Just another shrug of the shoulders.

Add Far-Right Conspiracy Theorist Laura Loomer To Trump’s Growing List Of Problems​

Far right activist and conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer has been in the spotlight for her racist comments, as well as, what appears to be, a recently rejuvenated relationship with Donald Trump this week. And it’s sparked all kinds of drama.

On Tuesday, Loomer attended the presidential debate and reportedly traveled on the former president’s private plane with him. The next day, while attending the 9/11 remembrance ceremony in New York City, Trump brought Loomer, who has previously pushed extreme conspiracy theories about the terrorist attacks being “an inside job,” to the event alongside him.

And as if that was not enough, just days before, Loomer posted on X saying that the White House will “smell like curry” if Harris wins the presidential election.

You can imagine the uproar it’s sparked.

At a press conference on Thursday, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) condemned Trump for bringing Loomer to the event, calling the decision “shocking, irresponsible, and offensive.”

“The fact that on Sept. 11, this sacred day, he would bring a 9/11 conspiracy theorist to participate in events during this solemn commemoration should shock the conscience of all decent Americans,” Jeffries said.

But Democrats aren’t the only ones enraged to hear Trump is hanging out with Loomer.

“I think that the president would serve himself well to make sure this doesn’t become a bigger story,” Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC) told HuffPost on Thursday.

“We have policy disagreements but the history of this person is just really toxic,” he added.

Who knows? Maybe Don wants it to become a bigger story. Perhaps he wants his base to know a racist, conspiracy theorist was part of his entourage. He never pays a political consequence for things like this while every other politician who has ever been a major party candidate for prez would be in full damage control mode.
who's Laura Loomer? Is she another radicalized Dem voter that's going to try and assassinate Trump? Right now avoiding the deadly dembots is really his only problem
Its not that Trump endorsed RFK's theories, its that Trump gets RFK's voters. RFK endorsed Trump because of how the democrats gave the primary to Biden and then the candidacy to Kamala instead of having a real primary.
The Trump/RFK alliance is more about defeating the democrat "politburo" than vaccines or other issues.
RFK Jr sure made it sound like Trump endorsed his ideas.

But the point is that Trump has no problem with hanging out and benefiting from the fringe weirdos.

A normal person wouldn’t really want anything to do with people like RFK and Loomer.
RFK Jr sure made it sound like Trump endorsed his ideas.

But the point is that Trump has no problem with hanging out and benefiting from the fringe weirdos.

A normal person wouldn’t really want anything to do with people like RFK and Loomer.
Lol, if RFK endorsed Harris you would be praising him. But she is a bigger nut than he is.
Lol, if RFK endorsed Harris you would be praising him. But she is a bigger nut than he is.
He went looking for an endorsement of Harris and she shut him down for this very reason.

Conspiracy weirdos find their home on the right and are embraced by Trump and MAGA.

You are a part of their world.

I'm part of the problem because I think for myself? I think you are the problem, because you do as your told. You do realize most of the rich supporting the vaccine and boosters are wanting to reduce the population? To save the earth, think about that for a minute. Oh, I forgot you don't think. You do as you are told too.
Two assassination attempts on Trump while the current president is MIA. Kammie won't even take softball questions from the media so we don't know what the hell she is about. The world is in chaos, illegal aliens are raping and murdering American citizens and eating their pets like a freaking zombie hoard but lefties think Laura Loomer is the problem. WTF?
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I'm part of the problem because I think for myself? I think you are the problem, because you do as your told. You do realize most of the rich supporting the vaccine and boosters are wanting to reduce the population? To save the earth, think about that for a minute. Oh, I forgot you don't think. You do as you are told too.
You’re a problem because you’re detached from reality.

No one forced you to be vaccinated, obviously. There was no mandate.
Tell that to the medical workers and the military that lost their job. Luckily the Supreme Court stopped bidens unconstitutional mandate.
CMS and the military rule were never found unconstitutional.

Vaccine requirements have always been a part of some jobs. Especially the military.

No one is locking you up.
He tried, without a medical degree.
Pretty sure there are plenty of medical degrees advising him from the NIH, CDC and FDA.

RFK is pumping pseudoscience and getting kids hurt by telling their parents not to vaccinate them with old vaccines that we know are safe and effective.
RFK Jr sure made it sound like Trump endorsed his ideas.
But the point is that Trump has no problem with hanging out and benefiting from the fringe weirdos.
A normal person wouldn’t really want anything to do with people like RFK and Loomer.
You mean like when Kamala avoided Netanyahu's speech in congress?
Or when democrats pander to the Hamas wing to not lose young voters?
"Politics makes strange bedfellows" is an old saying, but is generally true.
You mean like when Kamala avoided Netanyahu's speech in congress?
Or when democrats pander to the Hamas wing to not lose young voters?
"Politics makes strange bedfellows" is an old saying, but is generally true.
Stay on topic. You’re veering into nonsense.

It’s pretty nuts to think a lunatic like Loomer has so much access to Trump. I believe the only reason she gets that access is her unending devotion to him. Which itself is very creepy.
Stay on topic. You’re veering into nonsense.

It’s pretty nuts to think a lunatic like Loomer has so much access to Trump. I believe the only reason she gets that access is her unending devotion to him. Which itself is very creepy.
Your post belongs in "conspiracy theories" or "rubber room".
To me Trump does anything he can to make leftists go berserk, and "there is no bad publicity".

What policies is Loomer pushing, against GOP orthodoxy, that Trump is supporting?

Does she have a big checkbook? Money talks. I never hear anything about Loomer except on this forum.
Your post belongs in "conspiracy theories" or "rubber room".

What policies is Loomer pushing, against GOP orthodoxy, that Trump is supporting?

Does she have a big checkbook? Money talks. I never hear anything about Loomer except on this forum.
I saw this: To me Trump does anything he can to make leftists go berserk, and "there is no bad publicity".

Great. So you’ve identified another reason he’s unfit for office.

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