Harris continues to move ahead

A new poll of young voters shows Harris with a commanding 31 point lead over Trump

President Biden had a young people problem. Vice President Harris may not.

In a new poll from the Harvard Kennedy School's Institute of Politics, Harris holds a 31-point lead over former President Donald Trump among likely voters ages 18 to 29.

The poll, released Tuesday, shows Harris ahead of Trump, 61% to 30%, in a match-up that includes third-party candidates. Among only registered voters, Harris’ lead drops slightly, but Trump still trails her by 23 points.

As we get closer and closer things look better and better for Harris.

But that doesn't me stop working towards the goal. It still ain;t a sure thing.
LOL a poll by Harvard undergrads finds that young people like Harris. Stop the presses.

A new poll of young voters shows Harris with a commanding 31 point lead over Trump

President Biden had a young people problem. Vice President Harris may not.

In a new poll from the Harvard Kennedy School's Institute of Politics, Harris holds a 31-point lead over former President Donald Trump among likely voters ages 18 to 29.

The poll, released Tuesday, shows Harris ahead of Trump, 61% to 30%, in a match-up that includes third-party candidates. Among only registered voters, Harris’ lead drops slightly, but Trump still trails her by 23 points.

As we get closer and closer things look better and better for Harris.

But that doesn't me stop working towards the goal. It still ain;t a sure thing.
what difference milley.jpg
As encouraging as such polls are, Democrats would be wise to not become overconfident.

There’s a great deal of fear, ignorance, stupidity, racism, bigotry, misogyny, and hate in support of Trump.
Sometimes I think Joe is acting. C Span showing a video from Thursday and Joe for stretches talking like the Prog snake he is. Stealing an election 2020 and staying in power acting demented. It was his executive order on guns. He talked very specific. Trust is difficult.
The hooker is Kamal toe. I'm ain't bothered about Trump, I'm a Brit watching you mouth froth over a hooker.
I ain't being insulting, kid, I'm talking facts.

WTF do you think Melania was doing at Epstein's parties when they met?

You OTOH are just spewing RWNJ hate filled talking points with no evidence like you always do.
  • Kamala has worn out several pairs of knee pads and glory holes. You want to elect a hooker?.......The hooker is Kamal toe.
  • Everybody knows what she does with a head
Topic for a TED Talk:
  1. Do Misogynists seek out MAGAworld?
  2. Does MAGAworld require folks to be misogynists first?
  3. Or does MAGAworld convert folks into misogynists?

I dunno, just askin', but.....but it is a curious and undeniable phenomena that so many within MAGAstan hate, diss, and resent strong women with educations and accomplishments.

I dunno why.
Unless it is that they feel intimidated? Inadequate? Jealous? Rejected?

Regardless, it is sad to see.

A new poll of young voters shows Harris with a commanding 31 point lead over Trump

President Biden had a young people problem. Vice President Harris may not.

In a new poll from the Harvard Kennedy School's Institute of Politics, Harris holds a 31-point lead over former President Donald Trump among likely voters ages 18 to 29.

The poll, released Tuesday, shows Harris ahead of Trump, 61% to 30%, in a match-up that includes third-party candidates. Among only registered voters, Harris’ lead drops slightly, but Trump still trails her by 23 points.

As we get closer and closer things look better and better for Harris.

But that doesn't me stop working towards the goal. It still ain;t a sure thing.

That includes the 18-24 year olds that kneepads called stupid and said they make bad decisions? Seems they aren't aware what she really thinks of them.

Topic for a TED Talk:
  1. Do Misogynists seek out MAGAworld?
  2. Does MAGAworld require folks to be misogynists first?
  3. Or does MAGAworld convert folks into misogynists?

I dunno, just askin', but.....but it is a curious and undeniable phenomena that so many within MAGAstan hate, diss, and resent strong women with educations and accomplishments.

I dunno why.
Unless it is that they feel intimidated? Inadequate? Jealous? Rejected?

Regardless, it is sad to see.
UI believe they seek it out because they fear women. This is the party of INCEL we are talking about here.

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