is time for you to come off your high horse as many in the Sunni world are happy to see this butcher gone.. Further regarding another taking his place… As I have stated before when tending a “ garden” Weeds grow among the good plants and if they are pulled out on a consistent basis daily then the garden is easy to maintain and look after and kept healthy.. Israel has been lax for years in pulling the weeds but like any gardener knows with a lot of hard work and maintenance eventually after removing the weeds the garden can return to optimum health.. The healthy plants will in the end be thankful for their return to optimal health after years of neglect and any future weeds will be treated accordingly and removed before they can grow to threaten the garden again… Further yours is wishful thinking the the gardener/ Israel was weakened in any way in their other battles to clean up the garden as they are able to get all the fertilizer they need to get the job done properly and efficiently you should keep that in mind… Wink Wink…
To your points, my friend I heard an IDF
officer on Pierce Morgan say that Hezbollah does not hide behind civilians like Hamas does.

Hezbollah also has Christian recruits within its ranks. And they are somewhat popular in the Christian Arab world. I mean how does one explain the immensely popular Christian Arab singer Julie Boutras dedicating one of her songs to Nasrullah?? It’s a critical point and it cannot be overlooked

Also it seems like the Israeli government has been able to successfully infiltrate Hezbollah….there has to be some payed off informats in that organization now.

This thing better not lead to some kind of a regional war. That kind of stuff often affects the global market. We don’t need that now.

Under Trump the USA and the world was safer.

To your points, my friend I heard an IDF
officer on Pierce Morgan say that Hezbollah does not hide behind civilians like Hamas does.

Hezbollah also has Christian recruits within its ranks. And they are somewhat popular in the Christian Arab world. I mean how does one explain the immensely popular Christian Arab singer Julie Boutras dedicating one of her songs to Nasrullah?? It’s a critical point and it cannot be overlooked

Also it seems like the Israeli government has been able to successfully infiltrate Hezbollah….there has to be some payed off informats in that organization now.
probably some paid off informants. Probably some quisling christians. You made no points in the pathetic rebuttal
I think it has more to do with Bibis political survival and the general lack of trust in the West right now. They feel that their existence is at stake and if they don't deal with it now they will have to deal with it down the road when their enemies are stronger. He is definitely unpopular at home and with other nations, but, he was duly elected and Israel didnt start this.

Allowing Iran to have money released definitely left Israel feeling they have to fight these terrorists primarily alone. If the rest of the West can provide some weapons, intelligence and the odd interception of drones, Israel will do the rest.

I do find it interesting how there is a clear and vigorous push for Israel to make peace and ceasefires but zero discussion of that as it pertains to Ukraine and Russia. There are clear geo-political differences with Russia being an enemy of the West but should Israel accept Oct 7ths and constant rockets from Hezbollah simply because they are "only" terrorist groups?

Look, I want peace everywhere on earth, but a nation has a role of defending their citizens, Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran knew this before they attacked Israel. Like in the movie the Godfather, "this is they life we (they) have chosen"

That is one view the other point of view is Israel is attempting to take over Gaza and perhaps even southern Lebanon for expansionist purposes.

Plus there’s always been so-called terrorists on both sides. Look up Barach Goldstein…or the hilltop Zionists. Theres been plenty of Zionist terrorists. That’s why I don’t like to use the word terrorist. It’s very politically loaded. The bottom line is there are radicals and supremacists on both sides.

Anyway, there is a huge problem now for Israel. And that is dealing with the greater Arab Christian world if they think that they can invade Lebanon or continue to attack Lebanon. I mean it’s completely astonishing. Imagine if Mexico said that there is a terror organization in the USA and they’re going to invade America or consistently bomb America for that. How would we Americans react to that. This is very important stuff and forget about politics. Forget about supporting Israel or Palestinians… people have to keep the stuff in mind.
That is one view the other point of view is Israel is attempting to take over Gaza and perhaps even southern Lebanon for expansionist purposes.

Anyway, there is a huge problem now for Israel. And that is dealing with the greater Arab Christian world if they think that they can invade Lebanon or continue to attack Lebanon. I mean it’s completely astonishing. Imagine if Mexico said that there is a terror organization in the USA and they’re going to invade America or consistently bomb America for that. How would we Americans react to that. This is very important stuff and forget about about politics. Forget about supporting Israel or Palestinians people have to keep the stuff in mind.
it is clear to me that you never met a person from "the greater arab christian world" -----I have-----but never one who recognized the entity you just invented---"the greater arab world"---<<<<a baathist
chunk of bull shit
Yes, the fucker is dead!!

Big deal.
5 minutes later someone took his place.
If they just stuck a Rockeye up the guy's ass, are you volunteering to get the next explosive enema ?
Big deal.
5 minutes later someone took his place.
so true----any and all muslim school boys can butcher a lamb
and call the meat HALAL and orchestrate a mass murder, rape,
mutilate and pillage a kaffir city and call that HALAL
unrelated to terrorism ----beautifully targeted attack on on
filthy jihdadist dogs
No it was terrorism Bitch, hospital staff wounded people in Supermarkets Taxi drivers etc but the whole rancid State of Israel was built on terror, some of the Zionist terrorists even offered to work with the Nazis while WW2 was being fought, they had a plan to kill Churchill so don't talk to me about terrorism.

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