Ohio sheriff tells residents to "write down the addresses" of Harris-Walz supporters

At least a handful of Portage County residents have filed complaints with the U.S. Department of Justice and local authorities over an inflammatory social media post last weekend by Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski.

Many more, however, have expressed unease for their safety after the post, which suggested residents begin tracking the addresses of neighbors who have Kamala Harris campaign signs in yards.

If Harris wins in November, Zuchowski wrote, her supporters should open their homes to undocumented immigrants, whom he referred to as “locust.”

Zuchowski, a Republican who is up for reelection in November, did not make any overt threats in the post, but some residents said they felt unnerved by the idea of residents being put on a list because of their political beliefs.

The solution is simple ladies, vote these POS out of office at every level of government.

Vote out the Democrats
Of course.
expressed unease for their safety after the post, which suggested residents begin tracking the addresses of neighbors

Tim Walz -
Hold my beer.
Drop off the immigrants at Mar a lago and all the Trumps supporters homes then. After all it was Benedict Donald who scuttled the bipartisan border bill so he could have his favorite whipping post for the election. He truly hate this country. So does that sheriff. He should get a nice immigrant family at his home too.
You really don't expect Paul Krugman to be believed do you?

Immigrants revive nothing. In fact, what they do is make the towns they take over all but inhabitable for Americans who leave. That's what happened to Hamtramck. It wasn't revived. It was taken over.
Yes, it did, Hamtramck was a polish community 20years ago, now it is dominated by persons of middle eastern decent.
Drop off the immigrants at Mar a lago and all the Trumps supporters homes then. After all it was Benedict Donald who scuttled the bipartisan border bill so he could have his favorite whipping post for the election. He truly hate this country. So does that sheriff. He should get a nice immigrant family at his home too.
Your so-called border bill was $16 billion for the border and $63 billion for Ukraine. Did you read the bill?, this was 2023 the Dem wanted more money for Ukraine, Republicans wouldn't even talk about without the border being addressed. So that $100 billion dollar bill was the results. All the Democrat call it a border bill more leftist comedy.
At least a handful of Portage County residents have filed complaints with the U.S. Department of Justice and local authorities over an inflammatory social media post last weekend by Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski.

Many more, however, have expressed unease for their safety after the post, which suggested residents begin tracking the addresses of neighbors who have Kamala Harris campaign signs in yards.

If Harris wins in November, Zuchowski wrote, her supporters should open their homes to undocumented immigrants, whom he referred to as “locust.”

Zuchowski, a Republican who is up for reelection in November, did not make any overt threats in the post, but some residents said they felt unnerved by the idea of residents being put on a list because of their political beliefs.

The solution is simple ladies, vote these POS out of office at every level of government.
Of course, lefties need protection and a safe place, as they feel threatened by someone noting their address.

I promise you one thing nobody displaying a Trump sign or flag feels threaten, they will just confront you period.
Yes, it did, Hamtramck was a polish community 20years ago, now it is dominated by persons of middle eastern decent.
They just elected an entirely muslim City Council and Mayor. They passed a law legalizing the slaughter of sheep and goats in private homes for holy day celebrations. I remember when all they wanted was the call to prayer, five times a day on loudspeakers. They slowly but surely made the city uninhabitable for Americans. Immigrants revitalize nothing. They contribute nothing. They never improve the lives of Americans, they just strip mine Americans.
An Ohio sheriff told people to “write down the addresses” of anybody who supports Democratic nominee Kamala Harris, sparking fear and division among residents in Portage County, located 30 miles south of Cleveland.

On Friday, Portage County Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski posted the threatening message on both his public and private Facebook accounts: “When people ask me...What's gonna happen if the Flip - Flopping, Laughing Hyena Wins?? I say...write down all the addresses of the people who had her signs in their yards!” Zuchowski wrote. "Sooo...when the Illegal human 'Locust' (which she supports!) Need places to live...We'll already have the addresses of their New families...who supported their arrival!”

Bj -
Obviously, the whole thing is problematic for Ohio-
Regardless of what the brain-dead Democrat Cult Robots post here.
Well they are a threat to our demockwacy,shared values ,and institutions
An Ohio sheriff told people to “write down the addresses” of anybody who supports Democratic nominee Kamala Harris, sparking fear and division among residents in Portage County, located 30 miles south of Cleveland.

On Friday, Portage County Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski posted the threatening message on both his public and private Facebook accounts: “When people ask me...What's gonna happen if the Flip - Flopping, Laughing Hyena Wins?? I say...write down all the addresses of the people who had her signs in their yards!” Zuchowski wrote. "Sooo...when the Illegal human 'Locust' (which she supports!) Need places to live...We'll already have the addresses of their New families...who supported their arrival!”

Bj -
Obviously, the whole thing is problematic for Ohio-
Regardless of what the brain-dead Democrat Cult Robots post here.
I think the obvious response is a program to record the names and addresses of people with Trump signs in their yards. These can then be posted on a website as a service to the public. And if any of them complain, we should tell them to tone it down and get a life. Your address is a piece of public information.

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