I'm Proud to be an Extremist

Umm nope. If the nation gives me nothing to vote for then I don't need to vote.
It is admittedly kind of a joke. Voting is what a system promotes to give the illusion that the commoners have a voice. This helps the actual rulers absolve some of their responsibility by shrugging and saying "well, they voted for this."

Elites run every system, but systems like monarchies at least openly acknowledge who is actually being represented.
It's quite possible that "Trumpism" goes away in 2028, but I doubt it. And the views it holds aren't anymore idiotic than the gender ideology nonsense of the left. Honestly, a large portion of what the West bases itself off of, regardless of left or right, is idiotic. For example, equality is a myth. Diversity is a curse at least half of the time. Pluralism is a recipe for creating division and ethnic strife in a nation. And universal suffrage just equals politics falling to the lowest common denominator.

In short, Trumpism isn't the problem. Your entire system is the problem, because it misunderstands human nature and the significance of sex and race.
Trump and his ilk misunderstand American culture.
Trump and his ilk misunderstand American culture.
I guess that depends on which part of our culture you mean. Trump understands rural culture very well. The Democratic party and the GOP establishment really don't. It's why mainstream media thinks so little of rural folk. The elites clearly only focus on the urban corridors of the US. This is why Trump has a large market. This is also why there has been a systematic approach to replacing these rural people with immigrants. Of course, if you mention it as "replacement", they call you a conspiracy theorist or racist. If you instead phrase it as a positive and say that it's being done to counter falling native births, then they openly admit that.

But when I say this system misunderstands human nature, I mean that any system that has universal suffrage is literally putting societal cohesion in the hands of a public that is mostly emotional and irrational. That's true for both sides, because most humans behave as such. Elite rule makes sense, because few have the aptitude to rule in a logical manner. The problem is that most Western elites are sociopathic nihilists. Proper elite rulers are nationalists that actually believe in something other than themselves and power.
So after the blob goes bye bye either in 40 days or 4 years, and the GOP trots out Governor _____ who says he wants to work with democrats...you’er going to stay home instead of carrying the water for him? Put another way, if the GOP nominee in 28 is Haley...what do you plan to do since your extreme and idiotic views will no longer have a place in the dialogue?
Which ideas are extreme?
In fact for those of you who missed it I was basically called that yesterday in different words. Well guess what? I don't give a that's behind.

As my love for God is extreme, my love for America is extreme, my love for the US Constitution is extreme, and my love for the man who is going to save our country and make this nation is extreme.

We're nearly there folks. After four years of watching what was once the greatest nation in the world crumble before our eyes, we almost got a month left to what will be the most important election of US history.

That isn't very long at all now as it's going to be very extreme. It's also going to be extreme when the 47th president will take the stage for his victory speech and there will be an extreme deportation and the biggest one in US history. Yep, I sure am proud to be an extreme American patriot.

Oops I meant to say make this nation great again. I didn't realize that that part got cut off.
She's not worried about it. Her father and my papa set her up for life.

Social security and Medicare seem like cuss words to the left as I need it and health insurance due to my disability. Nobody not even Trump said that it was frowned upon for those who actually need it due to age or disability or something. It's people who take advantage of the system that's a problem.
Social security and medicare seems like cuss words to the left as I need it and health insurance due to my disability. Nobody not even Trump said that it was frowned upon for those who actually need it due to age or disability or something. It's people who take advantage of the system that's a problem.

I don't understand why Social Security is frowned upon. People pay into it, if the government would actually invest or let it be invested wisely it'd be fine

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