The Democrats white man problem

They’d be dis-owned and cut-off 100% and they know it. I buy pure bred dogs, I would never crossbreed my silver Labrador or my french bulldogs and I damn sure would never approve of my daughters crossbreeding.

RACIST or realist statement?
Harpy Eagle
You likening your own would be grandchildren to dogs, yourself, is just.... well it's priceless.... :lmao:
Again…I’m not afraid at all to say it…if my daughters bring home a dark boy they can fuck straight off!!!
They know this with absolute clarity.
While I do prefer to limit things like immigration and believe that cultures are better off not mixing in most cases, I don't think interracial relations should be unconditionally prohibited. In my personal experience, for example, I've found many East Asian women I've dated to have better "traditional values" than most of the white women I've dated. If your daughter was involved with a black man that had the right values and lifestyle, why would you be against it?
Again, this is something very serious in our family…If Dad doesn’t approve YOU ARE FUCKED and they know it. We are old school Harry….I know that makes you piss and all but it’s true. We don’t play NONE of that new-age regressive bullshit on any level. Sorry bud.
rule with an iron fist....yea that works....ive known dads like you....
Do you think “people like me” exist if we would have been dealing with organic, permitted by the people immigration for the last 40 years?
Again…you own this…people like me exist because you didn’t have the balls to stand against the cockroach invasion.
neither did your party for the last 50 years....
While I do prefer to limit things like immigration and believe that cultures are better off not mixing in most cases, I don't think interracial relations should be unconditionally prohibited. In my personal experience, for example, I've found many East Asian women I've dated to have better "traditional values" than most of the white women I've dated. If your daughter was involved with a black man that had the right values and lifestyle, why would you be against it?
My daughters understand the value in dating people who share the same language, religion, interests, principles and cultural values…They are 100% against the square peg round hole bullshit pushed by globalist fucks.
Fair point. The Dems openly advocate for open borders (although some here still deny it), but the GOP mostly just postures against it. The problem is that Big Business wants their cheap labor, and they own both parties.

neither did your party for the last 50 years....
How many times do you need to be told, I am not a party guy. I fucking hate both parties. I just happen to align closer to the Republican Party.
Fair point. The Dems openly advocate for open borders (although some here still deny it), but the GOP mostly just postures against it. The problem is that Big Business wants their cheap labor, and they own both parties.
How hilarious that it's capitalism that's doing you in..... :lol:

That will never not be funny to me.
Again…I’m not afraid at all to say it…if my daughters bring home a dark boy they can fuck straight off!!!
They know this with absolute clarity.
yep i have known controlling "dads" like you.....if your daughters cant be themselves and like what they like then you have already did damage....
My daughters understand the value in dating people who share the same language, religion, interests, principles and cultural values…They are 100% against the square peg round hole bullshit pushed by globalist fucks.
I agree that the globalists are pushing a false narrative regarding that. Culture does matter, and race does to a certain extent. Sex also matters.

That being said, there are black people (and other minorities) that live here that have basically the same values and traditions as conservative religious whites. Many go to the same churches even. I guess I'm just wondering what the concern is if everything matches other than skin color.
That being said, there are black people (and other minorities) that live here that have basically the same values and traditions as conservative religious whites. Many go to the same churches even. I guess I'm just wondering what the concern is if everything matches other than skin color.
I agree but my daughters are amazing beautiful young women…. we aren’t really all that interested in finding the needle in the haystack… We are all better off if they find themselves a good Christian Caucasian country boy that fits right in and his family fits right in. No need to try all the trivial bullshit.
My daughters understand the value in dating people who share the same language, religion, interests, principles and cultural values…They are 100% against the square peg round hole bullshit pushed by globalist fucks.
yea i used to get high with a white guy from a real religious conservative family.....he said if his parents knew he was getting high he would written out of the will....and his dad reminded me of how you are....
How hilarious that it's capitalism that's doing you in..... :lol:

That will never not be funny to me.
I'll put it this way -- I'm not an anarcho-capitalist. While I do agree with them on certain things, maintaining the integrity of a nation or culture requires some intervention by the state. For example, there's a good reason FDR and Eisenhower both supported keeping certain industries in the US for security reasons. You need certain domestic industries to depend on if you go to war. This is why neoliberalism without restraints is disastrous for national sovereignty.

Capitalism in its purest form does not assign any importance to nation, which is why globalism is a natural fit with it, and why so much of the Fortune 500 has embraced wokism without much resistance. Eradicating national identity and replacing it with "global citizens" is the preferred social environment for capitalism at its most extreme.

What I find humorous is that the American left doesn't seem to understand this and goes along with globalism due to the social pandering involved. As long as Big Business virtue signals about the LGBT, everything's cool for them.

Overall, I prefer capitalism as an economic system, but it needs some intervention for the sake of national sovereignty.
just think, if you would have had the balls to become passionate about something, you might not be trying to flee to a disgusting Third World shit hole now.

I am passionate about a a lot things.

I am passionate about my family.

I am passionate about living a good life.

I am passionate about travelling.

I am passionate about avoiding people who hate anyone that does not look and think just like them.

This is where I am moving...just imagine....drinking coffee watching the sun come up over the Caribbean Sea, taking a leisurely drive and having lunch in a tropical rainforest and finishing up the day sipping a mojito watching the sunset over the pacific.



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