The One Big Problem the Trumpists Have

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Jeez, many of these brainless threads are you going to start?
Diarrhea like this needs some attention.

Go see a doctor.
westwall the wanker is over here with another sockpuppet posting as well. :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301::abgg2q.jpg: the lengths he will go to to try and make it look like he has supporters.comedy gold.:laughing0301:

When all else fails & MAGA can't defend their orange gangster coherently there's always the same old tired insult- "Commie"!

Simply pathetic.
Comprehension isn't one of your success stories. I asked a question, moron. Communist countries are known to require a defendant to prove their innocence--exactly what the poster I replied to was asking for. Are you so ignorant that you cannot understand why a thinking person might make that assumption? Now are you trying to suggest that people in the US are required to prove their innocence?
Are lefties that freaking dumb? Do they really think a statement from Bill Barr spun by the left leaning A.P. constitutes the truth? The freaking A.P. along with the rest of the mainstream media has been lying to Americans for three freaking years about Biden's mental health and lefties who post this crap are aware of it. What's Kamala's truth? Nobody knows because she won't freaking tell us.
Comprehension isn't one of your success stories. I asked a question, moron. Communist countries are known to require a defendant to prove their innocence--exactly what the poster I replied to was asking for. Are you so ignorant that you cannot understand why a thinking person might make that assumption? Now are you trying to suggest that people in the US are required to prove their innocence?
You implied that the poster was a Commie by your post, MORON. Which is a common response coming from you MAGA assclowns. And where did I suggest that people in the U.S. are "required to prove their innocence", MAGA trained monkey?

You may believe that you're a "thinking person" but you're really a dumbass Trump supporter who sucks up his lies & defends his crime spree.

Btw, the fact that Trump has been indicted in numerous jurisdictions suggests that he committed criminal felonies, despite your feelings being hurt by it. Grow up.
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The one big problem Trumpists have is that fact and proof are not on their side.

It is easy to prove them wrong and on other other hand, they are totally unable to prove their views are correct and/or disprove the accusations levied on Trump. It is all opinion and belief that is not based on actual events, or at least not to the point of him proving his competency to be president.

Here are two items that prove Trump is incompetent and it is not the opinion of the left that I am delivering but the opinion from the people that he hired and worked for him.

Here is the first, coming from one of the competent men he hired (Bill Barr):

and here are the comments from 24 other men he hired and that worked for him:

Former Trump officials are among the most vocal opponents of returning him to the White House

Politics Apr 5, 2024 3:48 PM EDT
NEW YORK (AP) — Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper has called him a “threat to democracy.” Former national security adviser John Bolton has declared him “unfit to be president.” And former Vice President Mike Pence has declined to endorse him, citing “profound differences.”

Are you able to disprove what his own people say about him?

This is the problem with Trump

View attachment 1019081

They cannot admit their Orange God is mentally unfit. His Dementia is only getting worse. They refuse to accept reality.
The biggest problem for Trumpers right now is that everyone knows that Trump has dementia.
The fact that he`s a career criminal with dozens of felony convictions hasn`t bothered them at all so I don`t think he`ll lose any cult members over this. The people living in Jonestown knew Jimmy was a criminal and a nut, but cultists are gonna be cultists.
The fact that he`s a career criminal with dozens of felony convictions hasn`t bothered them at all so I don`t think he`ll lose any cult members over this. The people living in Jonestown knew Jimmy was a criminal and a nut, but cultists are gonna be cultists.
There are not enough of those idiots to get Trumpy over the top
Btw, the fact that Trump has been indicted in numerous jurisdictions suggests that he committed criminal felonies, despite your feelings being hurt by it.
More garbage. My feelings have nothing to do with this thread and I've never suggested such. BTW, indictments are a dime a dozen. When you get a conviction that stands, let me know. Before you do, please go back to third grade and learn to express yourself with less profanity. It really shows your lack of intelligence.
I have a suggestion for forum management, create a TDS sub forum
Yep, for you and your bootlicking cohorts to rummage around in...
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