Just another shrug of the shoulders.

It goes in and reprograms your body to fight what it's programed to do. One of the guys that came up with Rna said it wasn't ready to be used yet. He said he wouldn't advise anyone to get it yet. I hope you enjoy the experiment that was put in your body.
No one came up with RNA, it's a part of our cellular metabolism.

It goes in and tells your cells to synthesize a protein, the same protein that COVID makes.

How does it alter DNA?

You don't know.
No one came up with RNA, it's a part of our cellular metabolism.

It goes in and tells your cells to synthesize a protein, the same protein that COVID makes.

How does it alter DNA?

You don't know.
I just know what I heard from one of the guys that came up with it. Tell me Trump made it so it could be rushed through. Why are your leaders loving it? They all a sudden trust Trump?
Trump's presidency was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history.
Made possible by the structural advantage Repubs have by virtue of the ongoing anachronism, the EC. A plague on the country and the only thing that prevented a Dem in the WH for every term since 2000. The exception being Shrub's 2004 victory when we were essentially on a war footing against Islamic, radical terrorists.
I just know what I heard from one of the guys that came up with it. Tell me Trump made it so it could be rushed through. Why are your leaders loving it? They all a sudden trust Trump?
The guys that actually came up with it says that one guy is full of shit.
I just know what I heard from one of the guys that came up with it. Tell me Trump made it so it could be rushed through. Why are your leaders loving it? They all a sudden trust Trump?
Came up with it? It was discovered years ago. But mRNA technology allowed for the rapid development of COVID vaccines. Having nothing to do with Capt. Clorox.
He was radicalized by ActBlue, donating 19 times to to organization and has a harris l/xiden sticker on his car

Clearly ActBlue is a terrorist organization. This is now the second donor to try and murder trump
He came to understand the enormous error of judgement he made in voting for the orange buffoon on his own. If more of you nitwits had some self awareness and a willingness to admit a mistake like him, trump would be reduced to a bloviating owner of a failing social media platform facing charges sufficient to see him spend the rest of his life behind bars where criminals belong.
Whatever, enjoy it and make sure you get your booster. I don't understand you people. The vaccine doesn't protect you from getting or spreading covid. Why get it?
In order to significantly reduce the symptoms and for some immunocompromised people to prevent death. Please tell me you're just pretending to be so stupid.
He came to understand the enormous error of judgement he made in voting for the orange buffoon on his own. If more of you nitwits had some self awareness and a willingness to admit a mistake like him, trump would be reduced to a bloviating owner of a failing social media platform facing charges sufficient to see him spend the rest of his life behind bars where criminals belong.
it’s weird you think he made good judgment by attempting to assassinate the man.

Very weird.

I’m gonna flag your post for the fbi
Whatever, enjoy it and make sure you get your booster. I don't understand you people. The vaccine doesn't protect you from getting or spreading covid. Why get it?
Because the vaccine prevents you from dying from COVID. That seems pretty good, doesn’t it?
Made possible by the structural advantage Repubs have by virtue of the ongoing anachronism, the EC. A plague on the country and the only thing that prevented a Dem in the WH for every term since 2000. The exception being Shrub's 2004 victory when we were essentially on a war footing against Islamic, radical terrorists.
OMG! You need to watch the Hillary video again.
Trump had ZERO chance of winning according to the polls, Hillary had the EC locked up, until we voted.
Your smugness and ignorance of the U.S. Constitution, calling it a "plague", says it all.
I hope Trump wins the EC and loses the popular vote again just to piss democrats off.

Add Far-Right Conspiracy Theorist Laura Loomer To Trump’s Growing List Of Problems​

Far right activist and conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer has been in the spotlight for her racist comments, as well as, what appears to be, a recently rejuvenated relationship with Donald Trump this week. And it’s sparked all kinds of drama.

On Tuesday, Loomer attended the presidential debate and reportedly traveled on the former president’s private plane with him. The next day, while attending the 9/11 remembrance ceremony in New York City, Trump brought Loomer, who has previously pushed extreme conspiracy theories about the terrorist attacks being “an inside job,” to the event alongside him.

And as if that was not enough, just days before, Loomer posted on X saying that the White House will “smell like curry” if Harris wins the presidential election.

You can imagine the uproar it’s sparked.

At a press conference on Thursday, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) condemned Trump for bringing Loomer to the event, calling the decision “shocking, irresponsible, and offensive.”

“The fact that on Sept. 11, this sacred day, he would bring a 9/11 conspiracy theorist to participate in events during this solemn commemoration should shock the conscience of all decent Americans,” Jeffries said.

But Democrats aren’t the only ones enraged to hear Trump is hanging out with Loomer.

“I think that the president would serve himself well to make sure this doesn’t become a bigger story,” Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC) told HuffPost on Thursday.

“We have policy disagreements but the history of this person is just really toxic,” he added.

Who knows? Maybe Don wants it to become a bigger story. Perhaps he wants his base to know a racist, conspiracy theorist was part of his entourage. He never pays a political consequence for things like this while every other politician who has ever been a major party candidate for prez would be in full damage control mode.
The Muzziphile Dementiacrats Are Using a Jewish Woman As a Punching Bag

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