Just another shrug of the shoulders.

“Fringe conspiracy theories”
believing gender is determined in the womb
believing penises belong in vaginas
This is the MAGA rant...

They know there is a lot of confusion from there areas about transgenderism.

It is not common and quite rare especially in young... Really rare when young and cases at that level are all special cases with a team of doctors and parents deciding...

They paint it as common and fad that kids are being forced into. That is a lie and they know it...

They don't care because they are fighting evil. They justify there actions because they have deemed Democrats and anyone that associated to them as evil. And they are fighting evil. This is how they excuse their own evil actions.

They look back and see how stupid they have been fooled... The second shooter at Trump was possibly someone who relised how much Trump had tricked him and the people around him. They are usually very pissed..
This is the MAGA rant...

They know there is a lot of confusion from there areas about transgenderism.

It is not common and quite rare especially in young... Really rare when young and cases at that level are all special cases with a team of doctors and parents deciding...

They paint it as common and fad that kids are being forced into. That is a lie and they know it...

They don't care because they are fighting evil. They justify there actions because they have deemed Democrats and anyone that associated to them as evil. And they are fighting evil. This is how they excuse their own evil actions.

They look back and see how stupid they have been fooled... The second shooter at Trump was possibly someone who relised how much Trump had tricked him and the people around him. They are usually very pissed..
trumpery, and the GOP before it, has survived for decades fomenting culture war divisions in order to animate their base of homophobes, religious bigots, and haters of "the other."
Because the vaccine prevents you from dying from COVID. That seems pretty good, doesn’t it?
That’s a lie, people that were vaccined died from Covid. Frankly the biggest lie xiden/harris admin spread was that if yoj got the vaccine you wouldn’t. Get sick, this along with welcoming a surge of illegals that weren’t tested in to the country lead to a record number of Covid deaths
but you admit you lied when you claimed people that got vaccined didn't die? gotcha.

why is it that you all have to lie so much?
Something that prevents death doesn’t work in 100% of situations.

You’re splitting hairs to hide the fact that the vaccines were very effective.

Dishonest and dangerous.
Something that prevents death doesn’t work in 100% of situations.

You’re splitting hairs to hide the fact that the vaccines were very effective.

Dishonest and dangerous.
Glad you admitted you lied. I can't really blame you for lying, since your cult leaders do so often as well....who can forget Xiden big lie on vaccines when he claimed if you got the shot you wouldn't get the virus.

Xiden and Harris's admin reckless handling of Covid lead to record deaths...so tragic
Glad you admitted you lied. I can't really blame you for lying, since your cult leaders do so often as well....who can forget Xiden big lie on vaccines when he claimed if you got the shot you wouldn't get the virus.

Xiden and Harris's admin reckless handling of Covid lead to record deaths...so tragic
Thanks for admitting vaccine misinformation resulted record deaths. So tragic.

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