Arizona county sheriffs say they will not enforce immigration measure if passed

Legislators pass illegal laws all the time, and police are REQUIRED to ignore illegal laws.
Legislators can pass any legislation they want, and they are not criminals.
It is only when police try to ENFORCE illegal legislation that a crime is committed.
The police not only can "pick and choose", but are required to by their oath of loyalty to the Constitution.

This country would be vastly better if the police never enforced illegal legislation, like Prohibition, the War on Drugs, asset forfeiture, mandatory sentences, etc.
It is the legislators who passed these illegal laws who need to be arrested.
There is no such thing as an illegal law you DUMBASS
Republicans = chaos, dysfunction & extremism.

I can't argue with you commie. Maybe the reps can hire the dems to fight the dems and save America. They are useless.

yes no drake queer 3.png
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