I'm Proud to be an Extremist

So, you agree you sold yours? At least you retards are honest.
I don't agree to anything. Just commenting based on observation that fucktard libs, such as yourself, have no soul to sell. Being parasites they occupy space and are a detriment to humanity. As for the followers of the annoying orange, they may be mistaken in where they place their emphasis, all the while contributing to their families, their communities, and society as a whole.
I may never understand how Christians could have sold their soul to a person like Trump.

Really, Stoopid? You say it all the time. Trump is a good con man. He is sending a message of religion, patriotism, loyalty and strength--- what is there not to like? Better still, he has delivered on it.

If you had half a brain, you'd be asking how people have sold their soul to a person like Harris. She sucks at messaging, she talks like an idiot, she hides from the media. Worst, she has a terrible history, no experience, no record of accomplishment, and her message is one of quixotic confusion promising to build and fix the very problems she has presided over for years making.

Now she runs on abortion despite the fact that abortion rates are actually UP since the Dobbs Decision, and she has the audacity to run on borders, which she is in charge of now and has been for four years, doing nothing, and in creating an "opportunity economy," whatever that is, despite telling us these past four years our economy and opportunities were already great. Plus she runs on being black despite the fact that she is 75% white and has been an Indian all her life. :spinner:
You sound really stupid when you say things like that. No one has sold their soul to Trump.

And yet you’ve all have abandoned whatever principles you might have had to rally behind a convicted felon and traitor. What would you call that? Even if you don’t think Trump is a would be or wannabe dictator, he’s still a weasly grifter who has no regard for democratic principles and the law. Sure…..y’all haven’t sold your souls at all.
Does that "extreme love" include invading Congress and trying to lynch members if your orange fuhrer lost the election or have you retards learned your lesson?
If you are a young person, may you live long enough to experience a real one. Look how your party went from Pro Israel to trending Pro Islam. It has infighting going on now on this. Endless riots that destroy, maim, threaten and kill people. And you let a Hollywood produced farce show from the Progressives destroy people for near nothing. Maye Republican voters will start seeing people running like you have in power. Even if in the minority in a new slowly turning dictatorship they will take no shit as Progs have not for a long time.
They know. They sold out their religion for political gain.
What was the political gain? You say that Trump is a political gain?

They're phonies, just as he is.
Phonies are people like you who never actually say anything but pretend to speak from some lofty, elevated position of theoretical superior knowledge while always avoiding answering real questions.

I feel bad for the real Christians. They're horrified.
So horrified that they are all voting for Kamala I bet?
BTW, are you even a Christian yourself? Or do you only pretend to speak for them too?
In fact for those of you who missed it I was basically called that yesterday in different words. Well guess what? I don't give a that's behind.

As my love for God is extreme, my love for America is extreme, my love for the US Constitution is extreme, and my love for the man who is going to save our country and make this nation is extreme.

We're nearly there folks. After four years of watching what was once the greatest nation in the world crumble before our eyes, we almost got a month left to what will be the most important election of US history.

That isn't very long at all now as it's going to be very extreme. It's also going to be extreme when the 47th president will take the stage for his victory speech and there will be an extreme deportation and the biggest one in US history. Yep, I sure am proud to be an extreme American patriot.

Extremism is a matter of perspective.
I have no obligation to validate your fantasies.
Have you noticed as we proceed through this campaign, the leftists' arguments are getting more and more non sequitur, more and more indefensible, and they sound more and more like Kamala's word salads that say nothing other than Trump, MAGAs, Republicans, anybody who isn't them are (insert about 300 negative descriptions here)?
Have you noticed as we proceed through this campaign, the leftists' arguments are getting more and more non sequitur, more and more indefensible, and they sound more and more like Kamala's word salads that say nothing other than Trump, MAGAs, Republicans, anybody who isn't them are (insert about 300 negative descriptions here)?

They think demonizing us and refusing to address ANY of the important issues of this campaign is a winning strategy. Well it may be. If so it will likely be said that God removed his blessings for this great land and deemed it irredeemable and has given it over to the demons.
In fact for those of you who missed it I was basically called that yesterday in different words. Well guess what? I don't give a that's behind.

As my love for God is extreme, my love for America is extreme, my love for the US Constitution is extreme, and my love for the man who is going to save our country and make this nation is extreme.

We're nearly there folks. After four years of watching what was once the greatest nation in the world crumble before our eyes, we almost got a month left to what will be the most important election of US history.

That isn't very long at all now as it's going to be very extreme. It's also going to be extreme when the 47th president will take the stage for his victory speech and there will be an extreme deportation and the biggest one in US history. Yep, I sure am proud to be an extreme American patriot.

Israel just blew up an extremist with a cluster of thousand pound bombs.

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