Five Times

The looney tune flaming left wingers who moderate Dems used to tell to shut up and sit in the back...took over the Dem party. That's why the Dem party appears to be so bat shit crazy and full of degenerates.
A study, by CNN no less, finds that the children of democrat parents are 5 times less likely to be open to the idea of being friends or visiting the home of other children whose parents are Republican.

Gee, what a surprise.

The party of slavery and intolerance hasn't changed a bit since its inception.

Why did you feel the need to lie in your OP about what the study found?
A study, by CNN no less, finds that the children of democrat parents are 5 times less likely to be open to the idea of being friends or visiting the home of other children whose parents are Republican.

Gee, what a surprise.

The party of slavery and intolerance hasn't changed a bit since its inception.

Yeah, it's been funny for a long time that the big tent tolerant party excludes people and has no tolerance for those that disagree with them.
Why did you feel the need to lie in your OP about what the study found?
Insecurity probably. Unkotare was so triggered by the fact that liberals could just as soon live without his ass that he decided to dedicate a whole thread to it where he likened today's democrats to slavers and then had the gall to suggest anyone else was throwing a hissy fit. :lol:

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